
756 Reviews

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January 22, 2007


*goes away fast


*runny nose
*runny eyes

Works great ceap wear it over night and bamm it is gone. Then in morning wash it off...
January 20, 2007


It gets rid of some acne. Put it on the big infected areas, and most of it will go away.


It Can Burn/Sting

Its a great product. Its cheap, and works, it may not always go away. Heres what i do, after i take a shower, go straight to the sink, put a dab of tooth paste on my finger, and spread it. It may sting if you do it that way, but it works good, Then go to bed. I do this a few times a week.
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January 19, 2007


it works fast, it's affordable, and if you don't have time for those prescribed medications and creams, it's a great quick fix.


too much of it can lead to a burning sensation and it'll make your eyes tear up.

It really depends on your type of skin, but overall, this is a really good treatment. I used it on a really big, really painful pimple overnight (spot treatment) and it's perfectly fine today and should be gone by tomorrow. I'm actually about to use some now because I've got plans for tomorrow, heehee. Also, you can use it before your shower and let your pores open and the steam do it's work, but overnight is best.
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January 16, 2007


its works quickly and easily


its caan burn a little bit - and the smell of minty freshness

it works for me and ive got pretty senstive skin. If ur worries just check it on ur skin like with dyes and creams. And only put it on the accutal pimple not the skin around it.
December 18, 2006


not a prescription


makes my face a little red but whats the big deal when it comes of in a short period of time.

It Works its great.. its effective and cheap... i didnt think it would work but it does... although it works great it is not something u want to keep using.. it is toothpase.. it is good may b every 2 weeks or when u have a huge pimple... bottom line.. it works its great but dont over use it.
December 14, 2006


It works for my bff her face is so clear ! its amazing


a little bit red , Use aquafresh its the most common one to work

It works. end of story and my bff also has very pale sensitive skin so i quess it works I tried but I did not leave it on very long sooo... my face jist turned a lil red
December 12, 2006


right now i have the toothpaste on now and its really working!!! and people at school keep calling me and so i thought its time t get rid of it and "wa-lah!" after 15 minutes!!! the redness went!!


Its burnt a little and i knew it was getting better!!

It really worked for me and now my friends dont call me for it and people in the UK can be evil...
October 22, 2006


in my oppinion if it burns it works


its burning really bad, i hope i dont get one of those blister marks like everyone else has been talking about

it seems that every freakin saturday mornig i wake up with a huge red bump on my nose that just wont pop or anything, so saturday night i popped it with a sewing pin, which was cool it went down, then i woke up in the morning and it turned into a freakin baby midget twin, *angry face* so i told my younger sister and she was like just put some toothpaste on it and it will go away, i was like how long have u been doing this and she was like,"forever" and i was like stupid hoe, why didnt u tell me, so i put some toothpaste on and it has been like 45 minutes and it is still burning like hell, but that lets me knoe its working so hopefully it goes down becuase i cant go to school on moday with no big ass zits, im to fly for that, lol