: Organic Jojoba Oil

206 Reviews

Jojoba Oil (100% Organic).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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September 9, 2009


A tiny drop goes a really long way, so it's really cost effective. It moisturizes very well, leaving skin soft and even, and can be used for a variety of uses. When used correctly, it shouldn't make you break out.


Like the rest of Dan's products, my only complaint is being limited to purchasing online and having to pay the shipping. The cost of shipping to my location in FL is virtually half the cost of the item itself, but overall is worth it!

I think that this oil is the perfect complement to Dan's moisturizer. All you have to do is mix a drop or two into the moisturizer, and it transforms it into perfection. The key is using the right amount. Of course, if you use too much, your face will be an oil slick. But when used sparingly, it's amazingly effective. Around my monthly cycle, my skin's texture almost transforms into this rough, oily version of its normal self. This oil lessens all of that, since it's so close to natural human sebum. I mix up about a week's worth of moisturizer/oil at a time, in a tiny airtight container, so that saves me some time in the mornings while applying all the regimen products. I also use the oil sometimes on the ends of my hair, on dry skin, and chapped lips. It works great. I think my bottle will last forever, honestly. Definitely worth it, give it a try!
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August 29, 2009


Very moisturizing, safe for acne-prone skin, affordable, organic, can use everywhere on your body.


Maybe shipping? But Dan's products are worth it!

I love this product! Unfortunately, I don't use this as a moisturizer on my face because it does make me very oily. However, I love using this as a hair conditioner, lip balm, massage oil, and makeup remover. I use Estee Lauder Double Wear foundation (a pain in the butt to remove) and to take it off I just put some jojoba oil on a cotton pad and remove my foundation and eye makeup before I wash my face. Works great and leaves my skin soft. I also like putting some on the ends of my hair to keep it soft and healthy. Jojoba oil rocks!
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July 31, 2009


I love using it on my body. I either use it alone or mix it with one of my other moisture lotions. I use it as a eyemakeup remover too and plan to try it on my hair.


It's an OIL and my whole life ive been taught to ONLY use Oil Free products on my face. Ive tried a few drops w/ Dan's lotion and it was verrrry oily. I still wanted to keep using it but I am just so scared it will make me break out terribly!

Confused. I asked my best friend (who is both a med student and a girl who has dealt with every kind of skin problem you can imagine in her 22 years) if an oil can still make you break out if its proven to be non comeodomic. She said that yes, it defiantly can because the oil creates a medium for bacteria to form. That makes sense to me. So, i'm not using it on my face for awhile. I also noticed that Dan's regular face lotion already has Jojoba oil in it, therefore making it not Oil Free, so i'm nervous to use that as well. It sucks because I have an extreme case of combination skin, where my skin will be dry, painful, and flaky right next to or on top of a pimple(s). I really liked the idea of Jojoba cos its natural. Oh well, I still am glad I got the bottle cos like I said, I use it for other stuff.
July 13, 2009


-Hydrates Skin
-No Breakouts


-Takes a while for skin to absorb

I originally bought the desert essence oil, but decided to purchase the jojoba oil w/ the AHA+. I mainly use the jojoba oil w/ my shampoo b/c i tend to get a dry scalp. So far it's been able to hydrate my hair/scalp well. Also, my feet tend to get dry and lack moisture. so i use it on my feet as well, and it keeps them soft and dry-free.
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June 16, 2009


Gets rid of flaky/dry skin.
Feels nice applying



It makes my face very, very greasy so I can only apply it at night, deffinetly not in the morning.
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June 11, 2009


Cheap cost. Reduces redness. Moisturizes so well it's not even funny. Destroys even extreme flaking and redness with a few applications. Perfect foil to the drying properties of most acne meds.


Leaves you looking greasy for a few hours. The solution is to either mix it with a moisturizer and blot or simply apply it before bed and forget about it.

I feel like I've missed out on a big secret for years, but no longer! I recently went on a regimen of Epiduo in the evening and Clindamycin in the morning as prescribed by my derm. Being that I'm extremely fair and sensitive, my skin was a mess. I was so red in the face that I looked like a bobblehead. OTC moisturizers just were not cutting it. After reading this board I went to Trader Joes and bought a bottle of Dessert Essence. WOW!!! The severe redness, dryness, and flakiness literally subsided almost completely with ONE APPLICATION. This stuff is miraculous! I apply it directly at night after my Epiduo has dried and it takes the sting right out. In the morning I use a Cetaphil moisturizer which I mixed with a little Jojoba. The results are spectacular so far. To all those talking about it being an oil - it's actually not. Do some research and you will find that this is wax based, that's why it doesn't clog your pores. Give it a chance, this could be the turning point for your skin!
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June 6, 2009


Really really gets rid of those pesky flakes and dryness caused by BP.


Can make face a little shiny if too much used. The verdict is still out on this for me as far as causing breakouts- I don't think so though.

Great stuff if you are on the BP regime. A little goes A LONG WAY for sure. You only need a drop or two mixed in with your moisturizer for your whole face! I think this bottle will last me 10 yrs, :) I dont notice a bad smell to it at all and I think they must have improved the bottle as mine does not leak at all.
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May 30, 2009


Doesn't clog pores, gets rid of flakiness immidiately



Works wonderfully! Don't use too much it only takes a few drops or you're skin will be an oil slick. I use most of the products of Dan's and a few that I found on here that got rave reviews. They researched it and did the guess work for you, so why not. I love all the products!!!!
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May 24, 2009


Feels great
Extremely hydrating


Smells weird.
Causes breakouts?

I love the way this feels and is extremely hydrating. Stopped flakiness. I applied as a lip moisturizer and keep getting small white heads directly on lips(never had these before). Tried mixing with my lotion and applying to neck, that caused pretty bad acne flare up. For some reason it doesnt work for me. I will try again and see if i have the same or better results. I would recommend this but, i would tell you to apply to a test area first.
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May 20, 2009


Feels good on skin, gets rid of flakes completely, and leaves skin smooth.


Smell isn't amazing but I can live with it.

Great product. Has a lot of different uses too.