
88 Reviews

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March 12, 2012


helps with cystic acne
makes your skin glow
clears toxins from body when taken with water


face will stay yellow after appying but then becomes normal

its a natural and ayurvedic herb which according to my own experience had helped me a lot . It can be applied directly to the acne and it shrinks after a few hours. People looking out for skin whitening creams can opt for turmeric powder because it makes you fair and glowing . I would definately ask others to try it out.
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February 18, 2012


Inexspensive, Fast results, Easy to use


Will stain your face orange if you do not wash your face with baking soda afterwards.

This is an amazing spot treatment! I saw results the very next day. All you need to do is purchase this powder at your local grocery store (it can be found in the spice & seasoning aisle). Take the powder & a small amount of water making it into a paste. Use as a spot treatment. Wait until the paste is completely dry then rinse off with lukewarm water(it is normal to have a orange tint left after washing off). Finish up by making a paste with water & baking soda. Then, use that as a face wash & pat face dry. Be sure to moisturize afterwards or your face will be really dry. This has worked wonders for my husband & I!
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December 29, 2011


Very cheap
Helps healing time
Helps red marks
Great anti inflammatory


Stains everything yellow
Have to use over a couple of hours at a time over a few weeks to see results
look jaundice after you take mask off because of yellow stain

I have been using this for a month now as a mask just over the areas of acne scarring and red marks I have. I mix it with tamanu oil(very moisturizing and doesn't clog pores) and a natural eczema cream ( caroline's cream- helps with healing) and I find this mixture to be extremely soothing and most definitely promote healing of newly erupted acne. Takes down redness a lot but you have to use every night and leave it for a couple of hours to see results- especially on red marks. This mixture will dry on your face so you can sleep with it on. The only thing is that you'll wake up with yellow stains on your face. Use a natural yoghurt mask with abit of lemon juice for 20 minutes and it should take the stain away! Lemon juice will help with hyper pigmentation also:-). All this along with dans AHA and you'll be on your way to fantastic skin... Good luck guys, hope this helps!!
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November 29, 2011


great at preventing cystic pimples
also good at treating and shrinking existing acne


stains everything yellow - clothes, countertops - and does not go away
grainy and takes some effort to get it to adhere to your skin

Despite the inconvenience of mixing a mask with this, this really works at preventing acne from bubbling up! I just mix some with water and try to do a mask at least 2 or 3 times a week. It reduces redness and calms down those angry-looking pimples who look like they're about to attack your face if you look at them the wrong way. It also keeps their friends at bay - nips them in the bud, so to speak. The only thing is, you have to invest quite some time in 1) mixing it together without dripping all over the sink and staining everything, 2) letting it sink into your skin for at least 30 min, 3) rinsing it off without the dripping and staining, 4) cleansing and toning to get rid of the stain on your face. I usually do it at night and find that my skin stays yellow until morning. Then I usually tone a couple of times to get rid of the last traces. If you are patient enough to handle the mess and time involved, this is a great treatment.
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November 27, 2011


Didn't do much


Yellow everything
Smells weird

I tried turmeric (both topically and pill form) for my moderate acne. Long story short, it simply did not work. If you decide to use it topically, it will definitely dye your skin yellow. Some soaps are better than others at washing it off, but for the most part, nothing works that well. The pill form, curcumin, also didn't work. I took the Nature's Bounty brand for about a month before giving it up. I see that this treatment has worked for others in the past, but it just didn't work for me. Go see your dermatologist.
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November 9, 2011


-Taken as a nutritional supplement it is really easy to use
-Helped clear up acne along with other supplements and nutritional support
-Natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
-Also supports the heart, brain, joints, and immune system



It really helped my skin and my joints. It is a miracle spice. I definitely suggest taking it as a supplement. I like TurmericForce by New Chapter. I get it along with other supplements and skin care products at [link removed].
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October 15, 2011


Clears Acne up quickly
Very cheap yet highly effective


I use the powder form and it doesn't taste all that good with the amount I use but it works so....
Seems to only work from the neck up which is ok for me.

The best product I ever used to treat Acne and by far the cheapest. I wish I knew about this years ago. All I do is put Turmeric Powder & Black Pepper on all my meals, real easy.
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May 11, 2011


-fades scars
-decreases acne
-smells good (!)
-made face glow


-stains skin yellow, but is easily removed

Oh my gosh. I've been using this for five days now, and I have to say it is amazing. I've been taking erythromycin that I was prescribed twice a day for about three months now, which has decreased my acne about 75%, but has unfortunately left me with red marks. My friend recommended turmeric to me, and it has really helped! The red marks are already starting to fade, and what acne I have left is nearly gone! I mix pure turmeric powder that I bought at an indian grocery mart with a little water and honey, and make a mask and leave it on for 15 minutes nightly. Now, it DOES stain your skin yellowish (I'm really pale) but I've found that if you soak a cotton ball in milk (I use organic) and wash your face with that and follow with a mild cleanser, the yellow comes right off.
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December 16, 2010


really good at clearing up and preventing acne. I take this twice a day and it really seems to help.


unpleasant taste and it can discolour kitchen counters and clothes.

I use this and I have cut down on my sugar intake, I still get break outs but they are very small and go away quickly. I went from moderate to mild acne. Buy organic turmeric from the health store, not the regular grocery brand.
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