: Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide - 2.5%)

2390 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Benzoyl Peroxide (2.5%).

Inactive ingredients:
Water, Butylene Glycol, Carbomer, Potassium Sorbate, Phenoxyethanol, Diazolidinyl Urea, Sodium Hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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September 5, 2007


Lovely and smooth, non-greasy and non-drying.


Price of post and packing to the uk, but i think the product is well worth it.

I am 25 and have more or less grown out of my acne but i still continue to get stubbern mild acne. My treatment history is long and any results temporary. I have actually been useing BP2.5% for many years with ok results however i always hated the feel and it stripped my skin and left my complextion looking dull. On reading about Dan's regime i gave it a try useing my old brand of BP, it sorted the spots but my skin couldn't handel the BP and i was forever starting and stopping. Dan's BP has transformed the regime for me, it's given me great results with none of the negative side effects, my skin is looking smooth and soft and can even handle the gel without moisturiser. I love this product.
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September 5, 2007


Huge tube! Goes on smooth and doesn't dry out my skin.


Not available in stores.

This stuff works great! My skin began clearing up immediately and after a few months I wasn't having break outs anymore at all! Then I ran out of it and started using the neutrogena stuff again and within a week I have a huge zit!!! Lesson learned, I will make sure to order before I run out next time!
September 4, 2007


A bargain! I've tried everything short of Accutane and Dan Kern's regimen absolutely works as long as you stick with it.


As with any benzoyl peroxide product, the gel can stain pillowcases and towels. Consider sleeping on white pillowcases or put a soft towel on your pillow.

Try it! And definitely use a lot of it. I'm been using the gel for almost a year now and I won't use any other over-the-counter product. DK's gel doesn't dry out my skin and doesn't irritate it in spite of the fact that I have sensitive skin. After washing my face, I apply moisturizer (or sunscreen in the morning), then I apply the gel (not the other way around because then it forms a paste). Seriously, give it a try, but remember to be diligent.
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September 4, 2007


Keeps my skin clear and improved my skin tone.


It's not sold in stores.

If you are looking for the solution to hard-to-cure acne, this is it. Follow the Regimen precisely every single day. It took me a while to clear up (a month) but it has been almost 3 years now. All those pesky red marks are gone and I rarely get a breakout I can't control. Before the Regimen, I had acne all over my face and had gone to derms for 5 years. Please give it a shot!
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September 1, 2007


Inexpensive, effective, doesn't take much time, simple. No more worrying if people are distracted by my pimples when they talk to me. No more "industrial strength" cover-up and concealer.The confidence I now have in my skin is amazing


None, really.

However, you need to use it EVERY DAY. Don't skip days just because your skin looks great! I stay out of the sun more, and wear sunscreen every day, but I should be doing that anyway.

Absolutely recommend!! After 20 years of large cystic acne on my chin (antibiotics, injections, etc) this gel has "cured" my skin. It is amazing,and amazingly simple- I cannot say enough good things about it. I will never be without it again. My sincerest THANKS to Dan Kern! I feel like I have a new life! Happy Happy Happy! Oh- and the tube lasts a Looooong time!
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August 26, 2007


I like it very much. It's not too creamy, it's not too watery, it's the perfect balance. The scent is as neutral as it gets. It's very affordable and works! I used to break out nearly every week and my face cleared up in about two weeks.



Purchase, use, and enjoy clean face.
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August 26, 2007


Doesn't irritate my skin, Dries quickly, Large amount. Best thing is that it really works.


Is not in Stores.

I have mild acne here and there but when i fly from CO to TX to visit my family my face freaks out. So this time I bought this before I left for TX and it did a wonderful job. My face hardly freaked out and stayed clear for the most part.
August 22, 2007


Dries quickly, good amount in bottle, doesn't irritate skin, it actually WORKS


Wish it was sold in stores. Oh well.

I am SO happy with this product. I have tried EVERYTHING and this is the only thing that's worked! My acne was severe enough that I was a candidate for Accutane, but I was afraid of all the side effects, so I held off. Thankfully I found this website and the regimen, and it's worked for me! I still get the occasional zit, but my skin is so much better than it was before, and for that I am so grateful! For the first time in my entire life, people are complimenting me for my clear skin! I never imagined that would ever happen! Thanks DK, for an awesome product!
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August 21, 2007


Great consistency, works excellent, inexpensive.



Love this product!! Wish I came across it a long time ago! I have had onset adult acne on my chin area, and this product has improved my skin immensely and not drying!!
August 16, 2007


Washed my face with Cetaphil, followed up with this gel & moisturized. My face cleared up in a few days.


None so far.

I'm 29 & have struggled with cystic acne since I was 15. I tried Accutane twice & many other cleansers, lotions, pills, etc. This product has done wonders for my skin, my old scars & my confidence. Thank you Dan :)