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How to Get It
Have a dermatologist or plastic surgeon? Make an appointment to get this procedure done. Don't have a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find a dermatologist or the American Society of Plastic Surgeons to find a plastic surgeon.
Read All About Chemical Peels (Light / Superficial Peels)
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October 16, 2010


Cleansed pores
Reduced hyperpigmentation
Smoothed skin
Beginnings of a fine lines DISAPPEARED!
Reduced break outs to NONE!


Lots of peeling, so if you are self-conscious, do this on a Thursday or Friday so your peeling is over the weekend.

I am a 43 yo black woman with lots of dark post breakout scars from cystic acne that I had since age 12. It decreased to moderate-severe only after 2 rounds of Accutane. For years I thought I was doomed to chronic acne. My self-esteem was the pits. I have tried many chemical peels, IPL, facials and OTC products, even luxury lines. I have been getting the V.I. Peel (not Vitalize) for almost a year. I have tried lots of chemical peels and OTC products. This is phenomenal! The sting/itch is bearable while being applied and fades very quickly. My esthetician pays special attention to my bad dark spots. After my 3rd peel a woman I know very slightly made a point to ask me what kind of skin care I was using. The results were that impressive. I would urge you to follow the instructions to the letter. Dr. Maguire has me to use prednisone cream with the moisturizing lotion for the first week to reduce inflammation and risk of addtional dark marks. I use the post peel pads and moisturizing lotion and let ABSOLUTELY no sun touch my face. without having on sunscreen. I also wear a hat. One note, don't sweat (work out/sauna etc) or else the peeling skin will bubble up early and really look weird, but it does not affect the peel. It does go away after a few hours. I go to Physician's Center for Beauty and my esthetician is Paula and she is terrific. The rest of the staff is very nice and professional. Dr. Maguire really takes his time to explain what you need to have done for your acne or other skin concerns and makes you feel very comfortable. Not at all like some doctors I have been to who made me feel like a whiner for being freaked out about my horrible cystic acne. They have never tried to sell me extra products that I do not need. I will never be without this medical staff. Even if the V.I. Peel does not work forever (nothing works forever!), I trust this staff to take good care of me and my skin problems A little
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October 24, 2011


I love at home tca peels because it is affordable and the results are amazing!


Some of them have downtime.

I have been using the Gorgeous peel from I'm Fabulous Cosmetics and I absolutely love this peel because it is safe, and there is no downtime. I got great results from it especially on my hyperpigmentation, wrinkles and acne scarring!
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November 12, 2016
Did it help your acne scarring? Like the intents?
July 15, 2008


Cheap, easy, and you can do it yourself.
Great results!!


None so far..

I am a brown skin woman with severe discoloration and acne scars. I used the 12.5% TCA peel from Makeup Artist Choice. I was very cautious with this peel because my whole acne life, dermatologist always said that TCA peel were too strong for African American skin, and would cause worse discoloration than I already have. WHAT A CROCK OF SH*T!!! The peel was great! And I didn't go over board with it. Meaning, I only did one layer and frosted minimally! I feel scammed from all of the derms I went to in the past. The TCA peel lifted 85% of my discoloration and improved my scars like 765%. This is single handedly the most improvement I have seen in any procedure I have had done, and I did it myself! I will do another peel in a month. I am going to follow the directions like I did with the peel. I apply 55% lactic acid in them mean time to prep my skin for the next TCA peel. Next time I will layer it. I think after the next peel all of my discoloration will be gone! So glad I took
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August 11, 2012


This product has really helped. I can already see a difference after three weeks.


Burning, small amount of peeling with what I use.

I have been reading the reviews for chemical peels, and I see how much people are willing to pay, and people with light scarring usually aren't aware that you can do a light weekly peel for around $10 a bottle for at home use. I use a 20% SA peel that I got on amazon, and it is reccomended that you use it once a week MAXIMUM. For heavier SA peels (like 30%) you need to wait ten days in between, so on and so on. I canot speak for glycolic acid, or other acids for that matter, but SA has helped my scarring while also helping obliterate my acne (I( have a fair amount of scarring because I was a chronic picker). Do some research online, and you will find that many people are saving money by doing light peels at home. I DO NOT reccomend doing anything higher that 30% at home, and remember: SUNSCREEN, SUNCREEN, AND MOISTURE! If you dont keep your skin moisturized, it will take longer to recover and your skin may crack.
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July 15, 2015
Hi Zilla, thank you for sharing this. What does SA stand for? Salicylic Acid?
December 13, 2009


Definitely improved some of my smaller craters and ice-pick scars. I think it makes skin look glossy and healthy, too!


You might form scabs. Just don't pick at them! They will fall off and heal nicely on their own.

Anyone would benefit from this, I think. The most important thing is not to pick at your face afterwards.
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November 5, 2009


Got rid of Pregnancy Mask


Down time, severe acne, redness, swelling, did I mention acne

Went in for a light TCA peel in hopes of reducing pore size and removing dark spots/preg. mask. I was told down time would be about 5 to 7 days. About day 5 my entire face broke out in acne(had never had acne) there were at least 200 spots on my face. Unsure of what was happening, called dr. office. They said I must be allergic to the antibiotic ointment and discontinue use. Another week passes and it is not anybetter, go to my dermatologist. Prescribed medication to dry up the spots. It is about 1 month later and I'm still not 100%. I don't think my skin will ever be the same. It is very red, sensitive, and still breaking out.
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July 27, 2009


Diminishes acne, lightens scars, evens out skin tone


peeling for a few days and trying not to pick at it

Last summer my skin was very clear and rarely had acne but when i went back to school i broke out drastically around my mouth and cheeks and left scars. After getting a peel, I don't remember which kind, not all the scars were gone but there was a definite change in the appearance of the scars and some were completely gone. I only had a mild peel but I'm getting another one within the next couple weeks stronger than before. I am hopeful that it will get rid of the rest of my scars. overall i would definitely recommend this for people who have mild-moderate existing acne and scars. and at first i freaked out because of the redness and peeling but trust me give it a week and you will be happy. and DO NOT PICK!
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April 17, 2012


Helps Even and Brighten Skin Tone
Lessens appearance of acne scar pigment
Stuff Lasts Forever


Initial Redness
If not careful can cause crusting skin which can be scary!

Overall a great product, I Used the 70% glycolic acid and would usually dilute it with a couple drops of water. Applied with a cotton ball kept on for 3 minutes at first and eventually upped to 7 minutes.
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May 29, 2011


Evens skin tone, dries acne, minimizes scars, and fine lines. When used carefully and correctly, this peel really produces results. I buy online and do the peels at home. It's inexpensive.

I've used a 12.5% TCA solution for about 3 years and my skin has improved dramatically. Used twice per month, the peel helps prevent new acne, and lessens the appearance of scarring and fine lines. It's also great as a spot treatment for painful cysts and really speeds up healing, sometimes reducing swelling overnight. I highly recommend this peel, but start at a low percentage and work your way up. Using a small amount of emu oil immediately following a peel is very soothing to the skin and helps speed up peeling.
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September 14, 2015
Not a significant effect
I have had some acne scarring and a lot of hyper pigmented blemishes over the past few years. I have had four glycolic acid peels over the past 8 weeks but I don't see a significant improvement even as far as the blemishes are concerned. I have also been religiously doing the home care regimen my aestheticism recommended which include cleansing, messaging, exfoliation and applying 5% glycolic acid at night. I don't see a significant improvement in my skin. Has anyone else had similar experience? I am wondering if it is even worth to get the remaining two peels as I have heard people usually get a series of 6.
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August 8, 2016
try increasing your glycolic acid to 30% you will see better results since your skin has already tolerated 5% be careful and follow the directions and always have a neutralizer handy it makes the peels tolerable. good luck

Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.