Tea Tree Oil

983 Reviews

Tea tree oil is defined by international standard ISO 4730 (2004) (“Oil of Melaleuca, Terpinen-4-ol type”), which specifies levels of 15 components, which are needed to define the oil as “tea tree oil.”

Among over 98 compounds contained in the oil, terpinen-4-ol is responsible for most of the antimicrobial activity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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September 5, 2008


It makes my post-acne less redder and it worked the first day I applied it on. A week later, it has helped me remove at least 50-70% of my red marks.


May be quite expensive but I was able to get a cheap one with a discount.

Great smell, Natural
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August 30, 2008


Natural, calming smell, dries out pimples, reduces inflammation, and takes away the appearance of inflammation.


Burns the eyes at first

this stuff has been working great for me. I started Proactive last year and that worked for about 9 months and recently started to stop working. So I tried out tea tree oil because I thought I might as well, since my acne can't get any worse. But it really surprised me! This stuff really works, my big pimples are shrinking and I haven't broken out! I just put it onto a cosmetic pad and then put it on my face, or i use my fingers. I don't dilute it though. Who knew something natural could work wonders? I definitely recommend this product for everyone.
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August 20, 2008


-kills bacteria
-makes ur acne less red


-smell might be a bit strong for most ppl
-dries ur skin out

IMO this works alot better than the other over-the-counter acne products since its alot more natural and affordable. i'm currently using the bodyshop tea tree oil products (the oil itself, the foam cleanser, and the exfoliant). when i use the exfoilant, i usually mix it with an apricot srub (since the exfoliant itself didnt seem to really... exfoliate)
August 13, 2008


Feels fresh, absorbs oil, it just works really



Used it for a week, I bought the BODY SHOP Tea tree oil line. have had next to no new breakouts! That's good news. I really believe in it. I've used every acne product out there including pro-activ, which worked really well for six months and then I broke out worse then ever. Good luck people!
August 12, 2008


Somewhat reduces redness, leaves skin feeling extremely clean and soft.


Smell is a little strong during first use.

My acne isn't that bad, but i hate having pimples and recently over the past year or year and a half, I have started to break out a lot. I've used so many different products before and wasted so much money on them, but i found that this product actually works! Right now I am taking antibiotics for my acne and use benzoyl peroxide (8%), but on addition to that i also use the tea tree oil from the Body Shop which not only keeps my skin soft, but it also reduces a lot of the redness caused by the antibiotics. I have found that the tea tree oil also helped reduce the size of my pimples a little, and also prevented or kept any new pimples from forming. This stuff is soooo cheap, and it is worth every penny!
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August 11, 2008


feels asthough every pore can breathe freshly, lovley natural herbal smell if using the right amount !, puts 'natural' oils back into the skin.


only cam across watery eyes

some things work for some people others it doesnt , i can tell you for a fact toothpaste doesnt help it maybe sort out pimples but not acne it dries out yes but this can also cause more acne, i feel the best thing to do is even out the dry and oily, balance it, so far ive been using clearasil ultra face scrub, then patting my face dry, then using the tea tree on wool, all over the face , i tend to squeeze alot hate the idea of looking whats comming out then people sayin dont squeeze, then knowing its in my skin but do try not to if u try this idea the clearasil bring them out from the root ( may not like the idea of them all at once i dont eather', then the tea tree stimulates obviosly with the oil it shouldnt be too hard to let them out on there own.
August 8, 2008


Dramatically reduces redness and oil on face


Smells very strong

It's worth a try. I've only used it for less than 24 hours, but my skin feels so much cleaner.
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August 6, 2008


Feels nice on skin (if you dont use too much), works to some extent for me.


I don't like how it smells. Use too much, and you will be in pain, and washing it off won't help you.

It's pretty good for making acne go away cuz it's a germocide, and penetrates the skin. I accidentally put way too much on my face, and my face was red for 4 days, it was painful.
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August 5, 2008


clears red marks extremely well, no breakouts since starting use


the only stuff i could find came in a very small bottle (15mL)

long story short, 3 days before starting school i had some huge cysts and was rummaging through all of my old acne fighting supplies to try to get rid of it. i saw some tea tree oil i had bought but never really tried and looked it up online a bit and gave it a try. what i ended up doing was: cleanser (cetaphil) let face dry mix shot glass of water with 3 drops of tea tree oil, use cotton ball to wipe on face and let dry apply benzyclin (i'd guess any benzol peroxide would work to some extent) moisturize if needed (cetaphil moisturizer) also drinking lots of water in about 3 days all of my red marks from this summer have faded to almost nothing and the three huge angry red pimples are flat and fading rapidly. really worth a try, its the only thing that's worked this well for red marks for me and i've been trying to figure that problem out for about 6 years. note: i hear both TTO and BP dry out your skin a lot, i've been on BP for years so i didnt have much
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August 3, 2008


Its very affective and all natural. got this at the body shop for fairly cheep, it smells amazing

its affective, cheep and it smells really good. its others say how strong it is. so go for the foaming face wash it s not as harsh don't forget the tea tree moisturizer as well because when used it makes the previous more affective for face wash,expholiant and moisturizer it was only 20.00
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