Vitamin E

361 Reviews

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December 5, 2007


It works good as soon as it goes on


can make your face feel very greasy

It works good,just dont use too much or you could increase your acne,and it also gets rid of any redness you have from previous or oncoming pimples
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November 28, 2007


It reduces scars, and if taken internally it reduces redness of whole face.


messy, ruins bedcovers.

It doesn't help much with acne, even though it might at first, it only clears up acne u may have picked *ahem*, or marks left from fading acne. It's cheap? i guess, idk i don't pay for it. It's nice to wake up in the morning and see your face is better. This is not a cure for acne, but it helps A LOT with the fading, so try something else along with this.
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November 12, 2007
i am suffering from acne scars for about 4 years recently i heard abt vitamin E capsules i went and about NatueMade vit E 400 i.u. dl -alpha , please let us know is this the right one ?
October 30, 2007


I have been using Vitamin E oil on my face for months. My face appears flawless. I would recommend this product highly to anyone! :)



Try the product for a will see a positive difference in your is a good thing!
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October 22, 2007


Makes your skin clear, soft, dewy, and even looking. Gets rid of scars and red marks left by acne. Inexpensive.


Thick, greasy, somewhat unpleasant smell. Might exacerbate existing acne.

I've been taking vitamin e gel caps internally as well as externally on my face for about a week now and I can definitely see results. I have red marks on my face from acne I had years ago that are now shrinking. The only problem is that because my skin wasn't used to it at first it caused me to break out in some areas. Also, it's not a good idea to use the oil over existing acne, as it will only make it worse. But for scars and marks, this is a great way to go. And it wont break your wallet.
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October 19, 2007


Vitamin E capsules very inexpensive.


Thick, a bit messy. Put a little hot water in a cup, swirl capsule for a couple of seconds in the water, carefully pour out water leaving only capsule in your hand then carefully squeeze out the warmed oil onto finger tips for easier application.

I have some facial hyperpigmentation and have noticed a difference in less than a week. I use it twice a day. I found a great mineral face powder (called ERTH MINERALS [not a typo]) that does not contain the sparkly flecks. I apply the vitamin E then brush a bit of the mineral powder over that. It looks and feels great and so light. I get a nice matte finish and it does not clog my pores. I love it.
October 14, 2007


nice glow, fades scars, hydrates the skin, balances skin tone


feels a bit greasy going on, and if using capsules on face can be really obvious - so best to use at night, or when staying at home

I bought Jamison ultra rich vitamin e creme for the face, and have used it for 3 nights, and i can honestly say i notice a difference in the scaring already. the cream feels really thick, but it hasnt caused me to break out (Even though i have realtively oily skin). in addition i put some capsule vit E oil on to the trouble areas, and nixoderm or proactiv spot treatment onto existing zits. i look really funny at night, but this is working! my skin is definetly more even and glowing. the jamieson cream is also cheap. I think same results can be achieved just using the capsules, but the creme has a 30, 000IU so in my mind i feel it'll work faster. im a product junkie, and have bought everything from murad (SO BAD!) to le mer, to proactiv...and jamison is the cheapest and im loving it so much! try it! you have nothing to loose. except your scars.
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September 27, 2007


Fade scars and leaves face smooth, soft, and healthy


It is greasy, thick, makes your face shinny, and can turn white when makes contact with water

I have been using Vitamin E on my face for about 4 years. I hyperpigment easily and this takes care of the scars in matter of days. I will suggest buying the vitamin E capsules and applying the gel on your face before bed. This way you don’t have to walk around looking like you have a face full of grease. It is great!
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August 23, 2007


This is the best product i have ever tried on my face, my belmishes have faded completely and my sunspots have all gone. My complexion is glowing, its amazing. Not only does it get rid of scars, its preety much the best moisturizer.


Its preety thick and very shiny when you apply it but it eventually tones down, and trust me it is well worth it.

The stuff is cheap and it works you have nothing to loose. Doesn't matter what brand...but get at least a 400 IU, you want it to be potent.
August 15, 2007


My skin has cleared up really good. I have a glow that no beaty product I have brought over the years has given me.


It is a little thick when you apply it. But when you wake up in the morning you skin feels great.

I've dealt with acne and scaring all of my life. I'm a big pimple picker so I have a lot of scaring.I can for the first time in my life say I love my face I get so many compliments on my skin if people only knew.
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