Yasmin : Oral Contraceptive

1145 Reviews

21 yellow tablets
Active Ingredients:
3 mg drosperinone and 0.03 mg ethinyl estradiol.

Inactive ingredients:
lactose monohydrate NF, corn starch NF, pregelatinized starch NF, povidone 25000 NF, magnesium stearate NF, hypromellose USP, macrogol 6000 NF, titanium dioxide USP, talc USP, and ferric oxide pigment, yellow NF. The white inert film-coated tablets contain lactose monohydrate NF, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate NF, hypromellose USP, talc USP, and titanium dioxide USP.

7 white inert film-coated tablets
Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose monohydrate NF, corn starch NF, povidone 25000 NF, magnesium stearate NF, hypromellose USP, talc USP, and titanium dioxide USP.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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May 18, 2011


-Cleared up my back and chest acne completely after 5 months

-Gave me somewhat shorter periods

-Took away pre-menstrual cramps and all menstrual discomfort all together

-Easy to keep track of your period/ know when it's coming


-Acne got worse for the first 4 months (very bad)

-Easy to forget to take it everyday

My main issue with acne was with my back and chest area, I never really had acne on my face or anywhere else on my body (besides the occasional zit or two). The acne was definitely most severe on my back than anywhere else, where i got several incredibly painful cysts and nodules at one time, accompanied by redness and scarring. They re occurred for years with the common acne cyst on my chest. Once I gave up on relying on the summer sun to clear them up, I went to the dermatologist. She prescribed me several different anti-biotics after another (Doxycyline, Minocycline, Erythromycin, etc) and topical treatments (Differin, Tazorotene, Stievamycin, etc) to see which was most effective. None worked significantly well for me and some even made it worse- except for the Stievamycin (which I cannot live without and recommend for everybody!) Anyway, after hearing about the benefits of birth control on acne, I decided to try it My doctor put me on Yasmin because he said it was the best for treating acne. So the first month or two, my acne stayed the same and I saw no improvements nor worsening. However, the next couple of months were horrible and my acne was worse than ever. But I was determined to not give up and I'm glad I didn't. I'm in my 5th month now and I haven't had a cyst or nodule on my back or chest for weeks- this is the clearest my skin has ever been. I pair my Yasmin with a stievamycin gel that I put on at night and they are honestly a match made in heaven, they work wonders together. So if you're on/going on Yasmin primarily for acne, I would say be patient and consistent- it works!!!!!
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April 24, 2011


Less cramps, bigger boobs, and best of all, much much better acne


It takes at least 2-4 months to work, and before it does, my acne got worse - the worst its ever been. I would only recommend this product if you're willing to go through worse acne for about 1-2 months.

Even though I felt like giving up on yasmin within the first 3 months, after reading the reviews on this site I decided to wait it out for at least 3 months to see what happened. I've noticed that many of the negative reviews of this product are written within the first 3 months of taking yasmin, so I decided not to come to any conclusions until I had finished 3-4 packs of pills. After enduring the worst acne I've ever had - not just localized to my chin but all over my face, and deeper cystic acne than before - my face finally began to slowly clear up, and now after finishing 4 packs of pills, I am completely clear. Its truly amazing. I know that yasmin is not for everyone, but I think that if you're suffering from hormonal/cystic acne that you should give it a try, but only if you're willing to BE PATIENT and to let your acne get worse before getting better. There are no quick fixes to skin problems.
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April 19, 2011


- bigger boobs
- no weight gain (that I've noticed)
- no nausea


- did not clear up all acne, more break-outs initially

- only on the 1st pack so may need few more months to see reduction in acne - good pill overall with no real side effects
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April 16, 2011


Lighter periods
No stomach cramps
Weight loss
Bigger breasts


Acne MUCH worse - not just whiteheads and blackheads - regular large cysts!
Nausea during first month

Having had acne since my early teens (I am now 21), I had tried many different treatments and facial skincare products in an effort to improve my skin, so I thought I would try Yasmin. It was recommended to me by many friends as the miracle pill (weight loss, massive breasts, perfect skin!) and I had very high hopes for my acne. I used to have three or four whiteheads at any one time around my t-zone and mouth - the longevity of these spots and the scarring afterwards (I scar easily!) was my main concern. However, within the first week of taking Yasmin I experienced breakouts like never before - instead of a few whiteheads every couple of days, I had 3 or 4 new cysts on my face per day, and not just in my t-zone. I was reassured by my doctor that this was normal and my skin would get worse before it got better, so I stuck with it. Today, after 3 months on Yasmin, I have so much scarring from the cysts, which are still all over my cheeks and forehead. This was not the right pill for me! Although there were many positives - bigger breasts, no stomach cramps - I have learnt that if you break out severely after the first few months then it is likely that you will continue to do so... this was not just a transition period. A miracle pill for others but not for me!
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April 16, 2011




gave me cystic acne

I broke out after taking Yasmin for 2 weeks. I had just gotten over my teenage acne and had a few red marks and then i took Yasmin (for menstrual reasons) and i broke out like crazy. I stopped immediately (around the 3 week pills) and it started to clear after a couple months. but i am now left with worse scars and red marks. It may work for you but it didnt for me (im a 16 year old caucasian if that helps)
April 15, 2011


Clear skin
Larger Breast
No Weight Gain


Tender Breasts

I decided to try this even after reading all the awful reviews because everyones body is different. I'm 25 almost 26 and suffer from AWFUL cystic acne. It is so painful and I've tried everything from UV treatment to antibiotics. I decided to give birth control a go even though I'm completely against it. (cause in the past it made me moody). But my skin was causing so many more problems. This prescription is expensive but worth it. It started clearing up my skin in a month. I'm on my second month and I keep seeing it get better and better. The cystic pimples are gone and it isn't causing pain. Now i"m working on ridding myself of the scars it left. Which face peels work wonders for that! My fiance and I also noticed my breasts got significantly larger. About a cup size, although they tend to get tender almost swollen like. But its nothing that isn't bearable. I haven't had any weight gain and my sex drive has actually increased. I love this pill!!!
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April 14, 2011


clear skin, lighter periods, bigger boobs,



Went on this pill because of really bad acne, after 2 months my skin had already begun to clear up and now after 4 months is spot free. Although it worked for me, doesn't work for everyone like every other pill, it worked for my sister, but not for my friend.
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April 13, 2011


Fuller Breasts


Gave me acne.
Weight gain.
Sore breasts.
Back pain.

I've been taking yasmin for two packs now, and I've never felt so ugly. My face used to be pretty clear, and now it's covered in small whiteheads and fewer, but larger pimples. I felt bloated all the time and I gained weight while on the this pill. It generally sucked.
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April 3, 2011


I'm not pregnant


Hormonal- stresses and emotional
Serious acne flare up

The only pro I could find is that I'm not pregnant. However this could just be down to the fact that the state of my face makes me avoid any contact with boys at the moment. I've taken two packs now and towards the end of the first one I experienced a breakout of small itchy whiteheads all over my jawline and cheeks. I took my 7 day break and then decided to start another pack. One week into that one and my chin has exploded with large cyst like pimples. I regret taking yasmin, and even if this is an initial breakout, I was a lot happier with my light acne before i started this pill!
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March 18, 2011


-No babies


-Extreme stomach cramps and problems the entire time I was on it
-No effect on acne

I went on Yaz and was so sure this was going to work for me and all it did was cause me months of pain and stress. I was constantly sick to my stomach so much so that I could barely get out of bed. I missed work, social events with friends and spent Christmas and New Years in my bed or the bathroom. It was terrible. There was no effect on my skin and even if there was it wouldn't have been worth it. I tried to stick it out for 3 months hearing that it can take up to 3 months for your body to adapt. 2.5 months in I couldn't take it anymore and stopped 3 days later I felt so much better and have been getting progressively better for the last few months. Through this whole ordeal I did learn that dairy was the culprit of my bad skin. I have cut dairy out of my diet almost completely and my skin is amazing. 1 or 2 blemishes around the time of my period or if I cave and have a slice of pizza. I wouldn't wish Yaz on anyone but I'm glad, in some round about way, it was able to lead me to the true issue with my skin.
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