
621 Reviews

Zinc Gluconate

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April 16, 2008
this a good suplement for the acne but it hasn't cleared my skin completely, my skin look better and this is a good suplement for combat acne, if you really want to finish with acne take accutane.
March 16, 2008


My skin was touchable. Yeah, still bumps here and there but I like it. I take it as a multivitamin (Centrum)


Upset stomach. Need a good meal with it.

It works well to clear up. I'm hoping for more results soon!
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February 22, 2008


2nd most effective acne treatment I've tried, after a Paleo diet


Stomach upset and heartburn if taken on an empty stomach

I've tried everything in the book, including prescription Accutane (isotretinoin), and nothing has worked like zinc supplements and a low glycemic diet on my painful, cystic acne. To start with I had to take large doses of zinc--over 100mg a day in divided doses (and I took copper with it to avoid copper deficiency), which is not recommended over the long term--but I've been able to reduce the dosage to 50mg a day after several years on the higher dose.
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February 5, 2008


Clears skin. Works well with regimen.



I have been taking zinc gluconate for about 3 months and my skin has cleared about 75%. I take 50mg daily. However, if I forget I usually get a couple new pimples. I think I have a zinc deficiency, as I use to have ecsema. I can practically feeling it working now. Be persistent though, this stuff takes a while to work.
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January 27, 2008


Margarite Skin Zinc ($10) combined w/Zinc tablets ($8)>This stuff WORKS!!...if you stick it out through the irritation phase. Clearer skin in about 3 weeks. Younger looking, softer, even toned skin. Be prepared for compliments! Well worth the pric


Zinc tablets w/make you sick, taken on empty stomach. Take w/meal>not just a bite).Margarite Zinc Cream was very irritating and tacky/hard to apply to my already extremely sensitive skin. Made it worse; rashes, dry flacky skin.

Age: 40's. Condition:acne,seborrheic dermatitis or eczema or rosacea(diagnoised or misdiagnoised)and treated, unsuccessfully. If I treat one condition, I aggravate the other. Treatments: OTC and perscription. The ONLY treatment to have EVER worked is Prednisone,a synthetic corticosteroid drug, which was prescibed for my severe allergic reations (cause unknowned). VERY POWERFUL w/major side effects and you cannot stay on it.This is NOT my recommendation, however,it left my skin clear, smooth & toned. After the drug leaves your system, you're back to zits! Based on many reviews, I decided to try 50mg of Chelated Zinc (Nature's Plus) and Margarite Zinc Cream. WOW, the cream super aggravated my skin and made it worse, so I dropped down to every other day,continued the tablets everyday. The best way to describe it, is a "burning off" of the top layers to expose a smooth, even toned skin. Now everyday. Use lots of moisturizer to combat excessive dryness. I look 10yrs. younger! $18 for both.
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January 5, 2008


Fixes complexion, heals acne including scars from popping, helps immune system, anti-inflammatory so dont get as many big red bumps that kill to touch!!! LOVE IT!!!


My zinc tablets have to be chewed, and they are orange flavoured. they still taste REALLY bad and leave sick taste until u eat and drink something, then ur fine!

i had my formal coming up in under a month, and proactiv wasnt working, my skin was red, dry and peeling and my acne was getting worse!!! i heard someone say their friend who had terrible acne tried zinc and now they have NO acne, so i looked at dan's advice and got a zinc glucanate supplement. by the time my formal came around, my skin wasnt red, and although i had acne, they were smaller and had my olive complexion and werent inflammed, so my acne is barely visible in all the pre-formal pics!!! my skin did redden/oil up later from the humidity inside the formal, but nothing TOO bad!!!! then....i stopped taking it coz i had too many lazy days and there was never enough food to eat them with. after a week i had a massive breakout and it continued over xmas. so, on boxing day i began taking zinc again and altough it hasnt worked wonders yet, it is slowly improving. ZINC WORKS WONDERS!!!!! TRY IT IT'S A GREAT ANTI-INFLAMMATORY!!!!!
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December 19, 2007


Can be a "cure" if you've got the defficiency.


Doesnt always work and the supplements can contain ingredients such as iodine.

Worth a try, I think its helped a little with me. Could be very useful.
December 2, 2007


Helps Acne and Scarring!!


Pills are very hard to swallow. Took three weeks to see results. I had an initial breakout.

I used 50 mg chelated zinc with nature's bounty fish oil. I had a bad initial breakout and it took 3 weeks for me to see results but the acne seems to finally be improving. Keep at it!!
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July 27, 2007


Help's my skin stay clear.


None so far.

I have been taking 2 zinc a day for about a week now, and it's really helped with keeping my skin clear.
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July 21, 2007


It really works and it's inexpensive.


Take with food, but not with dairy (calcium interferes with absorption)

I started using it after I hit 40 and began breaking out on my chin and chest. It works really well for me. I take 25 mg per day. I also take a multi-vitamin because zinc can deplete copper.
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