Saw Palmetto

58 Reviews

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March 9, 2011


Works fast, no side effects, easy to take, reduce breakouts and oil production, cleared face and back/chest/neck, cheap,herb is good for your body 100% natural!!!!!



I am a healthy 24yr old women who had acne for 15 years, with failed attempts of clearing my skin, I happened to find a video from [link removed] about saw p. For hormonal acne. I take saw p three times a day along with Maca (regulate hormones) as well. This is a killer combo if you have PSOD like me. I checked w/ mr dr before taking these herbs, so good idea. Good luck and do your research on these two herbs if you can't get you hormones in balance, def worth a try!!
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May 29, 2016
do you still take this? :)
May 25, 2010


Works REALLY well if you have hormonal acne, specifically sensitivity to androgens.
No side effects
Works really quickly


None really. Maybe a slight decrease in sex drive but that's because it's an anti-androgen (which is a derviative of testosterone)

I tried the whole B5 / Panthothetic Acid thing that people reviewed on here and it didn't work for me. I also tried zinc and fish oil pills (made my skin softer but no reduction in acne). I now take Saw Palmetto once in the morning and once at night. It has been FABULOUS. I went from lots of those cystic, red, large zits that take weeks to go away to 1 super tiny zit every so often. Saw Palmetto essentially is like birth control pills in that its an anti-androgen without the estrogen boost. I don't need the estrogen boost (or side effects) so Saw P is the way to go for me!!!! Oh, and I saw there weren't any reviews for Saw Palmetto but there are blogs on this same website. That's actually were I found this cure. It looks like they are under Message Boards > Acne Types > Severe acne - cysts and nodules. First blow is "Pregnenolone and Saw Palmetto, Completely cleared my hormonal acne in 1 week!" There is also an excellent article on androgens and how they cause acne. It seems like hyperlinks are removed from any postings so just Google "dermadoctor AND hormones" to get the article.
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