Not Washing or Water Only

172 Reviews

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June 17, 2012




Check your water quality before trying.

I rinse and massage my face with pure water every night before going to bed. In the morning when I shower I use an organic all natural Ayurvedic flour to exfoliate my skin. I don't use soap and my skin is thanking me for it. Every acne sufferer makes the mistake of trying harsh products because we see acne as the enemy that needs to be killed. It's not, our bodies are trying to tell us something. And when our skin is in such a sensitive state using harsh products ultimately makes it worse! Just like how typical shampoos dry out and hurt our hair, these products are stripping our skin. It might sound counterintuitive, but it will actually prevent your skin from producing more oil---unlike after you've stripped it all off with toxic chemicals! Doing this has had the strongest effect on my skin quality. My breakouts are smaller, less red and don't last as long. It's not the only thing I do, but it's had the best effect. Give it some time, your skin might be greasier for a bit. Mine wasn't, but everyone is different. If you can't eat or drink it, don't put it on your skin.
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May 3, 2012


My skin has become less red and inflamed. I haven't gotten a new pimple in over a month (i usually get a new zit every week). Topical treatments (e.g. salycilic acid, toners, face washes, including Purpose and Cetaphil, which my derm recommended) all left my skin inflamed and did nothing to stop the multiple zits that plagued me consistently even after having been on Accutane.
I wash by GENTLY massaging warm water into my face once a day, and my skin is no longer red and my acne is gone.


Skin may be very flaky for the first week of trying this, but I found that as long as you gently wipe the skin down with warm water this helps stop initial breakouts from dead skin buildup.

THIS WORKS! This is the only thing other than Accutane and not eating carbs/sugars and starches that has worked for me. Things I've tried that do NOT work: benzoyl peroxide, antibiotics, salicylic acid and glycolic acid topicals, isolaz, salicylic acid chemical peels (had 2 treatments), aesthetician extraction and red-blue light therapy, acne washes (i've tried Neutrogena, Purpose, and Cetaphil), and the oil cleansing method (using Coconut Oil-broke me out everywhere after one month).
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April 30, 2012


Cheap and easy

I wash my face with a pea size amount of purpose gentle cleanser once a week.
April 20, 2012


The only thing that clears my skin


My skin becomes dry because I can't put lotion on it

Cold water once a day is the only thing that has ever cleared my skin. I sometimes think that maybe I can do better and then I switch to like some Olay, Neutrogena or high-end acne product for a while and it never works. Always makes my skin worse, and if it has acids in it, they dry my skin out and break it out.
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April 5, 2012


- Not time consuming.
- Lets the skin heal properly.
- Free.
- Clears acne.


Skin may become flaky if you don't exfoliate every 3-4 days.

I'm still exfoliating my face every 3-4 days with a gentle scrub. My skin looks healthier every time i look in the mirror. Been on this regimen for a few weeks, good results.
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April 3, 2012


No more breakouts!


Need to have a good supply of wash cloths - very important!

I've had severe cystic acne since I was 20, it's been about 11 years now. I've tried everything under the sun, spent thousands of dollars and nothing worked. My skin is extremely sensitive. The last few months I have started washing my face with water and a clean white face cloth. With the white color cloth I can wipe off the coverup makeup until I dont see the makeup on the cloth. I have to admit it was scary in the beginning, so I took cephalexin (my face meds) for the first week or two. After that I ate healthy every day (fruits and veggies), drank water and washed my face with water and a face cloth 2x a day. After a few weeks I noticed that my face was no longer red and my face matches the rest of my skin tone! I have had a few minor pimples since then but they heal much more quickly. I highly recommend trying this method. I think since I no longer irritate my pores with chemicals they got smaller, no longer inflamed and were able to heal properly.
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March 31, 2012


leaves skin radiant
no cost!
no chemicals


No makeup for you

My acne was actually caused my irritation and I didn't realize it for years. If I use any facial wash besides just water, I break out. I just take a sea sponge, wet it with water, and gently massage my face with it. If my face is more oily, I just do it more often. My skin glows and feels lovely. My acne became terrible after using Proactiv. I started water only after that experience.
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March 4, 2012




ummmm nothing?
It was kinda hard to "let go" for a week or two.

I have hormonal acne, being a teen. I tried to get rid of it with Benzoyl P and other topicals, but lets just say it didnt get better. After looking at my 3 siblings' relatively acne-free faces (they're about the same age as me), I realized that this could NOT be genetic, adn it was something I had done. I stopped using the benzoyl and facewashes, and even stopped washing my face for a while. I started drinking a lot of filtered (NOT tap, read about chlorine and copper) water, and I wash my face every couple of days, and my acne is almost gone/unnoticeable.
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December 14, 2011


Clearer Complexion
Acne Disappearing
Free and NATURAL!



Suffered from the biggest breakout of my life when my acne finally reached around my cheek bones and my cheeks. Used Cleansers, AHA, B.Peroxide, Moisturizers on my face and left noticeable hyperpigmentation on my face. It was only then that i realized that all those chemicals probably contributed to the inflammation of my acne and caused hyperpigmentation. So, I decided just to only use water in the morning with luke warm water, mid day with luke warm water, and then take a shower at night. All i can say is wow.. these three simple steps finally cleared my acne and is slowly taking care of my hyperpigmentation. So, to all that have super sensitive skin maybe just water will do.
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December 9, 2011




does not work for makeup

It's winter in Ulaanbaatar, with awful pollution and -20 celsius temperatures. I've been wearing makeup since summer, and acne issues hasn't stopped for me. I tried washing with soap as well as cleaning with a creme when the weather became colder - neither worked. The oily cleanser helped the dryness a bit, but acne (pustules) continued to appear. Then I stopped using all products, excluding a very thin layer of Pond's creme on my cheeckbones and top half of my forehead (where the skin is dry). It's been a week, and I can tell that I have no new pimples, and the existing ones are healing fine. Also, it's helpful to learn how to pop pimples properly - using a sterilized needle and alcohol wipes. I'm now looking forward to wearing makeup on my smooth skin for the holiday parties! Until then, no makeups! Is it better to have perfect skin and never wear make up, or occasionally mess up your skin by wearing makeup, and hence having to wash with harmful products?
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