Excision with Radiotherapy

Compare To Other Treatments

Immediately after treatment:

  • Immediately after excision, you will have stitches at the site where the keloid was removed.

Days and weeks after treatment:

  • You will likely receive the first dose of radiotherapy within the first 3 days after excision.
  • The stitches will be removed 7-10 days after excision. Your doctor may recommend taping the wound with medical tape or Steri-strips® at night for up to 6 months in order to avoid friction on the wound, which could delay the healing process.
  • Almost all patients experience temporary skin redness at the treatment site, which appears between 10 days and 3 weeks after radiotherapy.

Longer term:

  • Many patients experience skin darkening (hyperpigmentation) at the treatment site, which may take months to disappear. A small number of patients experience skin lightening (hypopigmentation) or loss of normal skin markings (skin atrophy), but these side effects also eventually disappear.
  • Another rare side effect is the appearance of small dilated blood vessels under the skin surface (telangiectasia). Unlike the other side effects, telangiectasia does not improve over time.
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