
621 Reviews

Zinc Gluconate

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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May 15, 2008


Still early to tell


none yet

Im 25. After being on roaccutance less than 2 years ago, i broke out with milia(the under skin white bumps, that look horrible in the sunlight)and acne on my cheeks again(inflamated and red) and my self esteem has taken a huge nose dive. I went to a dermatologist and he prescribed me with one capsule of 200mg zinc gluconate a day for a month to see how it goes, I really hope it works, because i dont really want to go on roaccutane again. I will check in with my results soon, If ANYONE has a simular problem with milia and knows any treatments that work, id really like to hear about it. Thank you and GOOD LUCK everybody. Oh and he also prescibed me la roche posay cream, its wonderful for sensitive skin heres the website [link removed]
February 26, 2008


Helps acne heal faster, reduces oil production,


makes me throw up if not taken RIGHT after a full meal. If you stop taking them, even for 4-5 days, you will start breaking out again, but the good news is that if you start again, you will clear up w/in a couple weeks.

I love zinc. I have VERY sensitive skin, it is bordering on rediculous. This doesnt cause any bad reaction in my skin. It cleared me up w/in 3 weeks. Also I have noticed a real reduction in the oiliness of my skin. I stopped for a while (1 week) and my skin got really oily again, and I broke out all over my jaw. So I started up again, and now it is great. I also like to desolve a tab in a little watter or apple cider vinegar to make a past and put on spots, or all over face and leave for 30 min - 1 hr. It works great. I also use apple cider vin / 1/2 water as an astrengent, and raw honey as a mask 2x a week. works GREAT!!!!!!!
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November 27, 2007




Dried out my skin and didnt help my acne

I used 50 mg of zinc gluconate for 3 weeks and saw no improvements at all...if anything i started breaking out around my cheeks which doesnt usually happen although i cant say this is due to the zinc. Not everyone`s acne is due to a zinc defficiency so this might not work for everyone.
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May 24, 2007


none yet....nut no side effects


no difference to my skin yet

I take a tablet along with vitamin b6 for three weeks now to treat my body acne but I dont feel it does something.maybe I'll decrease the dose as its 80mg I think and i only need half.so far no imrovement but it didnt make my skin worse or other side effects
May 14, 2007
I started using Biozinc by blackmores about 3months ago not noticing any improvements, then recently read the back of the label and it stated the zinc equivalent was only 15mg, so il try and find some 50mg zinc tablets, then hopefully I will get some improvements!!!! But i do not recommend biozinc to anyone, doesnt help at all!!
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March 8, 2007


Vomiting when taken on empty stomach.

I have been taking one 50 mg zinc tablet each day for the past three days, not to help with acne but to help with immune defense. I've yet to see if I get over my cold any faster because of the zinc, and I haven't noticed much change in my complexion (except that my face is a little feverish!) The first day: I took the zinc first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, and vomitted it right back up. The second day: I took it after a meal and felt fine. The third day: I took it after a pack of Twizzlers and some Chex Mix, and felt nauseas for a while. Blah! So, it sounds like what everyone is saying is true: Don't take it on an empty stomach!