Nature's Way : Vitamin A

53 Reviews

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February 2, 2017
Get the beta carotene vitamin A to stay non toxic!!!
Beta carotene as vitamin A supplement is totally safe and you can not over dose. Eat sweeet potatoes to increase your natural dose of vitamin a well- read on the acne free culture of the Kitavan people. Cheers to clear skin!!! [link edited out]
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November 29, 2016
This stuff is a miracle worker!!!
Hey guys so im new one here i actually just signed yp to write a review so others can know how much this stuff works!!! So just a little background on my years of acne. So in high school i had perfect skin onky a blemish here and there. My sistee was using pro active and i said "hey lets try this what coukd it hurt" right?!?!?! WRONG!!! My face went crazy i had a terrible reaction to the pro active! !! This was all very new to me, i was the girl everybody complimented on how beautiful my skin was. I stopped taking pro active but not before it left me a lil something behind CYSTIC ACNE!!! MY confidence and self esteem went way down. So my dad took me to the dermatologist and with all tne pills, creams, and ointments nothing worked k was gettinf very frustrated. So i stopped taking everything they prescribed me and just didnt do anything. After years of partying my face showed it i was in college and we drank a lot. So I stopped partying and just taking better care of myself and my cystic acne started going away (i got very lucky ). But i still had a lot of scarring and mild acne so i said enoughs enough lets try something you havent tried before. So instead of rubbing over the counter face sh*t i said let's fix this from within. BEST DECISION I HAVE EVER MADE!!! My best friend gave me some of her vitamins she takes and with it there was vitamin a and the green supplement you take to get in your daily veggies. So after one day of taking both of em i woke up the next morning and my skin was glowing!!!! I couldnt believe it even with the mild acne before my face never glowed unkess i had make up on. So i continued doing what i was doing. I kept to my skin care regime which is cetiphil face wash for sensitive skin, then i started steaming my face with just hot water and a rag, then after that i use beauti control face toner. I jjst take a cotton pad and use a lil bit at night. But ive bee using this regime for over a year and i still had mild acne. My face is so sensitive that i cant use any benzo products or salicylic acid products it irratates my skin. So its bee a week and this morning i woke up and my boyfriend goes babe your skin looks amazing!!!!! Weve bee together for over 4 years so he knows the struggle I've had with acne. So i went to the mirror in the bathroom and OMG I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT!!!! My face is less red, my scars are fading and no new pimples! !!! I also use honey and lavendar as a spot treatment. You dont need much just a dab of botb especially lavendar because its very potent!! All i do is dab it on a pre existing pimple or ome that i feel is coming in and the next day poof its almost completely gone!!! So just to let you know what i took, i use vitamin a 10,000iu from gnc and the supplement is called all day energy greens. I hope this helps anybody whose struggling with acne i know how much this ruins peoples self esteem. If anybody has any questions please ask i feel as though this is a total game changer i know it has been for me!!!
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February 11, 2017
I just tried doxycycline and I broke out so bad. I've only been on it for less than three weeks and I was getting two Cystic pimples a day. I couldn't take it anymore and finally researched and found vitamin A works for some people. Do you take (1) vitamin A tablet a day? Do you have any side effects from taking it?
February 11, 2017
I just tried doxycycline and I broke out so bad. I've only been on it for less than three weeks and I was getting two Cystic pimples a day. I couldn't take it anymore and finally researched and found vitamin A works for some people. Do you take (1) vitamin A tablet a day? Do you have any side effects from taking it?
February 11, 2017
I just tried doxycycline and I broke out so bad. I've only been on it for less than three weeks and I was getting two Cystic pimples a day. I couldn't take it anymore and finally researched and found vitamin A works for some people. Do you take (1) vitamin A tablet a day? Do you have any side effects from taking it?
March 28, 2018
What brand was the energy greens from??? Please reply thank you.
October 24, 2016
20,000 IUs worked for me
I have oily, hormonal acne skin. Before vitex, taking 10,000 IUs of vitamin A did not seem to make a difference. About six weeks after vitex started clearing my skin, I wanted to clear out some stubborn old zits so (after careful research) I doubled my vitamin A to 20,000 IUs and it made a huge difference. Aside from some initially very dry lips, I have had no negative side effects and my skin tone improved dramatically. The old stubborn pre-Vitex cysts are clearing out and my old blemishes are less noticeable.
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November 20, 2016
Can I buy Vitamin A pills over the counter?
October 26, 2018
How long did you take it before noticing a difference?
August 8, 2016
Hi everyone! I have been lurking on these boards for a while now trying to find my almighty cure and I have finally found it thanks to you guys! Ever since I switched my birth control a few months ago , my skin has gone haywire. I wouldn't say its HORRIBLE, but moderate acne feels horrible to me. I do the oil cleansing method with coconut oil and take zinc which manages it but I still get bumps here and there and it sucks and took a toll on my self esteem. I read all over that other vitamins can help cure you from the inside. I had nothing else to loose so I thought I might as well try. I bought some NOW brand Vitamin A 25,000 IU tablets, some SPROUTS brand Vitamin E 400 IU and take it with my zinc 50 mg tablets.I take one each after I eat my breakfast. LET ME TELL YOU.... I HAVE NOT HAD ONE BUMP SINCE TAKING THESE!!!!! I am in complete shock! This along side with my habits of drinking lots of water has cleared my skin! So PLEASE, if you are feeling sad and fed up with your skin, just try it you have nothing to loose! :D EDIT: i bumped my vitamin a intake to 10,000! At 25,000 iu it made my skin quite dry! Best of luck to you all!
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May 27, 2017
I've been taking 100,000iu for a few weeks now and i don't have any of the effects yet.. My skin is still oily and I get pimples here and there almost every day. I've also been on vitamin E and zinc gluconate 50mg as well, and my acne is still here. Any advice?
June 15, 2016
Okay guys, I NEVER write reviews, but I really have to for this!! Background: I havw had acne since beggining of 2014 it is now mid 2016 I have tried every thing under the sun. I had beautiful skin in highschool started breaking out at 21 years old and I'm now 24. The breakouts turned CYSTIC in 2015 and I was on anti biotics, went vegan, went gluten free, supplemented with many different things, took probiotics , used oil cleansinf method and no soap, I even got neurotic and bought a water filter, showerhead filter, things would work for a bit but it always came back and with a vengeance. O feel confident in writing this review becUse it has been one full month mega dosing vitamin A with my naturopathic doctor, you guys, am seriously 100% clear. I drink 100,000 iu of vitamin A Muldoon drops in a glass of water after breakfast. I cleared up after one week and it's stayed consistantly clear. Cystic acne AND tiny closed comedones I had on forehead , this is amazing. It is a very high level of vitamin A but I have ZERO side effects. Other than clear skin, I leave the house without makeup and have self confidence and NO anxiety. Please please give vitamin A a try!!!! I wish I tried years ago.
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July 7, 2016
you are sexy as hell. Thanks for sharing though
June 9, 2016
Here we go again...
I'm about to start taking a daily 10,000 IU dosage of Vitamin A (retinyl palmitate, a little bit less potent than retinol) while also applying Epiduo at night (I haven't seen a change while on Epiduo but I'm scared to stop the treatment). I hope this works and I can finally get rid of my mild acne. Could anyone tell me if this is a safe or good idea? Thank you. :)
May 25, 2016
Helps with oily skin
Last July/August, I started taking GNC's capsules which had 5000 iu vitamin A & 400 iu vitamin D twice a day. It helped a lot with making my skin less oily. Before, my skin used to look so shiny just an hour after washing my face & I used to carry soap to school to wash my face at lunch time. By September I was able to get through the school day without washing my face. Sometimes I just need to blot with a tissue. It didn't make my skin 'dry' though. I'd still say I have oily skin but it's way less problematic now. Now I take a higher dosage of vitamin D with it (2000 iu) & I also take other supplements. It also helped with acne but I will say it's not a cure all.
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May 9, 2016
I was severely depressed being 24 and still having horrible acne. Okay not horrible it was mild but it was a build up because I dealt with severe acne growing up and the only thing that made it mild was dieting , cutting out dairy and sweets and cows milk I switched to almond milk and I went to an allergist to find out I was also allergic to eggs and peanuts which gave me forehead and chin acne. I sacrafice and cut these all out and started to lose a lot of weight because I was paranoid if every food because I still Mildly broke out. I took vitamin A before when I was about 18 and broke out so badly that I just toss the whole bottle but it was the beta caretone version. This year my sister said she was gonna try NOW brand vitamin A and I warned her that it broke me out badly in the past and not to. But she listened to the good reviews on here and purchased. I notice that her skin was clearing after a week and so smooth and then after three weeks no new acne. I had nothing to lose I was so depress because I my mild acne was becoming bad again and I was tired of losing weight and watching my diet so much. I tried her bottle before I bought my own and listen to me, my skin PURGED! This is retinoids version so idk if there is a difference with beta caretone but this version also broke me out in the first 4 days. I'm at th point of my life where there is nothing to lose so when I purged I didn't even react much like I use to. It's either you wanna purge to clear skin or you want to not purge and not ever experience the great affects of Vitamin A. The purge was like a week and then my skin started clearing and better yet HEALING! My red marks started getting a faded gray which is better because it was easier to lighten with fade cream! I'm a Caremel African American and I started to scar so easily until this vitamin. You want to know the best part of the vitamin? I can eat what I want now ! I still avoid peanuts and eggs but sweets I can finally eat again because vitamin A helps so much that I stopped breaking out. If I do it's sooooo small and last like a day or two, really small small small bump. So small and that's rarely. I have my life back and even though I'm healthier now with my diet since I'm use to it now I can still cheat and eat what I want and not suffer consequences. If you take this vitamin please take vitamin d3 with it which also helps with skin. Also make sure you take one a day not two, and also buy NOW version (Retinol) thank you so much vitamin A, my bacne is gone, my acne is pretty much non existence and I'm not scared of food anymore. It really saved my life and saved my summer. Also thank my sister for not listening to me. Acne will slowly cure or greatly vanish from the ROOT problem. Not just external factors you have to start from internal! Try it!
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March 26, 2016
Truly the only thing in the world that really, really works--but be careful!!
I have self medicated on Vitamin A after Accutane completely changed my life, then failed me after a year :/ I started with 10,000 IUs a day and bumped up to 20,000... my skin is as perfect as it is going to be without time taking away my scarring (which is not bad at all, really, thank god). I literally have no blemishes on my face right now...not even a little one...and this is coming from someone who, just a month ago or two ago, and some pretty bad cystic legions. I am also 5'4 and 120 pounds. This really works but PLEASE, don't be stupid and take 100,000 IUs a day, that's a good way to get extreme, irreversible liver damage. Start off at a reasonable ratio to your body weight. It doesn't take much for it to be effective. It's worth mentioning that I also wash with Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap and CeraVe for oily skin, and use a Retin-A cream every night, along with a mask for half the week.
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September 12, 2014
Finally a miracle!
Hello, I just wanted to say I'm a 31 year old female who has suffered from cystic acne for about 10 years now. I work in a spa and have tried many laser treatments, chemical peels, detoxes, drinking clay..... and oh the list goes on and on. I'm sure most of you can relate! The ONLY thing that has helped has been Vitamin A. My homeopathic doctor put me on a daily dose of 100,000IU's of vitamin A and my skin is acne free! I was worried about such a high amount building up in my system since Vitamin A is not water soluble but my doctor said it was fine. If you get headaches you should cut back to 75,000IU's or lower. I'm not a doctor so I would suggest meeting with yours before going out and trying this but it has absolutely been a miracle for me. I also drink about 100 oz's of water a day, follow a clean diet, and start my day with a green smoothie that has ginger and turmeric in it to help clean toxins from my liver and reduce inflammation in my face. Once in awhile I do a two week cleanse with a liver detox. Good Luck!
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January 23, 2017
Did you get chapped lips from this?