
621 Reviews

Zinc Gluconate

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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August 1, 2008


Zinc works wonders, my skin has never been this clear.


Will get nauseated, even with food.

After suffering for a long with acne, going to dermatologists and using antibiotics for years, I decided to try zinc. I can not believe how well it works for me. It has done more for my skin than any antibiotic or retin-a. I still get a few spots (usually hormone related), but overall my skin is crystal clear. I am so grateful I actually tried this.
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July 31, 2008


Helps the redness of my pimples go down pretty fast and keeps other pimples away


You have to eat something or you can't take it

I had severe acne this one day, and I complained to my mom the day before, so she got me these 50mg zinc pills, and I took one along with a bowl of chicken noodle soup. That night I noticed the redness of my pimples went down and I continued it for a week along with lemon juice. and I didn't have acne for a few months. Then I started getting lazy and forgot to use the zinc for a few days, and I got moderate acne marks. Now I have to star all over again...
July 8, 2008


Works in conjunction with other treatments really well


If you take it on an empty stomach, you will puke!!!

Worth a try
July 2, 2008


Nothing yet



Am going to use it till the bottle is finished and see what happens. Nothing has helped me in nearly 30 years so my expectations are fairly low. Accutane (maximum dosage) stopped the large painful bumps but I am still covered with blackheads and scars.
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June 17, 2008


works really well


upset stomach if to much at once

Peoples please PLEASE write which sort of zinc your taking eg zinc oxide/zinc gluconate/zince amino chelate etc, AND THE DOSE! HUGE difference-I was on chelated zinc 50mg daily, which was a miracle cure, then switched to zinc gluconate for 4 months, and I was back with terrible acne. Switched back to chelated, skin clear. Zinc definately has the potentially to cure acne but we need to figure out why it's not working for some people
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June 13, 2008


there is improvment. I hope it work for me 100%

I take zinc for about three weeks now, and my skin is a litter better. it is a good start. I hope my skin will be better as the time pass. i will keep take Zinc.
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May 22, 2008


Pricing: Real Cheap!
Results: Worked after the 1st day and overnight. My face is clearing
Takes control of whiteheads overnight[dries them out] & decreases nodules. Clears out your immune system & supports carbs,protein,fat, & energy metabolism


Depending on the amount of mg, Take it once a day: you can overdose if you take too many!
Eat after a full meal. If you don't do this you can experience Nausea or vomitting

I am using Nature's Bounty Chelated Zinc 50 mg for a few days now ( Since May 16th 2008). I bought these from CVS pharmacy and I only take 1 tablet a day. I needed something to control my acne and esecially breakouts, have my skin clear up & heal scarring.[ I used to break out real bad everyday].The Zinc tablets are very healthy. I have severe acne and i'm using Dans Regie with Zinc Tablets. It has helped my face clear and breakouts are down over 85% out of 100%. The Zinc tablets have been awesome!! i'm very happy. I'm glad I took the advice from the personalized quiz from acne.org.
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April 26, 2008


heals my pimples fast!


do not take this on an empty stomach,or else it will bring you to a dizzy day! haha

you can see result after 3 days of taking it!! my acne dries up fast and lessen the production of oil on my face!! this is awesome! try it! its cheap and effective. I've tried proactiv but it never help..
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April 24, 2008


Inexpensive & not topical.


Like most people have mentioned: You must take it after food or you'll have stomach pains.

I was really skeptical when I came on this site and saw all the testimonials in zinc's favor. I figured I must've got enough in my diet, so something else should be the cause of my (moderate but persistent) acne. I went to [link removed] and noticed that the amount of zinc in foods I eat was so negligible compared to the recommended amount suggested here (50ish mg). I bought a 50mg Zinc supplement and a multivitamin. After a couple weeks I noticed a significant improvement in my skin without using my benzoyl peroxide. Try it. It's super cheap - I bought generic CVS tablets.
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April 18, 2008


made my face less oily in a matter of two days.
toned skin instantly..
smOOooOOthed it out a bit.


none yet...not even an upset stomache.

I'm 17 and i've had severe acne since i was like 12. on my face, my BACK especially(i cant even wear a bathing suit :( or tank tops), upper arms (shoulders &all around my bra strap), a little bit of acne on my chest. ive tried zinc gluconate for about 3days at about 150mg, and im already starting to see an even tone and smoother skin! but ive also been scrubbing my back with Clean &Clear in the shower with a back brush..but zinc helped make my skin LESS OILY...just a little bit of change with the zits, but i have a feeling this will work!..ive tried tetracycline and minocycline in the past, but i wasnt faithful to those as they made my skin irritated..zinc has yet to upset my stomach or irritate my skin!! Oh yeah, zinc is good for teens i heard because it BALANCES HORMONES..which is a leading cause for teenage acne, out of whack hormones.in a couple days ill probably reduce to at least 100mg of zinc so i wont become deficient in another vitamin or mineral (2much zinc wil do this).