Yasmin : Oral Contraceptive

1145 Reviews

21 yellow tablets
Active Ingredients:
3 mg drosperinone and 0.03 mg ethinyl estradiol.

Inactive ingredients:
lactose monohydrate NF, corn starch NF, pregelatinized starch NF, povidone 25000 NF, magnesium stearate NF, hypromellose USP, macrogol 6000 NF, titanium dioxide USP, talc USP, and ferric oxide pigment, yellow NF. The white inert film-coated tablets contain lactose monohydrate NF, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate NF, hypromellose USP, talc USP, and titanium dioxide USP.

7 white inert film-coated tablets
Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose monohydrate NF, corn starch NF, povidone 25000 NF, magnesium stearate NF, hypromellose USP, talc USP, and titanium dioxide USP.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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May 31, 2007


I have probs with adult acne on my chin/cheeks, and nothing I have tried...skin medicine or other pills..does a thing, yet Yasmin makes my skin perfect. I also lose weight on this pill.


Nausea in the morning, total loss of sex drive, and worst of all, intense, uncontrllable anger and depression out of nowehere.

I took this pill a couple years ago for about a year. Long enough to clear up my skn and stop the vicious cycle of breakouts. Because of this, any scarring started to clear up, and even the entire next year I was off of it, my skin remained calm. Only after a BIG mistake...a spray on tan, did my acne flare up again horrible. a year and a half later, after nothing else working, I am back on Yasmn. One week into it, skin is the best ts been n a couple years again. If it only wasnt for the moods!
May 16, 2007


No unplanned babies! Less water weight than other pills I've tried, less emotional breakdowns, clearer skin, did I mention no babies?


First few pill sof the months make me kinda sick, deffinate increase in hunger, no generic yet - my insurance doesn't cover most of it.

I've been on Jasmine for a while now, 2yrs off and on (had a planned baby somewhere in there) and love it. I had so many problems with the Estrostep Fe and Orthotricyclin I was on in the past. Ortho made me vomit nonstop and Estro made me an emotional wreck! Yes, it does take time for your skin to clear up but it gets better! The first 2-3 months I though my skin was just getting worse but once my body got used to the hormones I got lots of compliments on my skin! I went 6 months without a single breakout!
April 27, 2007


Not sure yet...it's only been a week...


What I have noticed is...aching arms (right one)..nausa..a little moody...hear burn..leg cramps..

I was told side affects could last 2 weeks - 1 month..so I will give it more time..before I make a final decision...but if this continues...
March 26, 2007


No babies, regular periods


Horrible headaches, Depression, Mood swings, and leg cramps

When I started Yasmin I had the common side effects of nausea and not really any bad pms no weight gain or anything. after about 6 months I got really depressed my relationships were horrible because I didn't want to be around anyone. I had horrible mood swings and would go off on my boyfriend for no reason and anyone else that was in my path! I would also get anxiety attacks I dont recommend this pill I have switched to mircette! so hopefully that one works a lot better!
March 20, 2007


Don't have to use any other BC methods


-Random aches and pains (throbing legs and arms, brest tenderness).
-Immediately broke out on my face after first couple of weeks.

I'm almost done with my first month and am a little bit worried after reading other people's horror stories with Yasmine, but I think I'll stick with it and see if my skin clears up in the next couple of months. But if anything else weird happens to me before that, I'm done with it!
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March 13, 2007


only been on it a few weeks so dont know the pros yet


worse migraines which i have never suffered with, sore breasts all the time, acne gotten horrific, big and pussy all over both cheeks also feel sex drive is lower

I am on yasmin to clear up my acne and for contraception purposes, so far has made the acne so much worse that its making me depressed and affecting my relationship.will still give it a go but if the acne doesnt clear up in 3 months then am coming off it
March 12, 2007


Not pregnant


Heavier and longer periods, extreme mood swings with an inability to control my anger. I just explode when I'm mad and cry hysterically when I'm upset or depressed. It's horrible... I just got off after 2 years of craziness.

Severe modd swings should be listed as common side effects because it can affect your life.
March 12, 2007


I have yet to see any so far.


I have been terribly irritible and weepy from the time that I have started them - which has only been 3 weeks. I mainly went on to clear up my skin and it has gotten terribly worse! Large cystic like zits around my mouth and on my checks!

I want to go off but I'm afraid it will all get worse.
March 12, 2007


Not a dern thing. PLEASE, for your health and the safety of others, DON'T USE YASMIN!


PREGNANCY followed by an AWFUL miscarriage, weight gain, hard to lose weight, irritability, non-stop crying, depression, no sex drive, and continual yeast infections. I turned into a fat witch.

I went on Yasmin 3 months before I got married and thought that Yasmin worked fine. I thought stress of planning a wedding and then newly being married, moving to a small town, and starting a career were the causes of my depression, non-stop crying and weight gain (even though my diet became more regulated and I was exercising more!). After a year of perfect pill use (every night at 10pm an alarm went off and I took my pill) and no weird antibiotics, I got pregnant. Didn't know it and miscarried at 8 weeks (found out at 7 that I was preggo). I didn't attribute anything to Yasmin until my gorgeous sister went on Yasmin and was having similar problems. She was told by her modeling agency she was going to have to start plus-size modeling and she broke up with her boyfriend of 3 years because she too had turned into a witch. She ditched Yasmin, lost weight and reconciled with her boyfriend. I just came off Yasmin. The weight melted off (with NO effort)and I am back to being myself.
March 7, 2007


less acne, bigger boobs (good for me), not pregnant!


weight gain (ALOT), no appetite, moody, depressed, dry skin, no sex drive, LOOOONG periods

I went on yasmin to clear up my acne...and that is exactly what it did. After 3 months, I was just left with scars. I'm on my sixth month now, and I've had my period for 2 months straight, HEAVY. Now if you can handle the depression, mood swings, constant bleeding, low sex drive, and weight gain...then go for it. And everyone is different, so it may work for you. I'm going to go on Accutane now, yasmin didn't work for me. (IF YOU ARE ALREADY A DEPRESSED PERSON, DO NOT TAKE!!! SERIOUSLY!)