Sea Salt

105 Reviews

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June 27, 2009


Clears acne, brings acne to a head, gets rid of blackheads and whiteheads too, helps with peeling skin, soothing.



I used it by adding salt water to my face steaming water and then steamed my face for 15 minutes after washing my face with Olay Gentle Face Wash. Then I would pop my acne after it had came to a head, steamed for 5 more minutes, dried my face, and covered my entire face with my tretinoin cream. The steaming caused my to sweat but it is good sweat and doesn't clog your pores. I did this every night. In the morning I only washed my face with a gentle cleanser and used a moisturizer so I wouldn't have too dry skin. THIS WORKS. I've tried Proactive, Acne Free, Clearasil, Clean and Clear, Oral Antiobotics, Prescription Topical Creams, drinking green tea, natural masks, natural exfoliators, EVERYTHING. THIS WORKS. It has cleared almost ALL of my acne in THREE days.
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June 24, 2009


this stuff is awesome. replaces sweat and moisturizes face



mix sea salt into water and soak it on your back face wherever. It heals ya right up and gets rid of pimples. I use this and take many vitamins it works
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March 8, 2009


It's cheap, quick working, and gets rid of blackheads and smooths skin quickly.



It's Simple. Just mix some Sea Salt (not table salt, it contains iodide) with some warm water. Then rinse your face with the salt water about 10 times. Then pat it dry with a towel. I have really dry and pimple infested skin, and it made my skin soft, smooth, moisturized, and got rid of my blackheads practically overnight! I definatly recommend using this once in the morning and once in the night!
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January 28, 2009


This stuff really does the job it smooths and refreshes your skin also I it started to get rid of my acne in a week with way less breakouts in the future this is a MUST TRY!



Dead Sea Salt is still really good but I highly recommend Dead Sea Salt it will heal your acne faster.
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November 27, 2008


smoother skin, drier. cheap product


none really

I first came across the healing effects of sea salt when I went scuba diving in Egypt's Red Sea. When I sat in the sun afterwards, all the salt was left on my skin so I rubbed it all over and my skin was so soft! And the pimples were nearly gone in a few days. So I defo recommend trying this. Yeah don't use table salt cuz it has iodine, and apparently that aggravates pimples.
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September 9, 2008


Helps relieve oily skin, makes skin feel soft (exfoliant). helps heal existing breakouts, and minimizes new breakouts. CHEAP!


i guess it can get tedious to mix your on solution

I would mix warm water and sea salt and rinse face 20 times. gave my face a nice feeling and controlled oil production without overdrying. nice feeling when i wake up...not the usual oil slick. Try it. 2 times a day. if you wear makeup like me, make sure you take makeup of first. I've heard that epsom salt is better...
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December 9, 2007


WOW! Its amazing how soft your face and skin is after washing with salt. I tried both Iodized, I know, I'm retarded but it didn't hurt me! And Sea Salt too. Leave it on till it stings and dries up your face. It changed my life in 20 minutes!


Dries up skin.
Just use emu oil afterwards as lotion since its fast absorbed into skin and contains just what it needs, omega 3s.

It's perfect. Use right after cleaner, let face dry. Rinse with warm water 10 times, and apply emu oil.
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