Tea Tree Oil

983 Reviews

Tea tree oil is defined by international standard ISO 4730 (2004) (“Oil of Melaleuca, Terpinen-4-ol type”), which specifies levels of 15 components, which are needed to define the oil as “tea tree oil.”

Among over 98 compounds contained in the oil, terpinen-4-ol is responsible for most of the antimicrobial activity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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March 8, 2017
cant live without
This is really amazing for hormonal, cystic acne. Having PCOS makes finding products for your skin super aggravating. This has made such a difference in my skin since starting. I get mine from the Body Shop, usually when its on sale. This works great if you're allergic to benzoyl peroxide or if bp did not work. BP breaks me out so bad. Tree oil has the same purpose and its all natural, so you know exactly whats going on your skin.This also leaves my skin feeling matte and not gross and oily. I use like 2-3 drops and press it into my skin (pretty much my entire face). This also works great in preventing acne as well.
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March 31, 2017
Totally agree about TTO benefits for Cystic Acne. Not sure I would recommend it as a prevention method as it could be too harsh on "normal," unaffected skin. Everyone is different, therefore as we all know, trial and error is the gauntlet all acne sufferers must run.
January 23, 2017
Works like a Charm!
I was using benzoyl peroxide as a spot treatment for nearly 7 months and it didn't seem to really do a whole lot. I did start by putting it all over my face and that really made my face irritated and much worse ,so thats when I started using it as a spot treatment. Someone recommended using tea tree oil as a spot treatment recently and I was skeptical , I tried it like twice and gave up and went back to benzoyl peroxide. 4 days ago I got rid of all the bp and said screw it , I want to use more natural products on my face . And it really does WORK! It dries my pimples out better then the bp did . The only thing I really don't love about it is that it makes the area around the pimple very red. Other then that I would suggest trying this out before bp to anyone :)
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January 5, 2017
Little Magic Potion
I have had mild acne since I was 12. Recently, at 17 years old, I noticed a hard lump under my skin near my upper lip, which I later found out was a sebaceous cyst. I had had this cyst for approximately six months when I came across tea tree oil. I applied the oil each night for about two weeks without diluting it, and eventually the cyst formed a pore. I was able to pop the cyst and it has never come back since! Before using TTO I was contemplating having the unsightly cyst surgically removed which had the potential to cause a scar. With TTO, no scar formed and my skin went back to normal. TTO caused a little dryness but the end result was worth it.
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December 12, 2016
Tea tree and honey
The first time I tried tea tree oil, I used it undiluted (quite a lot of it) on my chin - this is where most my acne is, whiteheads, blackheads, cystic acne and small bumps. It burnt like hell but I just assumed it was working. I left it on over night and the next morning I was horrified to see my chin looked like something out of a horror movie; the cystic acne was inflamed, the small bumps had turned into nasty boils and one spot was even weeping and bleeding. I hadn't touched tea tree oil again until a few nights ago. My Christmas party is in a few days, and my acne had invited itself, just in time. As a last resort, I decided to give tto another go, determined to get it right. I diluted two drops of pure tto with organic raw honey. After cleansing with my usual cleanser, I toned my face with witch hazel and applied my honey tto mixture directly and carefully onto the inflamed spots, and on one very angry acne scab. The next morning I could not believe it - my spots had DRAMATICALLY reduced in size and redness. The scab had tightened and was smaller. Honey is moisturising but also an antiseptic and anti inflammatory. The moisture from the honey must have counteracted the harsh drying affect of the tea tree oil, making it a winning combination. Try it!!! Good luck :)
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December 12, 2016
2 drops of tea tree oil : 2 teaspoons of honey
August 4, 2016
Works great as a spot treatment!
This works great as a spot treatment, if you have redness from a blemish or have squeezed it. It then heals very quickly and removes redness :D Does not work as a acne cure :(
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May 16, 2016
I have tried both diluted and 100% tea tree oil on my skin. I have normal, non-sensitive skin. The 15% (I got it from The Body Shop) is not too drying, so I apply multiple times a day. For the 100% however, if I overuse, my skin starts to flake, so I use it for really bad flare-ups like twice a day. Tea Tree Oil personally improves the healing speed for me, but it doesn't work wonders overnight. I think it also depends on the pimple. Some pimples react really quickly; others don't really respond at all. Most of the time, TTO just helps the pimple to heal a bit faster. It works best on random zits, inflamed acne, and cystic acne, I think, but not on whiteheads. It is still a very handy spot treatment, and I personally am not bothered by the smell. I would recommend trying it out.
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June 29, 2016
If your skin starts to flake, it's a sign that you have bacteria build up in your intestinal tract!! I would suggest taking probiotics and putting apple cider vinegar in your water!
May 10, 2016
Good spot treatment.
Ive had success with tea tree oil spot treatment. I have tried to dilute it and make a spray, but my skin was a bit sensitive to spray it all over my face and I had a reaction to it, diluted it even more and my skin was still kinda itchy when using it all over as a spray so I didn't like it as a spray. But I use it as a spot treatment after I moisturize my face, just using a q-tip exactly onto the spot I want to treat. I think it does really help when spot treating. It also has so many other uses its something handy to keep in the house.
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May 1, 2016
Spot treating worked for me
Spot treating tea tree oil on my problem spots surely did help - dried the spots and smoothed my complexion. I did stop due to my skin becoming slightly sensitive and having to start Accutane, but when I did use this stuff it would work. I did not use a carrier oil.
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April 19, 2016
I'm so happy omg
Sorry this is so long. I've gone through so many forums and looked for advice for so long, and I've seen a lot of people saying not to try tea tree oil because it'll destroy your skin??? So I was really scared to try tea tree oil at first. BUT I tried tea tree oil a few days ago and I already love it. I tried using it as a spot treatment the first night and when I woke up, the spot was dried out and already going down. I've started using a little bit all over my face when I get out of the shower and my skin is still a little wet. Then I use coconut oil as a moisturizer, especially because tea tree oil can kind of dry your skin out in unwanted places. I love the fresh feeling the tea tree oil gives my skin and I love it even more because it has a very earthy kind of smell. I struggle with mild hormonal acne, but I unfortunately also struggle with cystic acne (which may also be hormonal related, but I'm not entirely sure). I had just one cyst on my cheek and I used a little bit of tea tree oil on it and it's nearly flat. I should probably also mention that I've been put on minocycline in attempt to reduce the bacteria and get everything under control- mainly for the cystic acne because it was so severe and painful. I think it's worked pretty alright, but I feel like my routine is really what's been giving me good results. I think I'll always struggle with at least mild acne, but I feel a lot more confident now. I also feel a lot better about getting taken off the medication because I have a set routine now.
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May 2, 2016
Did u buy the exact same product like the pic above cuz I can't find it.plz give me a link if u can.thank u :)
February 22, 2016
i like it
It helped clear up my mild acne i dilute with my night serum it is still very effective i love the smell and i can see the difference of my skin in good way
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February 23, 2016
from where did u bought it??????