Cephalexin : Oral Antibiotic

116 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
250 mg, 333 mg, 500 mg, or 750 mg of Cephalexin.

Inactive Ingredients:
Cellulose, D & C Yellow No. 10, F D & C Blue No. 1, F D & C Yellow No. 6, gelatin, magnesium stearate, silicone, titanium dioxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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January 30, 2009


Fairly inexpensive compared to Accutane


Don't know yet, have only been on it a few days

First off, why is it that some people have only paid less than $20 for their Rx of this drug, yet I paid almost $30 at Walgreens? I've only been on it for 2 days and my acne, which is moderate, has gotten worse. Is this normal?? In any case, I'm hopeful. My dermatologist gave me the Cephalexin because I'm allergic to Minocycline and he won't give me Accutane because he said my acne is not cystic. I have acne on my forehead, around my hairline and on my chin. What's a girl to do?!! HELP!
January 12, 2009


Cleared some acne


Caused skin peeling and rash on my face and tightness of the skin

It may just be me, but my skin worsened after two days worth of doses. My skin was flaking and peeling and had red inflamation on my face.
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January 5, 2009


it work alright.


it doesn't smell THAT bad!!

i used it when i got my c-section. i noticed NO acne in a week. i was taking it 4 times a day though. try it i actually never new this was for acne but hey if it works use it. i read over all of your reviews and it seems to work better on WOMEN, sorry guys. but we have different chemicals and thats probably why.
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December 31, 2008




Didn't help my acne, smells nasty, tastes bad even if you swallow it quickly. Large pills.

Cephalexin/Keflex isn't very good for acne, and isn't very effective. It didn't disrupt my stomach like minocycline did, but it's hard to get down because of the scent which you can also taste. I had to take this with soda to swallow it. Didn't clear my acne, nor did it help with inflammation, clearing breakouts or preventing them. However it did help my post-nasal drip a little.
December 16, 2008




bad taste

i went to the doctor for a sore throat and she prescribed cephalexin to me, im sitting here wondering why she gave me this if its used for acne. but it says it fights bacteria and its kind of worked so far but i also have acne but i haven't noticed any changes in that
October 2, 2008


Works great for me!


Smelly pills. Can cause some stomach discomfort if taken on an empty stomach. If I take it with food, no problems!

I had mild acne throughout high school and tried many different Rxs... I have allergies to almost all antibiotics so my options were somewhat limited, but this was the only med that cleared me up (nothing topical ever worked). I was off of it for several years and right around 21 I broke out worse than ever before. I went back on cephalexin and my acne cleared up within a month. I am 24 now and still on b/c I am scared to break out again if I stop. Wanted to make sure my skin stayed good for my wedding last year! Since my skin has been clear (aside from an occasional period pimple) for quite some time I am gradually reducing my dosage... Also, in addition I only use facial products w/out fragrance and wear mineral makeup which probably also helps... BTW: To the individual who said this is for bacterial infections, not acne: ACNE IS A BACTERIAL INFECTION! Do your research!
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September 21, 2008


Almost gets you there.



I'm actually unsure wethere my face is clearing up due to these pills or if it's the Differen cream because I was prescribed both at once. This was the first think my derm prescribed to me, back when I was thirteen. It had no effect and gave me TERRIBLE stomach aches every single morning. Two years later my derm decided we should re-try this after some other medicine messed with my white blood cell count. This go around I have no stomach pain and while my face isn't clear it's at least better, this after only a few weeks.
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September 7, 2008


Works great!! it is really cheap and within the first couple of days my neck back and chest were completely clear. Now a still have a little acne on my face but not near as bad as before.

smell, but really not that big of a roblem
August 13, 2008




Smelled awful and did nothing for my face

Didn't work for me but everyone's different
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July 22, 2008


Works very well for acne, very cheap compared to other methods of acne treatments.


Smells horrible, Tastes bad

This is a very good drug for acne. Although it may not work for everyone, no one drug works for everyone. This drug is used to treat acne because Acne is a bacterial infection for all of the people who don't understand why it is used to treat acne.
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