Vinegar (as a topical)

606 Reviews

Vinegar Pictured:
Made from select sun-ripened grain, diluted with water to a uniform pickling and table strength of 5% (50 grains) acidity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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January 13, 2010


Clean face, no scars, no acne!!!


The gross smell....

AMAZING. Braggs is the best... Don't buy heniz! It does nothing!!! You can get Braggs at Trader joes... or on amazon...
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January 12, 2010




The smell if you don't like it. But I love the smell of vinegar!

Just GET THIS. Stop reading. Buy Braggs ACV and some cotton balls and don't even add water... Yeah it makes your eyes water but its better 100% ACV then like 50%... But MAN. I don't know whats wrong with the peope that this didn't work on... I think they did it wrong. But it wont be in the just like one week... You gotta wait at least three. But its SOOO worth it!!!
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January 12, 2010


My skin was not as oily, got rid of some acne


Made my skin rough, made me breakout, and made my skin super dry.

When I first started using this it was right after a big breakout, which I attribute to using baking soda. I have been trying many home remedies because I do not want to spend $, and now have moved onto ACV. At first, the pimples I had began to disappear just like they did when I was on baking soda. My skin became way less oily, and I could touch my face and not have a greasy shine on my hands. Then after a week my face became very rough and dry. I noticed bumps were starting to pop up all over my forehead. every time I got out of the shower It looked like I had eczema all over my face, but I kept on using it. Now I am really beginning to break out at the two week point. I am still going to use it because i have heard you initially breakout and then it is okay. I put it on every night for 10 minutes and then wash off. It is a 50% water and 50% ACv.
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January 11, 2010


None, especially when you're trying to clear up acne in a week or two.


Made things way worse, and I'm still trying to get over the scars a month later.

I used apple cider vinegar as a toner on face face 3 times a day, for about a week and a half. I'm not really sure how this worked for everybody else except me, and its really dissappointing. By the second day of using this, I got like 15 new pimples, in spots I normally dont get them at all. And the ones that were already there were brought to a head and became more noticecable. I kept on using this daily, but things just kept on popping up. So I decided to stop using it, and my face returned back to its same old self. I was hoping this cleared up my acne by a big Christmas party I had, but it just made it worse. I will never try apple cider vinegar again.
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January 10, 2010


-Lightened scars after a week of constant use


-Acne is still coming
-Not preventing it

Well after reading all these reviews on i thought i'll give a try to this product; i've had body acne for 5 years now it started when i was 12, i always had a flawless face but my body was/is horrible, my chest and shoulder acne is very mild from the start,i just have a few blackheads and scars which are preventing but my bacne is moderate/severe it's not even been one day since i haven't been depressed about my bacne, i've literally spent all my pocket money over these over the counter crap and still can't get rid of my bacne; but i shall not loose this battle and i will fight till i win. I just hope this product works! *fingers crossed tighgly* am so desperate to get rid of it.
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December 29, 2009


Treats AND prevents acne.
Makes skin smooth - no more whiteheads or blackheads.
No dryness or blotchiness.


The smell, but eventually you come to love it because you know how good it is for your skin.

I can't say enough about apple cider vinegar. I live in China, so the good stuff with the mother in it isn't available. I was desperate so I bought the Heinz distilled, pasteurized, and essentially useless (according to most sources) kind at an inflated price because it's imported and that's all they had. I use it as a toner without diluting it all over my face once a day after washing. To my amazement, it actually worked, and is even working on getting rid of a deep pimple that never rose to the surface! I was skeptical because before I found the acv I was using plain old white vinegar (which is even more caustic) and that wasn't helping at all. What is it about the apple cider, I keep asking myself. It's also nearly impossible to find deodorant here in China for some reason, and my boyfriend was complaining of his odor. I suggested he try the acv with a cotton ball on his arm pits, and although he never tries my home remedy suggestions, this time he went for it out of desperation. I expected him to hate it, but he uses it everyday now and says there's no more odor at all (just the acv smell, of course, but for us it's not that bad as long as it's getting rid of the initial problem). We were speculating that by changing the pH balance of your skin, the acv prevents bacteria from growing, which includes the odor causing bacteria that make your armpits smell. It still confuses me as to why the white vinegar wouldn't work just as well, but as long as this keeps on working (and the store keeps importing it), I have nothing but rave reviews for acv.
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December 19, 2009


Affordable, cheap and easy to purchase.


Smells really bad!

I've used ACV (actually mine is 'Honeygar' which is ACV infused with honey) I've used this product for a month and it hasn't cleared away my acne. I have quite severe acne on my forehead due to my fringe, and ACV has reduced the size of the pimples, but majority is still there. I use it every morning and night and apply it onto my forehead as a toner, hopefully it will clear my acne for good! I'd recommend it to anyone, however, just dont expect miracles to happen as I did. It takes alot of time and patience to see results too, but ofcourse it all depends on the severity of your acne as well.
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December 14, 2009


Cheap, saw amazing results in 5 days on my cystic acne, skin has bright & even tone and its even is taking my blotchy redness away.



acv is cheap and it works. I wish I would have tried this years ago. It would have saved me alot of money and I could have stopped it from getting so bad. glta
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December 11, 2009


works FAST



it works very quickly with the right amount of vinegar & water...AND it doesn't dry your skin out but instead balances you skin's pH level...which clears up your skin and doesnt dry it out or make it greasy :)
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December 9, 2009


the smoother skin, much better skin texture, acne-free face, even brighter skin..


the smell

i've used it just few times after desperate finding glycolic acid in indonesia pharmacy store.. I used it only at night, apply it on clean face and let it stay for 2 mins then rinse it off with ice.. it minimize the pores and fix the skin texture.. i got a acne-free skin, minimized pore and brighter skin.. it works so well, better than i thought.. and it saves lots lots lots of money with better result.. very well-recommended...
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