
282 Reviews

Benzoic acid (6%), Salicylic acid (2.5%), Precipitated sulfur (4.6%).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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November 28, 2011


- clears acne and pimples fast
- can feel its working
- small and portable container
- inexpensive
- i have tried to continue applying this on my dark-ish coloured pimple scars, after a few days the scars started peeling a little. When it starts coming off naturally, I peeled it off and the dark scar became so much lighter if not completely disappear


- the smell is somewhat from the sulphur it contains, but you'll get used to it
- stays white when applied, shouldn't use it too much if you're going out

Highly recommend this to those who have mild acne breakouts
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November 3, 2011


I bought this off ebay as it was cheap and thought iv tryed everything else so i'd give it ago iv had it on bout 10mins and already noticed a differance wish i found it sooner in a little tin which can be carried any were and will last a while


the only cons really is tht u can only use it at night as its white and quite thick unless ur havin a pj day..also ppl say it smells but i think its quite a plesent smell smells like a really mild vicks smell and it stings the skin but i like that as i know its working

its worth its money and does the job i really think everyone should try it it cost me £2 of ebay with free delivery and came in two days what have you got to lose really well worth ago...
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May 28, 2011


Works great, clears pimples, blemishes, evens skin tone.. Clears up pimples very fast I've noticed a big pimple on my forehead and used nixoderm on it fr about 20 kins while I got ready for school noticed that some of the soreness had went down. It also got smaller so great product you do not gave to use it all the time either a couple of nights out of the week is fine..takes a while to run out of this stuff too


I don't mind the cons but there are pros & cons to everything, the smell doesn't bother me, it leaves your face white so you can't go out in public to run errands or whatever with it on..unless you want to look like a ghost, wipes off easily sometimes I find myself applying more than once, but that's ok. Opening the container is kinda tricky I recommend closing it but not all the way just enough so you do not have to struggle..

Great product found it in a hair store totally unexpected I was getting some hair grease and a brush and saw it at the counter decided what the hell and I bought it And ever since then I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT... =}
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May 24, 2011


Have used it for a week and it has quickly brought out pimples and cystic acne and dried them up. Now I have no pimples or cystic acne but still have scaring from previous pimples before I used this product and have notice they are a little lighter hopefully they will fade


Burning stingy feeling for bout 10 minutes
Smells abit

Worked for me just need to work on scaring
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August 11, 2010


Works good
Gets rid of pimples
Rashes and Eczema


Smells funny
Stings like hell

I used this product while i was in Nigeria, then i had alot of pimples/acne, i would apply nixoderm over night and in a matter of a week, all the pimples went away
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August 8, 2010


This stuff really does the job.
- It settles down big pimples.
- it can speed up the healing time.
- It helps with the redness.
- you can use it for other than acne related skin problems.
- you don't have to use it all the time.
- Really cheap not to try it.


- Stinging sensation that last for 2-3 minutes. -Very thick consistency that might be hard to apply.
-The smell is kind of medicinal type but not that bad

It simply works. Highly Recommended. As each of us has different skin results may vary. This product is so cheap that leaves other products of the same price range in shame.
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June 22, 2010


spots clear very quickly


burns a little and smells a bit

the best spot cream i have ever used! well worth it
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June 10, 2010


I found it tightened my pores - zapped zits and cleaned up the yellow heads. Excellent product. I am over 50 and now have wrinkles and zits, this seems to tighten my skin and envigorates it.


IT DOES Sting/ burn and tingle for about 1/2 hour.It smells like sulfur (one of the ingredients).It makes my eyes water.It is thick and white and hard to spread and remove. I use it all over once a week and spot treat the rest of the time. I do not use it at night as it gets all over. I put it on when I have an hour or two of privacy (then go relax) AFTER to get it off I use plain vegetable oil and tissues, then GENTLY wash with mild unscented Dove bar soap. WORTH THE TROUBLE.

It is not for sale in Canada as far as I can see, it used to be (35 years ago) at the drugstore in brown glass jars with a green lid. I used it as a teenager and it worked super then and I searched for it for years - Found it on Ebay - cheap and was EXACTLY the same as it was all those years ago. Im a 50 year old with menopause zits and sensitive skin, this stuff is yuky to work with - but it sure makes my skin nice - Some PEELING IS TO BE EXPECTED in the first few weeks of treatments. I even use it on my neck, upper chest, and all over my face. I think it is sort of a chemical peel, it somehow renews my skin. I DO NOT EXFOLIATE BEFORE OR AFTER , I TRIED THAT ONCE and it was HORRIBLE, damn near took my hide off! Use caution if first trying it... GOOD LUCK
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June 9, 2010


es buenisima...


ps, solo arde poquito

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February 20, 2010


Clears face fast, after only two days am clear. i would cry with joy!!!!


I don't mind the cons, smells a bit and tingles your face (but i find this resuring its getting to work.

It's the only thing that has cleared my face up. I have suffered acne since i had a miscarrage 2 years ago and i have hated my complextion since. I have been given so many medications for my face from the doctor, i had almost give up hope of getting my old complextion back. I notice nixoderm, when a friend from Tanzania said it was the only thing that cleared his face (he manged to get nixoderm from a Afican store in London). It works a treat, best ever! I have only been using it at night but the results is clear, clear, and clear face. So HAPPY!!!!
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