: Organic Jojoba Oil

206 Reviews

Jojoba Oil (100% Organic).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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June 9, 2010


HUGE bottle!
No Mess Top :)
Great Clarity



I've bought jojoba oil before for other various purposes, but the bottles are always small and have a horrible top that gets oil everywhere and is hard to keep clean. I use this around my eyes and on my lips morning and night and over my whole face once a week and it is a great compliment to the whole treatment system. :)
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June 8, 2010


Feels great on the skin, very moisturizing.
Many uses.
Doesn't clog pores.
All natural.
Comes in a bottle with a convenient dropper dispenser.


Leaves the face shiny

Jojoba oil is a must for anyone whose moisturizer isn't enough. My skin was instantly without flakiness and my acne is almost completely clear. I use two drops at night and one, if needed, in the morning so my face won't be so shiny during the day. Also, you get a lot for the money if you buy Dan's. Unfortunately, shipping makes it almost the same as more expensive brands of jojoba oil, like Aubrey Organics.
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May 26, 2010


No smell at all, easy to apply, moisturizes instantly, no greasy feeling, good for hair and nails too, I have stubborn melasma and seems like they are getting lighten too.


almost straight after skip a day or two all little pimples and crusts rush back so do not skip it

I have been after a natural product that I can do using without being worried about its side affects so I came accross with this amazing site which I keep reading since then. I am so happy with its affects, it does keep my skin looking radiant and supple. Only down side is I skipped for a day when I was travelling all my unpleasent pink pimples appeared back. I bought my first jojoba oil from a local shop which had a significant smell like rosemary, it wasn't that bad and it worked ok but I think it was mixed with some other oils. Now I recommend Dan's products anyone I talk to because I received it in shortest time, only 5 days to Istanbul which is amazing. The cap is very useful too. It is still cheaper that local mixed oil even with shipment costs
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May 2, 2010


Awesome feel on the skin. The feeling is unexplainable it's like a smooth fresh feeling when you apply about 6 drops with the moisturizer. It's really great, and I wouldnt use anything but this stuff. Plus can be used for lots of different things.


If more than 6 drops it could make your face a little oily.

NO DOUBT best product i have ever used for my face. Great buy and really cheap.
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April 21, 2010


Takes excellent care of flakiness
Nice feel
Makes skin smooth, soft and firm
Acceptable price (I think)
Great quality


Might irritate eyes (if it gets close enough)
Gives you a shiny look if applied in excess.

The best product I've ever used for my skin. I was so flaky after the BP but then I started using Jojoba oil and it reduced 95% of flakes. It also makes my skin look and feel better. I apply aprox. 2 drops with morning Moisturizer (because it's too shiny) and a lot (6-10 drops) at night. I use it on lips too but it's kind of weird.
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April 13, 2010


takes care of flakiness on skin


made my skin look and feel oily... may have contributed to breakouts...didnt use it long enough to know for sure if it was the reason for the new breakouts i was getting

wont ever use it or buy again
March 31, 2010


This product has really helped me with flaky skin caused by bp. It makes skin feel really good and moisturized.


A bit oily, but not if you use a very small amount. I use one drop during the daytime and 2 or 3 at night and it is plenty.

I would reccomend this product to anyone.
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March 9, 2010


I use it as a lip moisturizer as I can't use most other lip moisturizers due to their ingredients and besides they feel worse.



Great stuff
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January 29, 2010


Works well to help combate the flakiness from BP. A small amount goes a long way. Should last a very long time.


A little oily to use during the day.

I have been on Benzaclin for one month now and have been using the jojoba for one week. The jojoba is working really well. I use 2-3 drops with my moisturizer at nigt, use 1-2 if I am on call for work, and it works great. I was afraid to use at first because it was an "oil", but must say does a great job at moisturizing.
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September 28, 2009


everything about dan's product is a winner. i use it on my lips to soften them before i go to bed, a couple drops in my lotion if my face is particularly dry or even on my feet! the uses are endless.



buy this product and read the reviews for cool ways to use it. it will not break you out like traditional "oils" so don't be scared away. plus you get a HUGE bottle of it if you purchase from dan and it will last practically forever. this stuff is amazing!
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