
756 Reviews

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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January 5, 2007


my acne has completely cleared up!!!


if your skin is sensitive, it may not be the best idea for you.

WASH YOUR FACE WITH TOOTHPASTE!!!! Seriously!!! My Dad has been telling me to try it for months, and I finally did about a week ago. My full face of acne... entire face... has COMPLETELY cleared up. USE YOUR WHITE TOOTHPASTE LIKE ITS A FACE WASH. Don't get it in your eyes. And then put a good moisturizer on afterwards. It won't leave scars because you only have it on for, what, 15 or 20 seconds? IT WORKS. TRY IT!!!!!!
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December 12, 2006


Effective and cheap.


It will redden the skin, so use as spot treatment only!

As I type this, I have toothpaste on my face. I normally have sporadic breakouts, nothing very severe. But I had a monster zit (size of a pea) for a month that did not turn into a whitehead so that I could pop it. Just a huge bump deep under the skin. I tried Neutrogena On-the-spot and Clean and Clear Deep Cleaning Astringent, to no avail. I also tried the honey treatment, but it did not have much effect. Yesterday, I put Aquafresh toothpaste on the zit for two hours, and the pimple dried out enough so that I could pop it. The pimple also drastically reduced in size. I was shocked that this worked.
December 10, 2006





this is my first night, and I am liking it so far. The swelling of the pimples went down ALL the way. My skin burns a little, ad they are scabs, but they are -supposed- to come off as the day goes on.
December 8, 2006


It works
Its cheap
Its better then anything you can buy



I have mild acne I used toothpaste for 2 days and its 1000x better! I have more confidence in myself now. This is great.
November 21, 2006
I am a model, and it is very important for me to not have any acne. Okay, Tea and Carrots are both part of the top ten remedies for antioxidents. I decided to boil carrots in tea, put toothpaste/flour for approxametly 10 minutes on my face and walla! bye bye ugly acne.
November 6, 2006


toothpaste really works!! its not difficult at all. i got it from my friend on myspace and she said it was gone within 24 hours! but you cannot at all put it on overnight or you will scar really badly. i put it on each blemish i want to remove


and then 15-20 minutes later take it off, it doesnt sting a lot to me, but lets say i can handle pain, lol i thought she was absolutely crazy for reccomending this, but it really works. all the people giving negative criticism put it on over night so

that really shows you to not put it on overnight people!! im using this because homecoming is this week and i dont want to look red and gross and pimpley i use aquafresh toothpaste and it works prettty well. so please people TRY IT!!! WHAT HARM COULD IT DO!?![UNLESS YOU PUT IT ON OVER NIGHT!!] olivia.
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