Vitamin E

361 Reviews

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April 9, 2011


~Very hydrating for skin when used topically
~Relatively cheap
~Helps heal acne after it's been extracted quickly
~Helps minimize scarring


~Doesn't completely absorbe, so I wear it at night, but it will come off on your pillow so make sure to put it on before you lay your head down to let it work it's magic.

I have used vitamin e topically after a pimple has come out for years now, and it heals it a lot faster than it would without it. It also reduces the scarring...I never end up with permenant scars, ever. I get the capsules and cut them open, and depending on how bad my acne is I use one or two a night (I also use it for any dry spots and around my eyes because it hydrates so well!)
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February 15, 2011


Lightens: Scars, Hyper pigmentation, and sometimes even acne (I say lighten and not remove because it's only been about 2 weeks but the results are stellar)
Makes skin feel good and you should apply it before you go to bed (with the pill pop it and apply like any other mask) it's important to remain consistent, I've remained consistent for 2 weeks and I notice a huge difference in the red marks and acne scars they've been lightened by a noticeable amount!


None really just a little sloppy but that isnt really a problem.

Get this product if you have acne scars and/or marks. It takes a couple of days to see the first results but as you consistently use Vitamin E your scars will be much less visible, trust me it works on most types of scars, just use it consistently and I look forward to how much more my scars heal even after these amazing 2 weeks!
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February 8, 2011


results visible fast
doesn't break me out
lightens scares
cheap to use


does not completely fade the scares

first i rinsed my face with warm water. then got a measuring cup put apple cider vinegar to 1/4 cup then added with hazel to 1/3 line then warm water to fill 1 cup. use cotton ball and rub on face. Let sit for about 10 minutes. Rinse off without using soap. Then use a cotton ball and rub vitamin E oil a thin layer. this cleared my face within 2 weeks and scares lightened.
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January 10, 2011


visible results immediately
doesnt cause breakouts


gets on pillowcase/sheets
lightens marks but doesnt completely fade them

i prefer roll on vitamin e as opposed to the stuff in the bottle that makes your fingers sticky.i use nature's gate roll on vitamin e oil.i buy it at whole foods. it works great at shrinking pimples overnight, makes skin smoother,shallow indents appear softer and less noticable, and my overall skin tone is more even and has a healthy glow.i have extremely sensitive skin and most products break me out, this is the one of the few products that doesnt.i apply it 30 mins before bed and when i wash it off in the morning my skin looks awesome. much better for acne prone skin than those creams that have fragrance and a million different irritating ingredients in them.i have oily skin and was pleasantly surprised to find that it makes my skin less oily.i wish it did a better job of fading hyperpigmentation however its still amazing stuff! i highly recommend!!!
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December 2, 2010


-easy to swallow since i take it orally
-ive noticed that my breakouts dont look too bad as they used to
-reduces redness
-noticed change in about 2 days



i started taking vitamin E about a week ago and im happy.this didnt stop me from breaking out but it has helped with reducing redness.its also easy to swallow.i hope to go to a dermatologist soon because i hate pimples!!!and there are days when im clear and happy but thats only for like not even a week!but with the vitamin E i can say that it has helped making my breakout not so bad.i also put it on the pimples and it totally reduces redness!so i think its worth a try it=)
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October 12, 2010


Helps even skin tone (including angry, red scars)
Makes skin feel moisturized (but not overly... doesn't seem to be clogging my pores either)
Easy to use


A bit sticky like honey, but I don't really consider that a problem.

So I've had moderately sever acne pretty much my whole life. I've tried over the counter washes/medications, and prescriptions (Retin-A, Duac). Sometimes they worked for awhile, but for the most part the chemicals made my face dry and scarred. So I decided to try the all natural method... I know different things work for different people, and what may work for me could indeed break someone else's face out even worse... but I felt like I should share my success. Maybe someone else could benefit from it too! For about a week now I've been washing my face with a mixture of: 1 teaspoon (or so) of baking soda, honey, a few drops of tea tree oil, few drops of water, and the oil from one vitamin E capsule. I just mix everything together in a little bowl until it's a not too thick, not too thin consistency. Then wash my face with it in the morning and night. At night (or even in the afternoon, if I don't have to see anybody) I prick a hole in a vitamin E capsule and cover up any acne scars/spots I have. The oil takes awhile to absorb, which is why I do it at night. If there's any extra oil in the capsule at night, I just swallow the pill... supposedly it's good to take it internally as well. I've been doing this for a little over a week now and... wow... my face is clearer than it has been in a LONG time! My red acne scars have faded and evened out... and my face is actually smooth! I had two acne cysts (you know... the pain-in-the-butt, painful kind). After a few days of using that face wash and vitamin E they are nearly gone! I'm so surprised and amazed... I hope it lasts! Surprisingly, the extra greasy oil from the vitamin E hasn't broken me out... so I will keep it up! Good luck to you all out there!
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July 29, 2010


works pretty quick.
makes skin feel good.
very cheap 6 bucks for 2 bottles.



this stuff is amazing! when im home all day and dont feel like doing anything ill keep applying it only to my scars or acne cuts because im a picker and by the next day they look so much better. i had 3 yesterday that were quite red because the scabs just fell off i put it on all day and slept with it on at night and this morning they look amazing i can barely see them.
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July 8, 2010


My face felt renewed the next morning. I used 1 whole 1000IU on my face and neck and massaged the residue on my hands, cuticles, elbows and knees to use up the thick oil left on my palms.


Very thick like honey so its hard to spread.

I have not been using it long enough to tell any difference in acne or scar repair but after just ONE application, I could tell a huge difference in my skin the next morning. I have oily skin with dry patches occasionly, monthly breakouts, large pores, fine lines, black heads and scars. Normally when I do a deep clean, my face feels very tight and the skin is tender and red. As soon as I applied the Vit E oil my skin cooled and calmed, the red faded and the tightness was instantly gone. It was very very thick and difficult to smooth out, I used the whole capsule. When I woke the next morning there was not one bit of oiliness left. My face was soft and smooth and felt moisturized and it hasnt seemed to get as oily throughout the day as it normally does. I will be thrilled if it actually reduces my pores, lines and scars! Oh yea and my skin tone was much improved, much more even. I definitely recommend and will continue using it myself.
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June 15, 2010


Reduces the appearance of scars.
Smoother skin.


None, if applied the right way.

This is the only thing that had worked for me. Everyone should try this: Cleanse your face. Always use WARM WATER so the stuff you're putting on your face can actually do something (penetrate the pores) Use a honey&aspirin mixture on your face for 30min, then exfoliate. Apply Bio-oil and massage for 10-15 minutes If you have large pores, use olive oil and massage on your face for 10-15 minutes. Then, use a Vitamin E capsule and massage your face for 10-15 minutes. Do NOT slather your face in oil; a tiny bit goes a LONG way. This WILL make you break out, so use a salicylic-based medicine on top of your acne-prone area after the last step. I'm not too comfortable with benzyol peroxide because it is too harsh on the skin. This actually works. Don't try to hurry up the massaging process because it's really important if you want to see results. Also, you need to KEEP on doing this to see results.
June 10, 2010


Lightens/vanishes scars!
Easy to use
Smooths skin!


Kind of sticky

I had severe acne from birth control pills and I tried EVERYTHING to first, get rid of the acne, and then second, get rid of the scarring from the acne. I used to put on benzoyl peroxide at night, but that dried out my skin too much and I still had acne in the morning and no change in scarring. I read on this site about how vitamin E has worked for many people in terms of scarring. I bought Nature's Gate Roll On Vitamin E oil and started to use it at night. I would recommend waiting about 20 minutes before heading to bed so the oil can penetrate your pores. I noticed a big difference after just three weeks! It has been three months since I started using it and the scars have almost completely disappeared! My acne has also gotten so much better. I plan on continuing to use it since it works so well for me. I definitely recommend the product!
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