The Regimen

477 Reviews

8 oz. Cleanser Ingredients: Water, PEG-80 Sorbitan Laurate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Sodium Trideceth Sulfate, Glycerin, Sodium Lauroamphoacetate, PEG-150 Distearate, Sodium Laureth 13 Carboxylate, Disodium Cocamphodiacetate, Butylene Glycol, Sage Extract, Cucumber Extract, White Oak Bark Extract, Panthenol, Allantoin, Acrylates Copolymer, Methylgluceth-20, Polysorbate-20, Quaternium-15, DMDM Hydantoin, Disodium EDTA. 8 oz. Treatment (2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide) Active Ingredient: 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide. Also Contains: Water, Butylene Glycol, Carbomer, Potassium Sorbate, Phenoxyethanol, Diazolidinyl Urea, Sodium Hydroxide. 8 oz. Moisturizer with Licochalcone Ingredients: Water, Simmondsia chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, Methyl Gluceth-20, Squalane, Saccharide Isomerate, Butylene Glycol, Sodium Hyaluronate, Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice) Root Extract, Panthenol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Sorbitan Olivate, Cetearyl Olivate, PEG-12 Glyceryl Distearate, PEG-23 Glyceryl Distearate, Carbomer, Triethanolamine, Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexylglycerin.

Items marked with red have tested a 3 or above (out of 5) in comedogenic (pore-clogging) testing.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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December 29, 2013
Absolutely amazing product.


No more acne
Zero acne
Absolutely no more acne


Time consuming
The process to getting clear

I am absolutely amazed at how well this product works. I've struggled with moderate-severe acne since I was around 12(18 now) and I've used so many over the counter products that didn't help control my acne at all. Finally, I purchased this product and I can't tell you how glad I am that I did. I remember when I had severe acne, I could count at least 15 pimples on my face. And I don't mean little pimples, I mean humongous cysts. Now when I look in the mirror, I can't find ONE active pimple on my face, all I have is leftover scarring from previous bumps. That's how amazing this product is. I've been using The Regimen for about 4 months now and I started getting really clear at the 2.5 month mark. The one thing that really bothered me about this product is the process to getting clear. What a pain in the ass it was. My face peeled and flaked like crazy and it was sooo red and irritated at the beginning. Basically, your face will look like crap before it gets better. So patience is key here.
December 23, 2013
Only thing that cleared my skin


Cleared my skin

I started the regimen almost two years ago when I was in eighth grade. At that point I had struggled with acne for about four years. My acne was my biggest insecurity and caused me to be very depressed. After reading all the reviews online I decided to give it a shot. At first, all it did was make my skin dry and flakey. Using jojoba oil really helped with that although it does make your face shiny. I still got acne. However after about three or four monthes my acne was basically gone and has been ever since. I still break out during that time of month but comapared to the severe acne I don't mind. This changed my skin and made me so much more confident. I also really like that this is unscented. I briefly tried proactive and the scent was awful.
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December 22, 2013
The ULTIMATE Acne Cure


NO adverse side effects

Let me preface this review by first stating that I seldom (if ever) write reviews for any of the products that I use on a daily basis (or write in all caps, for that matter); on the rare occasions that I DO comment on product it is in light of the product's extraordinary virtue or unbearable flaw. In this case, it's the former. This review is lengthy, but supremely worth it! Do read. Daniel Kern's "The Regimen" is a marvel. It is the single most effective acne treatment system in existence at the moment. It bears the fewest adverse side-effects, comes equipped with a knowledgeable and supportive community, is genuine in its approach, and flat out works. I should know, I've tried every acne treatment system in existence. I've consumed every antibiotic known to man at near megadoses, I've used every cream, lotion, and astringent on the market with zero success, and I've ben subject to 5 rounds light treatment with costs totalling $2500 ($500 a shot). None of that stuff worked, like, AT ALL!. The only treatment I was fortunate to avoid is isotretoin (more on that later). In fact, to give justice to the product, I think I'll extoll the virtues of the "The Regimen" piece by piece. (1) The Cleanser: The best cleanser period. It's odourlessness makes it the best smelling cleanser out there, it foams (AWESOME!), it's gentle, and it's substantial. In fact, my whole family now uses it because it's so darned good; it blows the cetaphil stuff right out of the water, and that's saying a lot. (2) The Treatment: It's 2.5% benzoyl peroxide done right! I consider myself a BP connoisseur (I went all the way up to 12% at one point, yikes!), and the BP is the finest stuff you'll ever find. First of all, the format of the container (I use the 16 oz.) creates the essential "The Regimen" psychological framework: just when you think you've used too much, USE MORE! The amount of BP I used initially would overwhelm most, but it was essential in my process. Furthermore, the fact that the BP is an a gel based medium (as opposed to a cream) is incredible; it means that it doesn't have to be applied with the speed and agility of a jewel thief, because it won't immediately dry on the face, it goes on with a soothing sensation and, most importantly, WILL NOT turn white when exposed to moisture (i.e. perspiration). Alas, I can indulge in a mid-day tennis match without excusing myself to wash my face before hand. (3) The Moisturizer: I dare you to find another moisturizer out there with licorice root extract, and no that $10/oz. designer stuff you find online or at the department store DOES NOT COUNT. This stuff is rich without being greasy, and readily penetrates the skin without dissipating too quickly. I mean, this stuff is pretty sweet! A few drop of Jojoba, which in my opinion is not essential to the regimen and that I've only recently introduced to my routine, takes it to a whole new level. In conclusion, "The Regimen" cures acne. In a few months it did what years (!!!!!!) of antibiotics and 10% BP creams could not do: it eliminated my cystic acne. The very first picture I took of myself the day I started "The Regimen" still induces fear, anxiety, and a sense of shock at the individual I once was; acne truly did dominate my life at one point. Remember, earlier in this post I mentioned how I avoided the wrath of isotretoin? Well, it's true. Now, I know isotretoin is a treatment that works for many people, but, after having read the horror stories, I was resolved to never touch the stuff. After a 5th dermatologist telling me that isotretoin was my last resort, I turned to the interweb and found I'm glad I did. "The Regimen" was my last stop before isotretoin. But it worked! "The Regimen" worked for me because it is just that, regimented. It employs the best products, ensures that you apply them correctly, is free of serious adverse side-effects, and comes with a supportive and informative community, free o' charge. It has given my the gift of glowing skin and the confidence to behave in a fashion consistent with my own personality and life goals. Thank you Acne. org! -doctor neutrino Male, 20
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December 18, 2013
it works but super duper dry and flaky


it somewhat does get rid of pimples


super duper dry
flaky and redness on skin
it burns your face

My sisters and I used this product for a month. I stopped after I notice the dryness. My sister kept on using because she wants to get rid of her pimples. It does works but it is super dry. My sister face becone flaky and red. IIt's like she is having an alergic reaction or it is buring her face reallt badly. I'm feling really bad for her b/c she care about her skin a lot. Now this product make her skin look worst than before. It works but you have to suffer a lot. It is up to you to decide wwhether or not you willing to taake that risk
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December 18, 2013
This product saved my life!


Scent Free
It actually works!!

I'm 29 and suffered from acne since the age of 10. Unfortunately, this caused issues with depression as I'm sure many of you can understand. I tried every over the counter product out there, they do nothing. I went to the dermatologist dozens of times. I tried several prescription creams and gels, they did not work. I tried a couple of pill medications (not Accutane due to Depression issues), they did not work either. I simply gave up. Approximately 5 months ago I decided I had nothing to lose. I was 3 months pregnant and my hormones made my skin a little worse. I purchased The Regiment with absolutely no expectations, as I've learned that nothing lives up to my expectations. I was SO wrong. It takes time for your skin to adjust to the products, you don't get clear skin overnight. You stick with it, within a month I noticed that my active acne was gone. I had only scars. In the last 5 months I have had 1 pimple, my scars have faded drastically. I wear SO much less makeup, I can even step out without makeup for the first time in 29 years. My husband says my self confidence has gone up, even I have noticed it. I bought the larger size bottles of the regimen and still have enough 5 months later, you do not need to use a ton of product. *Note: my doctor said it was fine to use during pregnancy. It has not harmed the baby at all*
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December 17, 2013
Absolutely love it!!


Really works!
Doesn't dry out skin
Very affordable



This regimen is truly amazing! I've had acne, cystic acne since I was about 12 years old. I've seen multiple doctors and gone through multiple treatments. My face would clear up for a short while then break out worse and worse every time! Finally, about 3 months ago, my dad found this website and ordered me the complete regimen, and finally at 23 years old I'm satisfied with my skin. Although I wish I could find something to fix my scars, I'm so happy that I don't have to deal with my acne anymore. Fingers crossed. This is the only thing so far that truly has me hopeful that i won't have to deal with another huge break out ever again! Like I said, absolutely love it!
December 11, 2013
It really works.
Ok this is not really a product review, long story short, it really works, as many other people mentioned here. What I really want to say is, shipping is the SLOWEST EVER! And it gets transferred to USPS which has the most unreliable service, I've lost several packages and people at USPS have no clue where they went, status is: status not updated. Means it's not stolen by random people. Now every time I have to cross my finger when I know my stuff will be delivered by USPS.
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December 11, 2013
Worked wonders!! Eventually lol


Clear skin!!


Dry skin at first

I started the regimen about three years ago and I haven't gone a day since where i haven't used it. At first my skin was really dry and flaky (i have extremely sensitive skin though) and the jojoba oil helped with that (i still use it every night and morning in my moisturizer and i have baby soft skin now!!) after 3 months of using it, i had zero acne just dry skin and eventually the dry skin did go away. I have extremely clear skin now, i'll get the odd zit here and there but who doesn't? These products changed my life! Though it was hard at first, it worked wonders in the end. If you're just starting this product, keep going!!!!!!!! I promise it will work for you!!
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December 8, 2013
Works magic


It's nearly impossible to over do it
It's reduced painful pimples to nearly nothing overnight

took a little time to kick in, but that's generally how it works for all treatments. Once it took effect, it's done wonders. I've found myself stressed from school, eaten loads of junk food, and caught right in the middle of my period and this stuff stopped all of my out breaks over night :)
December 6, 2013
When you cant use the regimen anymore...




cant use it anymore

I loved the regimen... when I could use it. I used one pump every night for about a year and a half before I developed an allergic reaction to it. My eyes got REALLY swollen and itchy (not the normal redness that occurs at the start of the regimen) I had to stop even though I knew I was going to start breaking out again. That really freaked me out so I started to do some research on alternatives. I've tried a lot of recommended products and some weird cooky homemade remedies as well. My acne is mostly hormonal but what I've found to be most affective should work for any type of breakout. I use Burt's Bees Soap Bark and Chamomile face wash twice a day. I use Aveeno daily moisturizer (using non facial moisturizer scared me at first, but its really about finding what YOUR skin likes) in the morning and wipe my face down with lemon juice (bottled is fine) before bed. When I get a spot break out, I soak it in warm salty water with a cotton swap. I ice it and then I cover it in lemon juice and salt and wait for it to dry. Ive also found aspirin dissolved in witches hazel to be affective for relieving redness. In addition, excersizing really seems to help (which is kind of weird I know haha.) Good luck!!
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