YAZ : Oral Contraceptive

358 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Ethinyloestradiol (20mcg), Synthetic Oestrogen, and Drospirenone (3mg).

Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose, maize starch, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, purified talc, titanium dioxide, iron oxide red.

4 placebo (non-hormonal) pills per pack
Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose, maize starch, povidone, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, titanium dioxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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June 19, 2009


It seems to have really helped my skin as I have had moderate-severe acne for the last 3 years!! Shorter periods!!


My cramps seemed worse on my first period on the pill, even though I took the amount of Motrin my doctor told me too..

For me it has been working already very well for the skin!
June 18, 2009
I just purchased yaz and ive been on it for a month. My dermatoligist gave it to me for the treatement of acne. so far i have breakouts all over my jawline..They said the first month the acne will get worse before it gets better.. so all of you who are suffering dont get discouraged because hopefully mine will clear up in about a month... and also you are not the only one out there with acne.. hope i encouraged someone
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June 17, 2009


Not pregnant. PMS/PMDD has decreased.


Never had acne or random pimples until starting this pill. Weight gain.

I switched to Yaz after being diagnosed with PCOS. So far so good just some major cramping from time to time. Just letting my body adjust to these hormones. Hopefully in time the acne will go away. I'm just glad that I have a regular period again but I could do without the weight gain and acne.
June 15, 2009


bigger breasts, happier mood, acne went away, shorter and ligher periods, cramps went away


nausea when first taken, mood swings for the first month, and attempting to remember to take it, weight gain, price

if you can deal with remembering to take a pill at the same time each day, and don't mind being a little curvier, it's great. my acne went away, my cramps went away, I got bigger breasts, and was all around happier. you just have to take it with food, or else you'll get a killer stomachache. and you might be a little more emotional than usual for the first few months. it's a little pricey, but worth it
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June 12, 2009


My skin is a lot clearer since using this!


Did weird things to my sex drive at first, but that seems to have gone away. Also, the potential side effects are kind of scary.

This stuff has been great to my hormonal skin. Before this I was on spironolactone which was also excellent, but I needed a birth control and Yaz works very similarly to Spironolactone in treating acne but is a form of birth control. I'm on my second month and my skin is looking pretty good. I am also using lemon juice as a topical at night, mixed with water. That is really great at helping fade red marks acne has left behind. The combo really is working for me. The only thing is (and this has nothing to do with the medicine), I've noticed that whenever I eat crappy foods and products containing REFINED SUGAR, specifically, I break out. Diet is a huge part of winning the fight against acne. The dermatologist will of course disagree because if you eat a clean diet with lots of fruits, veggies and water (little or no soda, candy, sweets, fried foods, etc.) then you're not going to keep going to see him/her. This may not cure it 100%, but I've found that it helps a LOT.
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June 5, 2009


Completely cleared my skin within 2 1/2 months!!


First 90 days suffered from hardcore nausea

I started taking Yaz because I have a hormonal imbalance which means I don't get my period unless I'm on BC. In addition I suffered from nasty hormonal breakouts - especially around my jaw line. My first month on Yaz was very difficult to endure. I took it at night to minimize the side effects and still I felt awfully nauseous to the point where I'd throw up sometimes and couldn't fall asleep until the early hours of the morning. I decided to stick through since my acne was starting to lessen. 2 months later - my face has completely cleared and I have NO SIDE EFFECTS at all; no nausea, no emotional crying, no PMS. It's true that the nausea goes away after a while. Your body has to adjust to the changing hormone levels so be patient. My period lasts 3 days and my face looks lovely. Good luck.
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May 18, 2009


Clears skin, increase in breast size, pms/pmdd not as bad


Gained water weight the first few weeks

The price isn't too bad and it really helped my skin which was the main reason I went on it. I get really bad monthly mood swings which did hurt my relationships and this seemed to work a lot better than other pills I have been on. I did gain a little extra 'fluff' for the first few weeks but it just gave me motivation to work out! Overall, Yaz has been great. My skin is clear, my periods are regular and light and my boobs are bigger
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May 15, 2009


increase breast size, clearer skin, improve pms



use yaz if you want to get rid of your acne, increase your breast size and if you suffer from pms...yaz actually works..
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May 6, 2009


No nausea, minimal weight gain (if any), and prevents pregnancy.


People always say that your acne will get worse before it gets better, I was on this pill for 9 months and my acne just kept getting worse. I broke out in places I never had before,

Bad for Acne, good for everything else.
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April 29, 2009


No Babies. Cleared up Acne. Better moods. Helped ME loose weight.


Anxiety, Headaches around period, Yeast infections

I've been on Yaz for almost a year and I had the normal side effects the first few months I took it, which was headaches. I didn't really notice a difference in my acne until probably about 6 months ago. The first few months I took it I did have headaches or more like a migraine on the right side of my head and I also got yeast infections but they stopped. Now everytime I'm fixing to start my period I get a yeast infection. But not everyone gets yeast infections so other than that there's nothing wrong with Yaz and I would recommend it because if you have really bad mood swings than it helps with that. I'm fixing to switch to Ortho Tri Cyclen and see if the yeast infections stop. Which I hope to God the infections stop cuz it sucks!! Remember every type of birthcontrol pill is different and will do people differently!
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