: Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide - 2.5%)

2390 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Benzoyl Peroxide (2.5%).

Inactive ingredients:
Water, Butylene Glycol, Carbomer, Potassium Sorbate, Phenoxyethanol, Diazolidinyl Urea, Sodium Hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


Used : Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide – 2.5%)? Rate It:

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April 17, 2011


comes in a large package
nice bottles
great sensation on skin
not at all irritating
great smell
is 2.5% wich is great becuase you can put tons =)


none, just in the begining when yout getting use to, but not as bad as being using 5 or 10 % bp

is an amazing product that you should try if you have acne does not matter how severe the worse that can happen if you buy it is to returned and they will give you a refund.
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April 8, 2011


Works well
Not super expensive
Little goes a long way
Cleared me up!


Bleaches colored fabric

I have worked with every kind of acne treatment, except accutane, to clear up my acne. This was the final touch that I really needed. I have been on benzoyl peroxide in the past but it dried out my skin too much, but this stuff does not dry me out and in combonation with tazorac my skin is really clear. It also appears to have cleaned out my t-zone pores and made them look smaller!
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April 6, 2011


Very Effective
Fully Absorbs
Light Weight


Price & Availability
Bleaches clothes

I am a 30 year old male who has finally gotten his acne controlled thanks to this web site. Here is my regimen. I am not sure which pieces are making the difference, but I think it's how I wash my face and the treatment cream. Morning: Wash face in shower with Cetaphil Anti-Bacterial Face Bar. Evening: Using wet fingers, but dry face, apply Neutrogena Fresh Foaming Cleanser to face. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes, I usually watch a bit of TV. Wash off, dry with towel, wait a couple minutes. Apply generous, nickel to quarter size dollop of treatment to face. You can see it slopped on there for about 10 - 15 minutes, eventually it absorbs. Go to sleep. That's it. This improved my acne 90%. I used to always have a big zit or two on the horizon, now it's rare. At first I also used Witch Hazel wipes occasionally Clean & Clear Dual Action 2% Salicylic Acid Face Moisturizer during the day but now I don't and I don't see a difference. As an older guy, I have more oily skin so don't seem to need much moisturizer. When I feel dry, I use Cetaphil face moisturizer.
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April 5, 2011


very effective
doesn't smell
not noticeable after it dries


irritates skin if you don't moisturize a lot
bleaches my shirt collars

be careful about putting it near your neck or else your clothes will have bleach stains. other than that, it's the best stuff i've ever used, and i have been on accutane twice with no results, now i'm completely acne free! you just have to be consistent with the treatment or it won't work!
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April 3, 2011


CHEAP! Works really well, easy to apply and doesn't dry my skin out too badly


None I know of!

This is pretty much the only BP product you should choose, for the price alone. Similar product from Oxy, Clearasil etc have similar effects for me, but are horrendously expensive. The guys at are also super friendly, really knowledgeable and all around great guys! Thanks!
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March 30, 2011


The best benzoyl peroxide out there.
Works fast..atleast for me it did.


Flakes galore.
Very drying .
Takes about 10 minutes to dry.

I used proactive about three years ago. It worked well for my skin and I rarely had a zit while I was on it. A few months ago, I tried the "new proactiv" which wrecked my skin. I went to the dermatologist who put me on minocycline and differin. The antibiotic helped, but I still wasn't 100% clear. On the verge of tears, I discovered this site and I am so glad I did! I've only been using dans BP for a week and my skin is so clear. Yes it is drying, but supposedly this goes away after a few weeks and I would rather have dry skin (and I mean DRY skin) than broken out skin. Thanks Dan!! :))
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March 29, 2011


Clears skin
Goes on very smoothly
Dries clear
Doesn't dry too quickly, so you have time to spread it around


Turns white when you sweat/get any water on your face

BEST BP AVAILABLE! It is taking care of my once moderate acne. I am 80% clear after 3 months, it has changed my life and my self-esteem! Trust this product!
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March 22, 2011


Huge bottle, goes on clear, no mess, EFFECTIVE!



Years ago I was clear after I went to a dermatologist that had me on something very similar to the regimen. Well, I moved and changed jobs/insurance and couldn't go to that derm anymore. So guess what? My acne came back with a vengeance, and I have not been able to find anything that works - until stumbling across this site. In short, Dan is the man. I've been on absolutely EVERYTHING, including Accutane, and *nothing* has given me these results - and in such a short amount of time,too! I've been dealing with acne for well over 15 years and because of this product I no longer cringe when I look in the mirror. That is sayin' something. In only two weeks, I've gone from a spotty mess to very close to clear. This benzoyl peroxide is even better than the one my dermatologist had me on because THIS one goes on clear, does not smell, make any sort of mess, and has a fairly light consistency. I wear makeup over this with no problem whatsoever. It's perfect! Combined with the AHA, I am finally kicking acne's butt. Don't delay, people - GET THIS. When I think about all the money I wasted on other spot treatments I could cry!
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March 17, 2011


goes on easiey
clears up my acne
dont sting



every one should try this. my face has not been this clear even with accutane.
March 16, 2011


it works!
it works!


Very drying in the beginning.

This stuff actually works. I have been struggling with acne for 10 years. I have done pretty much all the oral antibiotics and topical creams/gels and accutane. All of those only temporarily worked, but after I stopped using them my acne came back. I tried Dan's acne regimen in January 2011 and now my face is ALL clear except for one whitehead because I've been stressed out. My skin has never been this clear and soft before (except for when I was on Accutane, but I didn't like that because of the side effects it came with). Honestly, if you have been struggling with acne, please order this! You have to go through a stage where your skin will be peeling off, but in the end it will all be worth it :) I get so many compliments about my skin now and I hope that you all decide to try his regimen out!
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