Bactrim/Septra : (trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole) Oral Antibiotic

420 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim.

Inactive ingredients:
Docusate sodium 85%, sodium benzoate 15%, sodium starch glycolate, magnesium stearate and pregelatinized starch.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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April 30, 2007


Cleared up my cystic acne in a week. Amazing drug! I've tried everything, including 2 rounds of Accutane and other antibiotics. Nothing cleared up my skin like Bactrim. I wish it were safer - I'd use it forever!


I worry about using it longterm and the effects it may be having on my body.

I sincerely wish there were a drug like Bactrim that was safe to use longterm. Don't doctors realize that for many of us severe acne is a life long problem???
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March 26, 2007


clears up nicely and is cheap


can't drink alcohol(dont do'll give you a bad headache and make u nauseous)

may cause nausea

i started seeing improvement within the first month...i've had reallly bad cystic acne for about 8 years now.I've tried everything, prescription and over the counter. Nothing worked. Then my dermatologist prescribed me bactrim ds. I am on month 2 now....i don't break out as much as I used to...1 or 2 tiny little pimples here and scars are also healing=] i also use retin A it's worth a shot if u r not allergic to sulfa drugs. I am really hoping my acne does not come back once i stop taking this medication
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March 16, 2007


This stuff works!


I've had several derms refuse to prescribe it saying it was a severe drug, and that they NEVER prescribe it. Some said they've never heard of it being used for acne. HELLO, get with the program docs!

After having frustrating and painful acne for years, and trying many topicals and orals, thank God I found two doctors with the common sense to recognize this is what I needed to clear my skin up. I received many compliments after my skin cleared up, "Are you doing something different, your skin looks great?" I do recognize that there are possible side effects, but I don't think I've experienced any.
March 9, 2007


very effective, took it once a day 400mg bactrim roche . really works wonders, totally cleared my face from acne. battling acne for over 20 years. even tried accutane. i'm 37 y.o. started getting acne at age 15.


no side effects whatsoever.. 400mg is tolerable

for me, it is like a discovery. i've been with accutance, all topical anti acne, doxy, minoxy etc... this is the only drug that works for me and cleared my face for one whole month. don't know what will happen next if my body will get used to it.
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February 10, 2007
I'm sorry...I bought the product for $10! It was the Differn I spent $30 on!
February 6, 2007


I saw results in a matter of 3 weeks.


Large pill taken twice a day, caused headaches.

I think this product is great. My acne got worse before it got better. I experienced headaches in the beginning, but just took Advil and they went away. I used this along with Differn at night and Cleocin pledgets. I also switched my makeup to all Neutrogena as the doctor said it is the best makeup to use for acne-prone skin. My face hasn't had any severe breakouts since I first went to the dermatologist! I'm going for a chemical peel in about 3 weeks for the scarring. I would definitely recommend this product as I have tried EVERY over the counter medication and this was the first thing the doctor prescribed and it worked!
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January 20, 2007


clears skin quickly. very inexpensive.


what ever you do dont drink while you take it. At least in my case, if i went out and drank i would get the worst headaches after just a few drinks.

The stuff works. After about 2 weeks i saw great results. Besides the headaches i never did get any bad side effects. If you want fast results then i def recommend it.
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December 13, 2006


Clears painful, cystic acne.


Possible blood, kidney, and liver problems from long-term use.

After trying ProActiv, Murad, and Nature's Cure, I saw a derm. for prescribed oral meds. No luck with Mino, Doxy, or Differin Gel. Next step? Bactrim. Wow! I was on the medication for 8 months with no side effects. I never even suffered one pimple while on the medication. My skin kept improving, improving, improving. When I lost my insurance, however, I was forced to stop the med. After about 6 months of no medication, I experienced a flare-up. Frustrated to see my skin so horrible again, I visited a low-cost clinic and was able to get the Bactrim for $25. Great medication.
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December 6, 2006


Unfortunately, I have cyste acne also and I am allergic to amoxicyln and tetricycline and Doxycylin worked for me for about a year and wore off after that. My Derm put me on Bactrim and I've been on it for two years now and is the best thing for me.


When I first took bactrim I did get a little nausiated, so I started taking it when I eat and now I have no problems and it works great.

Great option for those people allergic to other antibiotics. May need to take with food. Very good at clearing up cyst acne.
December 3, 2006


My breakouts stopped within the first few days, skin cleared within the first month. Marks have since healed and faded and I have been completely clear for almost eight months now.


So far I have found no cons, but I'm not allergic. I think this pill can be very dangerous if you happen to be allergic.

This is an amazing acne treatment. I tried virtually everything you can buy without a prescription, including ProActiv (don't waste your money on that stuff, by the way.) Giving up on shelf products, I turned to my doctor, who prescribed me on Erythromycin in topical and pill form for two months, which made little difference. I had acne on my face, back, and chest, as well as moderate (and painful) cystic acne in these same places. Bactrim completely stopped all forms of breakouts. My skin hasn't looked and felt this good in probably 4-5 years. I don't have to cover my face with a mask of makeup anymore. This stuff has had a great impact on me and my life. It has cured my skin as well as my low self-esteem. If you are tired of everything else disappointing you, but too wary of jumping to Accutane (I was desperate enough to investigate it once, it's scary stuff!), TRY THIS. I feel like I'm repeating myself, but it's been absolutely everything I hoped it would be for me
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