: Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide - 2.5%)

2390 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Benzoyl Peroxide (2.5%).

Inactive ingredients:
Water, Butylene Glycol, Carbomer, Potassium Sorbate, Phenoxyethanol, Diazolidinyl Urea, Sodium Hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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May 13, 2015
It works!!!! Truly a MIRACLE PRODUCT!!!!!
I have been suffering from cystic hormonal acne since I was 10. I have tried just about EVERYTHING you can imagine and nothing ever worked--my skin went through some extreme ups and downs with all the trial and error I put it through. Nothing would ever achieve perfect clearness. The best I could do was make my severe acne become more moderate/mild. This was VERY depressing!!!! Here I am, 15 years later, and I finally found and The Regimen. All the sparkling reveiws the Regimen had made me believe I could have perfect skin so I odered everything and followed Dan's instructions as perfectly as I could! I'll be honest, in the first 2 months, my skin had become EXTREMELY dry, flaky and ITCHY--I started with a very small amount of Dan's BP (just as Dan recommended) even though I had been using Proactiv's BP for years. I almost gave up 😥 thinking my skin must be too sensitive for the Regimen, but because everyone else on this site said you have to push through it, I kept religiously using the regimen. I AM SO HAPPY I DID!!!!! I'm on month 4 now and my skin is COMPLETELY clear and the dry flakes are mild to GONE!!! I added Josie Maran's Argan oil (my skin breaks out with Jojoba oil, I must be a rare case) and that made all the difference. THE REGIMEN WORKS!!!!!!! Don't give up no matter what and you WILL see the results you're looking for!!!! I will sing Dan and his Regimen's praises for the rest of my life!!!!! 😄😄😄
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May 27, 2015
I break out from Jojoba also. Carrot seed has been good for me. I've never tried the argan, but I will now. Thanks!
May 9, 2015
Patience is KEY! Don't give up!
I never take the time to review products online because it's so time consuming but since this product literally fixed my skin I feel the NEED to review it and urge people to try it! I've never really had acne problems. I had some acne here and there when I was a teen but nothing major. About six months ago I started breaking out badly. I never knew "adult acne" existed until it happened to me. My skin became a mess. I developed horrible acne all over my cheeks and chin. I was so very desperate to find a solution to this problem that I asked my friend how she fixed her life-long cystic acne. It was then that she recommended to me this product along with the AHA+. When I looked at the prices online I hesitated since it's pretty pricey but I was so desperate to get rid of my horrible acne that I decided to buy it and give it a try. The first two weeks I used it I honestly saw no difference; I continued breaking out. My friend and the reviews I read emphasized patience, so even though it was difficult I tried my hardest to not give up. After about a month of using it I FINALLY stopped breaking out. No new pimples were coming out and the pimples that I had were quickly disappearing. It was at this point that my skin started drying and peeling horribly. No matter what moisturiser I tried, nothing seemed to stop the drying and peeling. Yeah, I had no more breakouts but my skin was peeling way too much. I was about to give up on the product when my face suddenly stopped peeling. It is now two months since I started on this product and a month since I started on the AHA+ and I could not be any happier! My face is finally break-out and peeling FREE just like it was prior to developing adult acne :) Bottom line is this product REALLY WORKS! I followed all of the Regimen steps meticulously (though I used my own face wash and moisturiser) and it fixed my skin! Use it in combination with the AHA+ and it's even better! Don't let the price of the products or the negative reviews discourage you. This treatment really works! It truly is worth your money. I will definitely repurchase. Thanks Dan for coming up with the Regimen and fixing my skin! :D Greetings from Canada :)
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May 5, 2015
Ineffective for acne. Great at bleaching and ruining your favorite clothes and towels
I've used Benzoyl Peroxide in vain over the course of a few years (both as a wash and spot treatment) and am finally giving up. I have persistent mild to moderate acne and this product does nothing other than bleach my clothes and towels. It doesn't seem to prevent my breakouts. Nor does it seem to help existing ones heals any quicker. When I really up the usage it just dries out my skin, causing it to flake and crack, and makes things altogether worse.
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May 1, 2015
After 6 months of use, still too irritating for my skin.
I'll start off by saying that I've been a BP user for nearly 10 years now. I wouldn't say that I have full on, all over acne, more like 2-5 zits going on at any given time with very sporadic clear times. I'd like those sporadic clear times to happen more often. I used Proactiv BP for about 7.5 years before getting tired of the price & mandatory subscription service. I then tried Paula's Choice BP for another 1.5 years. I didn't notice much of a difference between the 2. Both were somewhat effective, but were not clearing me the way I wanted to. Which led me to do more acne research, and thus to I've been doing the Regimen for 6 months with the BP (2.5%). I'm not sure WHY this BP dries me out / causes so much more irritation than other BPs I've used in the past, but it does. I feel like I've given it a fair shake, but after all this time I can still only apply a little bit once per day (and some days not at all, when my skin is super dried out & irritated). I think this is partially why my skin is not as clear as I want it to be. It's also the only BP that makes my eyes burn - not that I am applying anywhere near my eye, but must just be the "fumes" from it being on my skin. So, I don't buy the "I just need to give it more time" argument as my skin was well used to BP when I started using this product. I would say that my skin tends to be more on the sensitive side. I would be wary of this product if yours is, too.
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April 25, 2015
This has changed my life!
Hi! I'm 33 years old and live in Spain. I finally found something that truly works!! I can happily say I'm acne free!!! It's been almost 4 months and I am free!! I think I've had 2 pimples in 4 months. It' tough at the beginning. But it was ok because everything was going as expected. You guys explain really well what happens every week. In a month my skin was used to the treatment. My skin is still a little dry but I'm more than happy cause my pimples are gone! I only had pimples in my chin but they were the big ones, the ones that really hurt. After trying different treatments including the pill, I am done with acne! No more worrying about pimples! No more being conscious about it going to the beach with friends for example, or at work, or special events! Thank you!!
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April 24, 2015
A tough process
My skin got really bad especially at the 6th month of the regimen... I look like a red fish ball. I was humiliated by my relatives, my sister and friends who have horrible chronic acne issues. Afterwards, my skin became close to perfect. There's no visible pimples for more than a year now. I love this product. Don't give up please!
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April 24, 2015
New ones beside old pimples
I'm on 3rd week of using the regimen but I feel like my skin is still not used to BP. For the first two weeks I used BP once day & less than a pea size because it was too harsh for my skin. If I add more, my face hurts and will be red as tomatoes so I use it a lot slower than most people. My concern is I noticed that I get new pimples close to the old ones that were healed by BP. It's strange! I feel like the old ones are just hiding under, move a bit, and pop out again! Did any of you had this experience?
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April 23, 2015 regiment
tried this product and followed directions to the T and saw absolutely no improvement. The 1st 3weeks my skin was worse but expected as there is a purging stage but after 3months of using the regiment and no improvement from before i ever started using the product I decided to cut my losses and accept the factthat i wasnt going to be one of the lucky ones where this product changed their life. Great news is they have an excellent return policy
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April 16, 2015
Good product, but beware of bleaching
I have used this product on and off for about five or six years. The product is one of the best on the market. While it doesn't make my skin 100% clear, it clears about 80-90%. I also notice a huge difference even if I forget to apply it for a day or two. The one HUGE issue I have with this product is the bleaching affect. What you will likely find after you use this is that your shirt collars and towels (if not white) start to bleach. I have had to throw out so many clothing items, including $150 dress shirts because of this. I also will only buy and use white sheets and white towels. If I visit a friend or family member over night, I bring my own towels so I don't bleach theirs. Is it still worth it in my opinion? Absolutely.
April 14, 2015
Best Benzoyl Peroxide You Can Buy!
love it. affordable (even though im in canada and have to pay 35$ in shipping AND US conversation rates & penalties and etc. Big bottle is available. Doesn't dry up quickly when applying like all the other BP i have tried, so it gives me enough time to cover my entire face evenly. ***note*** for new people using this.... ANY BP PRODUCT YOU BUY WILL DRY OUT YOUR FACE..... THAT IS PART OF WHAT IT DOES BUT this 2.5% solution(lowest you can go) is less drying then anything higher and just as affective.
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