
756 Reviews

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April 25, 2007


Dont know yet. Only put it on an hor ago.


My face is burning slightly and there is a slight redness.

Im really not sure guys. I put it on and now everyone is saying, people with sensetive skin ... DONT DO IT. Im not sure whether i have sensetive skin or not. What sahll i do?
April 12, 2007


feels invogoratingly cool :) and makes pimples appear less subtle


comes back the next day :(

THREEE WORDS. crest. pro. health. i thought most of my acne was gone (and its kinda bad too...). bad news is.... it came back the next day :'(. but it wasnt as bad as it was before so i recommmend it. it feels soooo incredibley good tho im gonna start applying it every night. OH AND BY THE WAY DO NOTTTTT GET THIS STUFF IN YOUR EYES.... HOLY COW DOES THIS STUFF BURN!!!!!
March 28, 2007


Works well on problem zits



Cheap and easy to use
March 3, 2007


reduces size,flattens zits xD.


redness of the skin

Try it! It works great. But w/e you do,don't use whitening toothpaste,i used gel toothpaste because it was the only thing i had...but i wiped it off after 15-20 minutes, and used it with Nature's Cure Papaya.
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March 3, 2007


I have toothpaste on at the moment...

*It dried the spots and reduced them in size quite significantly upon my last use. There was a little oil left underneath but I could pop the spot and remove it myself.


The skin was quite dry after I washed it off so a good moisturiser is neccesary. It also appeared quite dead so possibly some exfoliation too.

It's brilliant and it really does reduce the size of the spots. I wouldn't advise people with very sensitive skin to use it (or people with dry skin) due to the fact that it saps all fluids out of the skin (the oils included). But it's a great quick fix for any nasty little spots before parties, birthdays and big events! I ADVISE YOU LEAVE IT ON OVERNIGHT, if your skins sensitive. Leave it on for a few hours and only smear a small amount, don't over do it.
February 7, 2007


It really helps. Its better than those brand name products


It stings and tingles but i like it [:

This stuff really works and its cheap you should use it over night
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February 4, 2007


It's cheap, it smells yummy and works to a certain extent.


It dries your face out, it stings and makes your eyes water.

When you first put it on, it really stings and makes your eyes water. Immeadiatly, this is a bad sign, as it means it is too harsh and is irritating your skin. If you put it on and it stings, wash off after about 5 minutes. However, i decided to leave it on for about an hour, the stinging went away after a while and my face began to feel dry and tight. It was quite uncomfortable. When I washed it off, the area surrounding my spots was bright red, which made them look a lot worse. After about an hour though, the redness faded and my skin started to peel. When I woke up the next morning, i notice that the size of my spots had reduced, but only a tiny bit. My advice is, don't apply toothpaste to your face, it is too harsh and has a drying effect on the skin. The harshness irritates the skin and makes it red, which could cause more breakouts, and the drying effect could make skin produce more oil to compensate, so in turn you get more spots.
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February 1, 2007


Pretty amazing stuff.
Works insanely good
I thought people were crazy for telling me to try it.


It does leave your face a tad red.
It burns..very much.
And it tingles. BUT I LIKE THAT:)

Have Acne? Use toothpaste. Period. :)
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January 31, 2007


I started using "Mint" flavored Colgate on face three days ago and it started drying my acne out immediately! and it looks like my pores are smaller.


Doesn't seem to get rid of blackheads*
Minor redness*
Dry flaky skin*

My skin has been terrible for the last 10 years and Benzoyl Peroxide has been about the only thing that has helped. But, mint toothpaste seems to work better and faster.
January 29, 2007


Makes the pimple less swollen


Depending on the type of toothpaste it can burn. I have used aqua fresh (american) and PC Clinika (japanese)

Japanese brands are mild, but I'm sure you can get mild toothpaste where ever you live. For those of you who used toothpaste with bleach in it wtf... don't do that.