Tea Tree Oil

983 Reviews

Tea tree oil is defined by international standard ISO 4730 (2004) (“Oil of Melaleuca, Terpinen-4-ol type”), which specifies levels of 15 components, which are needed to define the oil as “tea tree oil.”

Among over 98 compounds contained in the oil, terpinen-4-ol is responsible for most of the antimicrobial activity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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June 14, 2007


Clears my skin up over night - it really works!


Stings my eyes for a few seconds & dries out the skin by the mouth, a little.

It's cheap - under $10. You can get it at most grocery stores - they keep it in the nail polish section b/c it can be used to sterlize manicure/pedicure tools. The bottle suggests diluting it for facial use, but I'm hard-core, so I just dab it - full strenght - onto my break-outs after washing my make-up off at night. I use the Exposed product line, but it's not really helping. The Tea Tree Oil IS helping. It doesn't prevent new break-outs, but it REALLY clears up or reduces the size of the existing ones so that my make-up goes on nice & smooth. I need to start diluting it, though, b/c it's drying my skin out a bit. I'm also using Bare Minerals, so that may be drying my skin out as well. I'm happy with it so far....
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June 12, 2007


Perfect for spot treatment only.


causes redness, itching and breakouts in areas where you have no pimples.

great healer goes to work immediately, doesn't prevents spots, if you have clean areas DON'T get tea tree oil anywhere near there.
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June 12, 2007


Easy to use and affordable.


If you go mad with the pure form of Tea Tree you can dry your skin out!

I love Tea Tree Oil (and, oddly enough, the scent - it's such a clean smell!). In Australia we get it in pure form, 10% strength and in an antiseptic cream. I use the Thursday Plantation antiseptic cream every day under my moisturiser or sunscreen which seems to keep most of the spots at bay. When I do get the odd eruption, I nuke it with pure on a cotton bud and it's gone that day. Brilliant stuff!
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May 28, 2007


great if you wake up with a really bad zit and need a quick fix


can be very drying if used over wide areas of your face for long periods of time

tea tree oil is a miracle- it will shrink down cysts and make them less painful and easier to cover-up. it's very strong, though, so try to only spot-treat when possible. i had a very bad cystic breakout on my cheeks a few months ago and after trying everything else, the tea tree oil was the only thing that worked on them. however, i made the mistake of putting the oil on a cotton ball and wiping it over the acne-ridden area, and although it DID dry up the pimples, it also made the skin around the pimples very dry, painful, and leather-y looking. i would have been better off spot-treating. but like i said, the stuff is amazing, just don't misuse it.
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May 27, 2007


CLEARS SKIN! Reduces acne redness, bumps, and does it all FAST!


Smells HORRIBLE and burns if not diluted.

Okay, I wanted to wait a few days before rating Tea Tree Oil but I just applied it and now only 5 minutes later, my skin is essentially perfect! This is the first product on this site that I have rated with 5 stars for how well it works. But listen, I had moderate acne. Went on Retin-A Micro and Duac gel and hated it (didn't work at all!) Started using Clean and Clear Acne Control Kit and it definitely helped clear some of my current acne, but not all and not my scars from acne. But now, I saw all the good ratings for TTO and had to try it. And now, after just ONE time of applying, my skin is almost back to it's perfect self like it was 2 years ago. Cleared a lot of scars and completely vanished my redness instantly. This is a miracle product and I love it! I got the Austrailin stuff and it's amazing. And I HATE HATE HATE the smell of it (I think it smells like very old photo albums) but it goes away. Can't wait to see further results. I will post again in a few days.
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May 25, 2007
I used proactive for a year which was terrible and didnt help at all and then went to a dermatologist who put me on an antibiotic,Dynacin(minocycline) along with tazorac. It didnt seem to work either and I am now on accutane and have been using it for about a month. Have noticed less breakouts and the drying of my skin. Washing my face helps along with a good moisturizer, I am using the leftover moisturizer from my proactive package. I also heard about tea tree oil and bought some today and have applied it a total of 3 times today and have already noticed a difference. I hope it works because I am really looking forward to some help with this acne problem.
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May 12, 2007


Seems to reduce redness and oil. Leaves skin feeling clean and soft.


My husband HATES the smell. I don't mind it.

I'm well into my 40s and have suffered with acne since I was a teen. It gets worse when the monthly hormones kick in. I always used TTO shampoo but never thought of using it foe my skin until I read your board. I'd recommend it whole-heartedly. BUT always test check a small spot of skin on the wrist or abdomen for sensitivity. I use the Desert Essence Kinder to Skin TTO straight from the bottle. Saturate a cotton ball and use like a toner after washing with a mild cleanser.
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May 8, 2007


immediately starts to reduce the size of whiteheads and cysts


can cause redding of surrounding area

I dip a wet q-tip into a bottle of PURE tea tree oil and apply it to my cysts or whiteheads for up to a minute, holding it on top of them until I feel a slight burn. Within a minute they are half their size! It is amazing. I've had sever acne around my mouth and chin for the past 4 years (I'm 24) and nothing has had the effect tea tree oil has. I have extremely sensitive skin, I've had awful allergic reactions to different products before (I stay far far far away from anything with Salicylic acid acid in it). Tea tree oil causes some redness and drying, so just make sure to dilute-- don't put it on your face full strength. It also doesn't seem to prevent future breakout so I combine with 'the regime.' You can find bottles of pure tea tree oil at Trader Joe's or Whole Foods.
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May 1, 2007


If your skin is not allergic(which is very rare for it to be) it starts to work within a week!


Just the smell is strong but its soothing as well.

Im the type of person that if i dont see results at least a little i give up, i know they say you have to wait a while, but when your skin is so irritated, you want to see immediate change even if its a little. A good sign is to at least see no NEW breakouts. I basically agree with many to heavily dilute it. Half cup water with a few drops. I dip my hands and massage it in my skin to get the circulation going. Feels soo soothing!!! Much better to start w less since you should be using 100% natural tea tree oil. Im really excited! ive tried sooo much and its been abouT A WEEK AND AMAZING RESULTS!TRY IT!! This site was what helped me discover it. Tell people to try it seriously worth trying something so natural and proven to not have side effects! (of course your one of the rare people that are allergic) I WISH EVERYONE THE BEST I KNOW HOW DEPRESSING ACNE CAN BE!! STAY POSITIVE! AND minimum of 8 glasses of water is a MUST!!!!!!!!
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April 23, 2007


It dries up the pimples that already exist.


Makes my skin a bit dry, but nothing a bit of moisturiser can't fix.

It's great to 'repair' the pimples but I don't think it does anything to prevent outbreaks.