: Organic Jojoba Oil

206 Reviews

Jojoba Oil (100% Organic).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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December 26, 2008


Curbs the dryness and flakiness caused by BP. Leaves my skin feeling softer and healthier than I have ever had


Makes me look shiny.

I never would have thought that any kind of "oil" could be used on the face. But sure enough, my skin has taken to Jojoba Oil very well. It does a great job of curbing the red and flaky skin caused by the BP.
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December 1, 2008


Extremely gentle and deeply moisturizing without being too oily or thick feeling!


Smells a bit nutty and does not absorb completely, so it cannot be kept on face during the day or overnight. Doesn't do anything for acne, but this is to be expected.

I love this product! I've had my bottle since June, and I just keep finding more uses for it! In the summer it's perfect for sunburned skin, and in the dry fall/winter weather I rub it into the callouses on my feet. The skin on my face is normally oily, but also very sensitive. In the winter, however, it becomes dry to the point of being painful, so lately I've been using the jojoba oil as a super-moisturizing treatment about 2X a week. I gently rub it all over my face, let it sit for an hour, and then wash it off with Dove soap. Afterward my skin looks toned, even and feels very soft. I am especially grateful for this product, as I cannot use the moisturizer (it burns my face). Overall I am a very pleased customer! :)
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November 26, 2008


This stuff rocks. It won't cause any blemishes. It is totally organic, scentless, and mixes easily into moisturizers. It will keep your skin really soft and free of flakiness. It is also a great moisturizer around the eyes and is non-irritating.


It is an oil. So it is oily. But mixed into moisturizer it absorbs really well and smoothly and makes your whole face look fresh and radiant.

I really recommend adding this into the acne regimen. Mix a couple drops into any moisturizer you use. You need so little each time that a bottle will last you forever. It makes the moisturizer so much nicer!
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October 27, 2008


It gets rid of flakes so well its not even funny. Also it doesn't break me out, it might even help keep me clear, though the regimen is working so well it might just be that


Absolutely none, seriously

Its really easy to use, i mix it with my moisturizer, like 2-4 drops with a half a pump of lotion on my palm. Apply to dry/flaky/irritated areas. If your face is feeling tight at all this stuff will keep that tightness away all day by applying it once, if you mix it with lotion it will not make your face greasy either.
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October 16, 2008


This multi-purpose moisturizer is natural, affordable, and KEEPS MY SKIN CLEAR!


None - but can be a little greasy/oily/shiny on the face if used with another moisturizer.
Why didn't I start using this years ago?

I have mild but annoyingly persistent acne. There's always some kind of blemish on my face. It gets worse with stress, hormones and lack of sleep. I started using this oil after my skin started flaking/getting an allergic reaction from the BP regimen. I was ready to abandon the regimen completely until I read in the chatrooms to use jojoba oil for flakiness. Not only did the oil get rid of the dryness, but it has also faded some of my acne scars. As an experiment, I stopped using the BP regimen completely and just started using Dan't jojoba oil and nothing else. Amazingly, my skin didn't produce any new breakouts! Now I just use BP for spot treatments and the jojoba oil helps the pimple to heal faster and leaves no scars. I no longer get those horrible, painful cystic pimples that spreads or takes forever to go away. I can't believe after using dozens of expensive brands/chemicals, etc. this was the only thing that has cleared my skin! Thank you, Dan. I am so g
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September 7, 2008


This stuff is GREAT if you mix it up with your moisturizer at night it also fades away some red spots on your face also it lasts for a long time :)


None Yet

Must Get if you want your normal moisturizer to be a SUPER moisturizer so it could take away the flakiness and red sport also its awesome if you put it on you scalp before shampooing and sometimes I use it as a lip balm :)
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July 26, 2008


I've been using jojoba oil and it's become my favorite thing to moisturize with. Previously I was using DHC extra olive oil (very pricey). This has helped even my skin tone and best of all doesn't break me out. It's natural too, which i LOVE.


None, really.

I'd recommend everyone to give this a try. It's good to use a face moisturizer and for body as well.
July 25, 2008


It really hydrates and makes my skin smooth. Great consistency too, i hate lotions, that's why i love this.


Makes my face shiny, but the BP takes care of that.

Great product, i recommend it.
July 25, 2008


It works, it's cheap, it's got no scent, nothing in there but pure jojoba, it's the real deal and it's everything they say it is and more.


Oil can leak from the back of the nozzle on the lid, which doesn't bother me but might bother someone more nitpicky than I. Nothing else.
...Well, it'd be to expensive to bathe in. I guess that's a con.

What a revelation. This stuff 100% cured my flakyness issues (I've been clear on the DKR for just under a year, but the BP was giving me the typical parched-skin issues), it's the PERFECT moisturizer for around my eyes - it actually cleared up wrinkles under my eyes which I thought were permanent, but it turned out were just a result of dryness. This is especially important to me, because EVERY other moisturizer I've ever tried has stung me terribly around my eyes. It was to the point where I had just stopped moisturizing that area completely, which is no good. DK jojoba took care of that, and I am eternally grateful. I'll stop just short of calling it a miracle, but for me it really was close. Thank you so much for making this, Dan.
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July 13, 2008


Little goes a long way, multipurpose, no clogged pores or irritation


top leaks

I bought this intending to use it as a makeup remover. I wear makeup very rarely though, so haven't had a chance to try it for that. I have tried it as a moisturizer on my face and found that I have to use a very small amount, or else I get too oily. I've been mixing it with Oil of Olay Complete for Sensitive Skin with SPF 15. It thins out the moisturizer, which is nice. That combo often makes me oily though, so I think I need to use less. I've also used it on my hair as a kind of leave-in conditioner, which works great. Leaves my very dry, damaged hair looking great. Sometimes I use it to moisturize dry skin on the rest of my body, and that works well too. I've used it on my lips, which temporarily leaves a pretty shine and is very moisturizing. I'm starting to wonder if there's anything this stuff can't do. . .