: Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide - 2.5%)

2390 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Benzoyl Peroxide (2.5%).

Inactive ingredients:
Water, Butylene Glycol, Carbomer, Potassium Sorbate, Phenoxyethanol, Diazolidinyl Urea, Sodium Hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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April 21, 2016
Great For maintaining Good Skin
Thank you very so much for the great article for the good skin for the effective the in skin got automatically smoother. This is probably the first review i ever wrote in my best life.
April 21, 2016
Best product ever. I tried everything and even went to a dermatologist who prescribed me pills. Nothing worked. As soon as i started acne regimen treatment i could see the results after two weeks. My skin got automatically smoother. This is probably the first review i ever wrote in my life. I am so thankful. It is easy to apply, i found the packaging convenient and these products have no odor which is a ++++ ! I
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April 20, 2016
BEST thing that has ever happened to my skin
I dont usually write reviews for products but i felt obligated to write a review on this because it literally saved my skin. i never had acne until freshman year of college, i broke out like CRAZY. i tried everything, proactive, murad, even perscription products from the derm. I was impatient with all the other products, but once i got this i forced myself to stick with it and im so happy i did. i would have gone of accutane if it werent for this product. the only problem i had was that it made my skin very dry but then i swithced over to using cetaphil moisturizer which does not make you break out and this combination has worked perfectly for me. i have used this product for 4 months and i havent gotten a new pimple in a month, my skin is back to being normal and clear and now the red marks are fading. i love this product, you must be patient like any other acne product, use it 8 weeks at least and your skin will be clear!!!
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April 19, 2016
Amazing for acne
I started using the regimen 3 month ago cuz my acne came back after i started using a clarisonic worst product ever don't recommend it the since I started using this my skin cleared up my face did get super dry at first but I didn't mind it I never really went thru a purging phase just a pimple or 2 and super dry skin but after being on this for 3 month my skin is super clear and when I do get a pimple it goes away by the next day or 2 I really recommend this best product for acne atlest to me
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April 19, 2016
Please try it! U will not regret it
I told myself I would write a review once my skin is 100% clear & it finally is after 9 months of using BP. My skin has been clear for months now with an occasional pimple maybe once a month or so. When I first started the regime I used one full finger lengths of product & it did not cause any irritation or redness. The first day I used it this pimple that had been under the surface of my skin for MONTHS came to a head. I knew from then that this would work for me. My skin only got better, never worse. The only side effects was it was drying but nothing horrible like I have heard others say. I didn't even use moisturizer because I didn't think the peeling was that bad & I welcomed the new skin & I think the peeling helped fad scars. This has been an answer to my prayers. I had pimples everywhere on my face & used retin A but it was horrible for months before it got better & it was only clear for a year before the acne came back. BP was a lot gentler on my skin than retin A & my skin has never been this clear & nice in 9 years. The BP actually made my skin soft from the first day I used it & I started using the Aha+ a month after I started the regime & it has faded my acne scars so much! This stuff has helped me gain my self confidence :) I use to never want to look in mirrors & There was days where I would cry because my skin was so bad or I wouldn't want to leave the house. Now I feel & look great :)) I wish I found this stuff a lot sooner. I wish I could tell everyone about it because it's amazing!! I finally get to wear makeup which I never good because my skin was so bumpy i didnt even think off trying it because I knew it would look horrible plus my skin is so sensitive. Now wen I go somewhere special I can wear makeup. Bare minerals is a great natural brand that doesn't break me out of anyone is looking for a great makeup for acne prone skin. :) of u are thinking of trying the regime then please give it a shot & stick to it. I noticed changes slowly over time & by 2 months it was a lot better. At first I thought I don't want to wait that long for clear skin but instead of trying products that don't work or make acne worse u can be on the regime & before u know it u will have clear skin. No product will give u clear skin over night trust me, I have tried many things. It feels great to never worry about waking up & seeing a new pimple. Stick to the regime & I promise u will not regret it. I actually found the regime while I was researching reviews for a prescription drug my dermatologist prescribed me & it had bad reviews then I came across dans regime & I am so happy I did because that day changed my life :)
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April 14, 2016
Works Good
This Product Removed my pimples and is fading my blackheads. Loving it :)
April 9, 2016
Great For maintaining Good Skin
I got this to get rid of the Oily skin. I got my clear fair skin. The Tube is perfect to use daily. You will notice it's effect on your skin.
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April 9, 2016
Great Product - Testing
About a year and a half ago I started getting moderate acne all over my face but mostly cheeks. I had never gotten this much acne in my life and I was desperate. I couldn't look at myself in the mirror because my confidence dropped tremendously. It didn't take me that long to stumble upon the Regimen
April 8, 2016
You WILL have side effects
About a year and a half ago I started getting moderate acne all over my face but mostly cheeks. I had never gotten this much acne in my life and I was desperate. I couldn't look at myself in the mirror because my confidence dropped tremendously. It didn't take me that long to stumble upon the Regimen and I didn't hesitate to try it out. My acne DID subside. Moreover, my case was one of those lucky ones that got their skin cleared up in a week or two. However, my face was red and peeling uncontrollably for a couple of months. Some people say that the skin will adjust to the BP eventually but even after using it for more than a year, my skin never fully 'adjusted'. The redness of my skin disappeared after a few weeks but then after a prolonged usage of the BP, my pore sizes increased. This was not because of the BP but it was due to the dryness it created. As my skin was constantly stripped off of moisture, I had to suffice it with moisturizer and jojoba oil. Using regular jojoba oil with Cetaphil didn't cut it so I used the Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream at nights. (Mind you, I had a long painful journey finding the moisturizer that most effectively prevented flakes.) BP's dryness made my skin produce more sebum to upset the dryness and since I used heavy moisturizers to prevent flakes, I guess my pores were clogged and got enlarged. Unfortunately, I was never able to completely eradicate flakes. This then made me have to exfoliate my skin almost everyday. I used the AHA to reduce irritation but there were still dead skin on my face when I woke up in the morning and all the frequent rubbing made my face red and rough. Well, some of you might be wondering why I had put in so much effort in getting rid of flakes but I cannot go without make up and foundation on top of flakes is worst for me. So if you are a make up user you might understand my decisions. Staying on the Regimen allowed me to stay clear but I always felt bad about making my skin absorb all this chemical. However, I was afraid that getting off it would cause me acne again hence the prolonged use. I am currently 18 but when I used the regimen I felt like my skin looked like 28 because it was so dull and wrinkly. The lines on my forehead, those under eyes and my laugh lines were accentuated because of the dryness. I finally decided to go off the Regimen because I wanted to go out without make up. I looked super tired without it during the Regimen so I dared not go to school without foundation. Now I only use the AHA to exfoliate about two times a week but I don't have to rub anymore because my skin is already moist and plump. I take supplements such as Vit C,D3, omega 3, zinc and multivitamins to prevent acne. So far it's been going very well. Although I got 2 spots when I first went off the Regimen, they are very tiny and are slowly going away. Most importantly, I have no new spots and my skin looks soooo healthy. My skin tone is so fresh and I experience no flakes. Since there's no redness on my face, my hyperpigmentation look a lot more lighter. Ultimately, my advice is to use the BP at your own risk. I totally understand if anyone is just willing to risk anything to get rid of acne. I've been there done that. However, one thing for sure is that you shouldn't rely on BP forever. I recommenend you to use it to clear your acne and take a holistic approach to maintaining clear skin!
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April 6, 2016
It Just works
I have very oily skin. For years I've tried many things to get my face and body clear, but nothing ever worked with consistent results. I was always getting better but never there. Once I started using this in the way specified, I quickly saw results and and today I am completely pimple free. I can never go back to living with acne. I introduced this to my girlfriend and she also fell in love with it, but she can write her own review. Lastly be patient with the effects of benzoyl peroxide, the irritation goes away.
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