YAZ : Oral Contraceptive

358 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Ethinyloestradiol (20mcg), Synthetic Oestrogen, and Drospirenone (3mg).

Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose, maize starch, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, purified talc, titanium dioxide, iron oxide red.

4 placebo (non-hormonal) pills per pack
Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose, maize starch, povidone, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, titanium dioxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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September 11, 2010


-Does help prevent acne from getting worse (if your acne is at least partly hormonal)


-Does not clear acne
-Increased risk of DVTs, PEs, and stroke (this bc pill causes a significant risk of blood clots people!)

I was put on Yaz a little over a year ago to help with my acne and did notice a slight improvement over the year (nothing to jump up and down about). However, I recently decided the heath risks and expense of the prescription were not worth the small benefits so I stopped. I broke out BAD! Worse than before I was put on the pill for sure. Its been 2 months since stopping now and its only getting worse. I wish I would have never gone on it to begin with.
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September 7, 2010


I love this pill so far its made my boobs a size and a half bigger

my face has cleared :)

I still have a great sex drive

and it hasnt effected my weight at all


i get ocassional spotting but my docter told me its normal for the first month or two

and im emotional about stupid things but i am a 16 year old girl :)

I've only been on this for a month im 17 and i am sexually active with my boyfriend who i have been with for 2 years, but i didnt go on the pill for this i went on this due to reallllly bad period pain, which was causing vomiting and i couldnt even attend school but im really suprised with how fast it has worked for me im really happy with this and i recomend it to any teenage girl for me it was a bit expensive though but i live in australia and im halving with my mum
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September 6, 2010


Cleared up acne completely
Regulated period
No pregnancy
No mood swings
No weight gain
No effect on sex drive


Still had awful cramps
Still had heavy flow

I went on birth control in an effort to stop my extremely painful cramps. I went on Yaz for a bit more than a year, and it didn't help. I stayed on it though, and it completely cleared my acne. I really liked that. I recently switched to Loestrin 24 fe, which has caused my acne to return, so it's upsetting to have had great skin for such a limited time. Loestrin is causing a lot of break through bleeding though, so I'm going to try another pill before going back to Yaz.
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September 3, 2010


Leg cramps, joint pain, resultant comedonal acne, heart palpitations, mood swings

I used this for 2 months and could not take the joint pain anymore. It was unbearable, to the point where I felt I could not walk. Additionally, it made me feel like my blood was not flowing, which I know sounds strange but I have low blood pressure and this pill made it feel like my blood was circulating even less. This led to the aforementioned joint pain. After approximately 3 days of using this pill, I developed severe comedonal acne all over my face, which persisted throughout the course of my Yaz regimen. After the two months, when I quit using the pill, the comedonal acne went away within a week. During my usage of Yaz, I also had a horrifying, terrifying emotional breakdown. I was inconsolable, crying endlessly for an entire week. Before this major breakdown but while using Yaz, I would have random, inexplainable periods of distress, usually a day or two, here or there, when I just felt sad and anxious for no reason, and would usually end up crying and feeling stressed out. Since ending Yaz treatment, I have had no such mood swings. I'm back to being happy. I did not have breast tenderness or enlargement, yeast infections or any other notable changes. For others, this pill works WONDERS. I guess it just doesn't work for me.
August 23, 2010


effective contraceptive
lighter periods


a Danish study found 64% higher incidence of blood clotting with YAZ and Yasmin than pills that have been established for decades.

Blood clots leading to an embolism which can lead to death

I have been using Yasmin for 7 years and now am changing my method due to strong suggestion from my GP and after reading this article: [link removed]
August 14, 2010


Regulated my cycles & much less painful periods, didn't get pregnant, no change in appetite no weight gain. Made my skin a lot less oily.


Really messed with my emotions! I felt depressed while taking this pill, which I have never experienced before. I decided to try Yaz because of it's skin clearning benefits for my mild acne. Instead, my skin broke out terribly for the 3 months that I took it & I had to quit.

I took Yaz for the recommended three months, but I didn't see any improvement in my skin, it appeared to get much worse over time, and it was not worth the crazy emotions it was putting me through. However, I know a lot of women have luck with this pill and it did a good enough job of regulating my periods, so I would still recommend trying it.
August 10, 2010


- Clearing skin!
- Better for period-related stuff
- No side effects as of yet


- Sex drive down

Birth control pills should take 3-4 months to kick in, but my skin is already clearing up and I'm only on my third week! I'm taking this for PCOS, so the acne part was just a benefit - my skin is mostly very red around the cheeks and nose (highly sensitive skin, ruled out rosacea), with a few bumps here and there. Now, it's a lot less red and those bumps that wouldn't go away FINALLY have heads so I pretty much popped those. My skin isn't as clear as I'd want it yet, but I am happy with it after such a short period of time! Oh, I did have a breakout-y thing in the second week, where my skin was PARTICULARLY ruddy and bumpy. So that was pretty awful, but now it's much more manageable. And I do think my sex drive is down, I'm feeling very....asexual these days, although I do love my boyfriend.
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August 3, 2010


completely cleared skin, no weight gain, no more cramps or bloating before period!


complete loss of sex drive - which was to be expected for the skin clearing benefits

I wanted to wait four months before i reviewed this pill, as that is how long it takes (at a minimum) to know whether or not its the right bc pill for you. My stats: I'm 20 years old, with very nice skin (had the occasional pimple or two in high school, but nothing too bad..) then about 5 months ago my skin just exploded for no reason. I was planning on getting back on bc anyway, so I decided to try yaz for the added skin benefits. So im actually on my fourth packet, about to finish it, and the difference between now and the first 2 months is incredible. The first two months were horrible.. I would breakout nearly every day, with huge cystic spots.. mostly on my cheeks which was the worst part. I'd say at about 2 1/2 months in.. maybe 3.. my skin stopped breaking out with the big, red, inflamed spots. Instead I started getting little tiny pimples (similar to whiteheads) mostly on my chin.. this still devastated me to some point, but it was definitely better than the huge red ones. Then at 4 months... no more spots! I don't have one single pimple on my face, and its been a month. I still have a few red spots/marks (hyper pigmentation) left over, but I'm having microdermabrasion on these areas and its working great. And when I put on a bit of makeup, my skin looks flawless. I'm very happy that yaz has done what it promised to do. The reason I'm giving it 4 stars and not 5 is because of the way it kills your sex drive. I've been on other pills before (including yasmin) and never had this problem. But it is starting to become a real strain on my relationship (I'm only 20!) so I'm not sure what I'm going to do... because I really don't want to get off this pill. Anyway, sorry this is so long.. but i know what it feels like to be searching for an answer to your skin problems.. I wanted to make this as detailed as possible. Bottom line.. Yaz is the best bc pill I've been on for weight and skin.. just sucks a
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July 28, 2010


no side effects, cleared acne slightly, no ib, shorter light periods if i get it at all...


wished it cleared my skin more, didn't get bigger boobs, and insurance won't pay for it so now i have to take the generic which might not work as well.

it took 3 months but it did seem like it was helping, i didn't get an ib which was great, shorter light periods lasted about a day and a half. now i'm on the generic starting to breakout already and i'm barely on the second week. too bad its not free anymore, i guess i'll have to switch to something else :(
July 25, 2010


not sure yet...


nausea in the first week

I'm 24, had my first experience with acne last year but it cleared up over the summer when i was swimming at the beach, i would still get the occasional zit but nothing to what 2010 had in store... i started breaking out a bit so the doc prescribed me Diane in April.... and my face went CRAZY. oil where oil had never been, pores enlarged, and two great big infections one either side of my face, heavy painful periods and crazy stomach problems.. i finally got those under control with Doxycycline and treating my skin with natural oils and masks... but the hormonal acne was still a curse. 2 1/2 weeks into Yaz and i've had some breakouts, in the conventional places next to my mouth, and my skin is a bit uneven, and theres hyper pigmentation everywhere...oh the joys of being a woman! anyway i'm optimistic, everyone seems to think that it takes about 6 weeks or so to see any changes, and if Yaz clears this acne i will shout from the rooftops. yes boobs are bigger. and apetite is consistent, no weight gain thus far. i'm sleeping more and having vivid dreams. the nausea stopped completely after a couple of days, even when Yaz was taken on an empty stomach. heres to getting my face back! will update in three months to review Yaz progress!
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