Vinegar (as a topical)

606 Reviews

Vinegar Pictured:
Made from select sun-ripened grain, diluted with water to a uniform pickling and table strength of 5% (50 grains) acidity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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July 30, 2008


Shrinks pores, takes away redness, lightens red scars


Smells bad, stings your skin if you don't dilute it

I love this stuff! It's cheap and natural and works great. I use it after I wash my face at night (I don't use it in the morning because I don't want to smell like vinegar all day). First I dip a cotton ball into some water, and then into the vinegar. I wipe it onto my entire face and let it dry before putting on my moisturizer. Everybody should try this!
July 23, 2008


works almost instantly, easy to use, affordable


none at all

i have been using this product for two whole days and my acne is almost completely gone. i can't even believe it. okay so yesterday morning i started drinking it, in water and honey, 3-4 times a day. just basically always drinking water throughout the day (as usual) and always having some ACV in it. i also have been applying it topically all over my face a few times a day -- just rinsing my face and re-applying it whenever i felt like it. i was pretty determined, man! anyway, i have come to love the taste of it, not only because mixed with water and honey it tastes like some kind of crazy apple juice, but it's saving my life for real. i love this sh*t! it proves that you don't need to spend a million dollars on a prescription face wash or cream. it's all about the natural remedies, baby! i'm so down with this stuff!!!!
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July 14, 2008




stinky, like everyone else says, but the smell completely evaporates in about 2 minutes

I love this because it's the best thing I've tried and yet the very cheapest (and I've tried Proactive, too). If this was in a bottle and marketable as an acne product, you could easily sell it for $30 a bottle; I'd buy it at least. There are some things you can do to minimize the smell like adding essential oils to it. I have been using coconut oil to take my makeup off (rub coconut oil on the face to dissolve makeup and then wipe clean with a wet rag), and then I soak a cottonball in the diluted ACV (about 2 parts water, 1 part vinegar) and that takes off every trace amount of anything while making my skin look wonderful afterwords. Literally I saw the improvement in my skin the very first time I put it on. And my skin no longer has those pesky dry patches, as this has restored my natural PH balance. At first it might make your skin a little red for the first couple of minutes, but once your skin adjusts to it, it no longer does it. I would recommend this to anyone and everyone!!!
July 13, 2008


Cheap, Organic, You can drink it too!!


Smell sorta, and a little stinging..

I have had acne for about 2-3 years now, but i now use apple cider vineger every day about twice a day, and trust me..within a week you wil have smoother skin..and your acne will start going away. For the results, smell doesnt really matter to me!!
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July 12, 2008


Reduces redness and the appearance of scars. Cheap !


Kind of smells and stings at first.

I didn't believe it at first, but this stuff actually is beneficial, cheap, and you see results without having horrible consequences as dry skin, more breakouts or what not. Using it at night, wash your face with a mild cleanser to get rid of all the oil/dirt/makeup you were wearing throughout the day, then use either full strength or dilute the ACV 50/50 ( half warm water, half ACV ) if you think it stings too much. Apply it with a cotton ball or pad to your face, and let it dry. Lotion is unnecessary, the ACV leaves your skin to a nice balance between the natural oils of your face. By the next morning you should see improvements . Should probably only use it at nice since it kind of smells bad, use a daily cleanser/toner/lotion/sunscreen/etc during the day. Try it ! I'm very impressed by something so simple.
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July 10, 2008


ACV is natural and has so many other health benefits


addiction to the stuff! (cause it works so well)

Unlike evil alternatives like Accutane (rather put up with pimples)ACV is natural, safe and works! Plus, the added health benefits are awesome. I also suffer from bad circulation and stomach upsets which ACV seems to also be sorting out. So, i recommend you have nothing to lose trying Apple Vinegar and everything to gain. I now have my sister and best friend hooked after seeing how my crappy skin has improved in such a short time
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July 3, 2008


It's natural... no wierd chemicals for your skin to absorb. It actually seems to be helping.


Slight burn initially, but only for a moment and, yes, the smell is pretty overpowering for a couple minutes. I have sensitive eyes that start watering when I use it.

I never had much acne in highschool.. just a pimple or two every now and then. Now, at 25 years old, my face has been exploding non-stop. SO frustrating. It started a few years ago but has gotten to where I have permanent patches of deep red scars and eruptions on each cheek, plus random spots on my forehead, nose, chin, neck, etc. I naturally have more dry skin (everywhere, and dry hair), so when I tried ProActive (and most any acne medication), it just made my skin horribly dried out and flaky and red. As far as diet, I do ALL the stuff you're supposed to do. I'm a total hippie food snob. After spending literally hundreds of dollars on natural products that didn't clear my skin, I overhauled my entire regimen this week and only washed with natural soap, rub ACV on with a cotton ball after I wash my face at night, and during the day use only a natural tinted moisturizer on my face for foundation. It seems to actually be helping. Not completely clear yet, but improvement.
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June 19, 2008




my boyfriend hates the smell

Works great - exfoliates, desinfects, restores proper PH for acne skin (it should be slightly lower in order for skin's ability to exfoliate itself). I saturate a cotton ball with it, put some water on it and rub my face. When my acne was worse, I didn't even dilute - just used full strength. It burned but was tolerable. Not for maintanance I use it slightly diluted.
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June 19, 2008


Smooth, clear skin and CHEAP!



I read about applying acv as a toner for black&white heads and acv also helps to reduce the redness & scars, so I tried it and loving it. although smell is horrible but it dissapears in less than 10 min. and it really helped my scars faded. I bought acv from trader's joe and it was less than 3 dollars, what's not to try? :D
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June 3, 2008


this ACV is the fountain of youth in a bottle. it really works i am hooked with a glow to show.

This is the best beauty treatment so natural and in expensive
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