Topical Antibacterial
501 Reviews
Topical Antibacterial
Based on All Available Studies
Strength of Evidence
Topical Antibacterial
Side Effects
Topical Antibacterial’s Real World Take
At prescription strengths (15 - 20%) studies show it should help reduce mild-to-moderate acne by a significant and noticeable amount after 3 months or so of treatment, so that’s not too shabby. However, it is unlikely to completely clear the skin on its own.
Topical Antibacterial
How to Get It
Azelaic acid is available in 15% - 20% by prescription. Have a dermatologist? Make an appointment to get this medication. Don't have a dermatologist? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find one. Azelaic acid is also available over-the-counter in strengths 10% and lower. Here are some places you can find it online.
Read All About Azelaic Acid
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Used Azelaic Acid? Rate It:

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June 9, 2012


- doesn't cause any discomfort for me
- leaves the skin mat
- chemical exfoliation
- gets rid of all the acne AND prevents it
- smooths the skin
- lightens the red marks
- release the pores so the oils go out instead of block the pores
-It's prescription, i get it for free here


- makes my nose and my forehead greasy after couple of hours
- makes this skin sensitive on the sun if not using sunscreen, the skin gets burnt

I have been using this for some months and it saved my skin after Accutane "stopped working". I got breakouts again and didn't know what to do. I never really tried this before. So, after Accutane I got cystic acne on my jawline, cheeks. And lots of blackheads. This helps to control my blackheads with using scrubs. It got rid of all my jawline acne and cheek acne and also prevents it. My skin got to regenerate again. I still get monthly dose of acne two weeks before my period, the major hormonal changes-it can't control! My skin is smooth, no bumps and also because of all the chemical exfoliation it performs, my skin is more even, and even lighter, brighter and looks healthy.
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April 6, 2012


Moisturizes lightly
Fades marks
Reduces redness
Makes skin very soft
Prevents open zits from "regrowing" overnight


Stings for the first week
Won't control inflamed/cystic acne on its own
Expensive depending on your insurance

I have used various versions of azelaic acid for 15 years and I loooove it. It stings for the first week or so, but after that, there is no discomfort. I use it morning and night with my BPO and it really keeps my skin from becoming red, which is important, because BPO on its own will make my old marks very red/purple. It also fades old marks and reduces flakiness. My insurance does not cover it so I have been ordering it from various online pharmacies in faraway places. It usually costs me $50 for a four-month supply, which is not bad. I have not found a difference between any of the foreign 20% creams. I have never used the 15% gel.
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March 16, 2012


-Dries out pimples quickly.
-Makes your skin very soft.
-It works!


-Itching/burning if your face is too dry before applying.

Best topical I have used. Awesome stuff. I feel like my breakouts heal quicker when using Finacea. Marks are vanishing. My skin feels awesome and honestly looked better after one use. I apply it twice a day, morning and night, which might be too much for some people. Make sure you rub it in well so you aren't left with white streaks on your face :) I would definitely recommend this to anyone ready for a change. It is AWESOME.
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February 9, 2012


Reduces redness of spots
Smoothes out the skin
Keeps your skin dry but not overly dry
It actually works... Really!


It itches so much, I wanted to rip my skin off for the first week
I broke out after a few days for about a week
Small tube for £7.40, it's quite expensive
I don't think it's available over the counter

I'm 24 and I've had mild acne around my mouth and jaw since I was 18. I've tried many things such as Benzoyl Peroxide, Minocyline, not eating fatty foods, cutting out alcohol, drinking lots of water and wasting money on tons of different face washes, scrubs and moisturisers. My doctor perscribed me this cream after my antibiotics didn't seem to be doing anything after a year of being on them. I was gutted when she suggested this cream as I felt like she was getting rid of me. After two weeks of wanting to scratch my skin off after applying this cream, I began noticing my breakouts seemed to have slowed down/stopped. Let me tell you this though, my skin did seem to break out after a few days in a major way. All the little tiny bumps developed into red spots. They seemed to all come out at once and lasted almost a week. I am now a 5 weeks into using it and I can't believe how much this cream has helped. I still get the odd little spot that goes after a few days, it never gets inflamed and the spots I do get have stopped hurting. I'm going to have a few sunbed sessions to help remove the dark marks (or blend them in) but I shall continue using this cream for as long as I can. I'm due to see my doctor again in a week so hopefully she will perscribe me some more. I am absolutely delighted with this product. I only use a light scrub to help remove any dead/flaking skin.
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November 23, 2011


-Dries out pimples more quickly than any topical I've ever used before
-Inexpensive under my insurance plan
-Doesn't sting



I dab a pea-sized amount on pimples as soon as I see the beginning of one and it works to visibly reduce them overnight.
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November 7, 2011


Reduces redness caused by acne, rosacea, and PIH. Reduces acne breakouts significantly (severity and frequency). Leaves a nice matte finish.


Can be slightly stingy if you put it on without letting your face dry completely first. Slightly drying but nothing a light moisturizer can't take care of. Very pricey if you don't have insurance (glad I have it). Need a prescription.

I'm very impressed with this product. It got rid of my mild rosacea pretty much the first time I used it. I don't even get flushed after I drink alcohol or eat peppers (my two biggest triggers) anymore! I've been using it for 2 weeks now (2X a day) and I've only gotten two tiny new pimples in that time and they have cleared up within a day or two. Also, I am really surprised at how quickly this product cleared my PIH... Marks I had on my face for months literally vanished within the first week of using it. This stuff is amazing, I just wish I had tried it sooner!
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October 16, 2011


Have been using for over 10 yrs! Wonderful product. Absolutely no side effects as others describe. Purchasing it as axelex in the US and skinorin in Italy, phenomenal ! I have tied the product from Mexico without success. I am a medical,professional specializing in non surgical medical treatments and enhancements and this product has consistently preformed the best in my clients!



Give it time. In chronic or acute acne, you will always get worse as the product lifts what lies beneath to the surface. Once that occurs, you will begin to see improvement! Tip: Wash your face well am and pm and apply. Go to bed with a dirty face.... Live with your acne! Best of luck!
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October 13, 2011


It works! My skin cleared up for the first time in years within 2 weeks of using this product.


stings & tingles slightly for the first few times of use

This really worked for me, after having severe acne after stopping the pill and then even in pregnancy. This product finally gave me the relief I have been looking for. I use it at night and during the day I use the effaclar series by LaRoche Posay.
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July 31, 2011





Try it
June 27, 2011


- Really reduces clogged pores thus less pimples
- Lightens previous acne marks
- Easy to apply and doesn't smell too clinical
- One tube lasts a long time


- Can sting/tingle the first few times of usage
- Difficult to find in the UK, my doctor hadn't even heard of it, so have to have it shipped from New Zealand

I've waited 4 months before writing on here as I wanted to give the product a fair shot. While it might not be for everyone, it HAS worked for me so if this review can be of use to anyone then I'll be happy. For the first week I only used it on alternate days, finally building up to twice a day every day. I don't know if it was the skinoren or the UV lamp I started using (Beauty Skin by Dr Kern - another fantastic product), but within the first few weeks I definitely had a purge. Not terrible, at most 6-7 papules, and certainly not as big as my previous pimples. After this my skin has really improved: I went from a lot of whiteheads (clogged pores) and papules to almost no whiteheads nor any sort of papules. While the whiteheads were 'coming out' there was some redness, but this was temporary and the marks have nearly all but faded. I still get the occasional hormonal pimple but these are much much smaller than 4 months ago and go within a few days (unlike a few weeks). I would definitely recommend this product to people who are sensitive to Retin-A and BP, as I was. Please do remember that I am using this in conjunction with the UV lamp, which is excellent. Altogether I am very happy and I hope you can be too. Thanks for reading and good luck!
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Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.