: Moisturizer with Licochalcone

533 Reviews

Water, Simmondsia chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, Methyl Gluceth-20, Squalane, Saccharide Isomerate, Butylene Glycol, Sodium Hyaluronate, Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice) Root Extract, Panthenol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Sorbitan Olivate, Cetearyl Olivate, PEG-12 Glyceryl Distearate, PEG-23 Glyceryl Distearate, Carbomer, Triethanolamine, Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexylglycerin.

Items marked with red have tested a 3 or above (out of 5) in comedogenic (pore-clogging) testing.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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March 24, 2016
Doesn't Hydrate
I used this everyday and it worked fine until a few weeks ago. My skin still looks flaky and crusty everywhere even near my eyes and its mortifying. The dryness doesn't seem to go away. Its pretty disgusting. Love the other products but definitely done with this one.
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March 19, 2016
This stuff sucks! Used it for 1 week and made me break out! Sending back....
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June 1, 2016
Which moisturizer u using now?
January 30, 2016
I was really looking forward to using Dan's products but unfortunately my skin hasn't taken very well to the moisturiser. Immediately after putting it on i felt a tingle and slight itchiness but didn't want to think much of it to give up on it straight away. So i decided to try it again the next morning and again the same reaction, but worse. It got to the point where i just decided to wash it completely off my face because it was so itchy. I also noticed the morning after using this moisturiser i broke out for the first time in a while with little whiteheads. NO GOOD, i will not be using this again and sadly it will be going straight into the rubbish. Prior to using this moisturiser i was using Cetaphil moisturising cream with no problems and i have gone back to that immediately in hopes of soothing some of the irritation Dan's moisturiser seems to have caused. ARGH!
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December 17, 2015
Bad allergic reaction to Glyceryl Stearate
After some trial & error and research, I've concluded that I'm allergic to one of the ingredients: Glyceryl Monostearate/Glyceryl Stearate. Less than 1% of people have this reaction, but based on my personal experience I have to give this 1 star. I'll explain a little... I had been using this with's AHA and BP with much success for about 6 months with no reaction. So, when my eyes swelled and got scaly, red, & sore patches around them along with dry, cracking and bleeding skin in the corners of my mouth, I didn't think these products were the culprit. Eventually, I did change everything... No bp, no aha, changed make-up, changed everything. My skin started to heal. Because I had been using my products for a long time before this reaction, the culprit became difficult to pinpoint. I always remember my mom having sensitive skin. I discussed my new issues with her, and she revealed that she didn't have any skin sensitivity issues until sometime in her 30's, which was when I started to have problems. So, it would seem possible to develop an allergy and become sensitive to something that never caused issue before. Over the next few years, I developed a completely new regime that wasn't as effective as the's BP/AHA/moisture but also didn't freak my face out. My initial thought was that it had to be the bp or aha causing sensitivity. AHA is notorious for being intolerable to some. When I would get a break out, I'd spot treat with's AHA and BP, and I'd start to feel the inklings of a reaction- patches under my eyes, itching, watery eyes... Then, I started just spot treating with the BP; that was ok. Eventually, I worked back up to using it all over every night. Other than normal BP dryness, I experienced no allergic action. I came to the (false) conclusion that it was AHA causing harm; however, I still longed for the BP/AHA results I had before my skin went crazy. I did some research on AHA's and found that people could better tolerate them when a blend of AHA's were used. I started on the (ridiculously expensive) Drunk Elephant Glycolic (AHA) serum. I've used that for months, until my first bottle was gone. Things were going well. No reactions. And now, we come back around to the moisturizer. After months of being on the same regime (BP/Drunk Elephant AHA/same cosmetics, etc), I decided to revisit's moisturizer. Last night, I used the moisturizer, and I woke up with swollen, watery eyes and itchy skin- all the same reactions I had years before and with's AHA. I compared the ingredient list of both harm causing products ('s AHA and Moisturizer), and found 3 common ingredients: Butylene Glycol, Licochalcone, and Glyceryl Stearate. Butylene Glycol was also present in Drunk Elephant's AHA; I ruled that ingredient out. I researched Licochalcone and found no evidence of it as an allergen. Additionally, it's a great product for soothing sensitive skin reactions. When I researched Butylene Glycol, I found that some people can have terrible reactions. It is rare, but if you find yourself reacting to's AHA and/or Moisturizer. This very likely could be the culprit.
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March 4, 2017
Thank you so much for your review! I stopped using the moisturizer a while back because my skin was reacting to it (itchiness, redness, swollen eyes...). But a few days ago, even though I no longer use the moisturizer any more, my skin starting getting irritated and swollen all over again (mostly around my eyes) and I couldn't figure out why. After reading your review I checked the ingredients in all the products I used on my face ( which aren't many) for Butylene Glycol. And it turns out that the makeup remover I recently started using (mostly aroung my eyes) has Butylene Glycol in it too. So now I know. No more redness, itchyness, and swollen eyes, thanks!
December 9, 2015
Skin swollen, red, and in pain!
My skin has had the worst reaction! I have owned this product before and I figured it would work the same way so I ordered again&& it just made my skin soo red. This is just my second use! Needs to be addressed asap
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November 30, 2015
Moisturizer problem complain
First I've use this product for four day and I feel like wow my skin got better but somehow it constantly feel itchy and a bit allergic. I think I have to stop using this moisturizer and try another product instead. I have read so many review about this product and found that it's great quality in the past. But now seem everyone have the same problem as mine.
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September 7, 2015
same made face red and swollen
i have almost the same story as others.i have been on regimen for a year now with excellent results.i mean perfectly clear.this summer i ran out of moisturizer so i ordered more.the same day i received the new bottle i had a bad reaction.itchy and burning i thought i got a bad batch of the i ordered another.while waiting for the new bottle to arrive i remembered i had a travel size of the moisturizer and thought i would try it.instant relief,i mean instant,just like it felt for a i used the travel size until the other new bottle arrived a week or so,hoping i received a bad bottle i was excited to try it.geuss what,same,burning and itchy again.horrible.i checked the ingredients and they are the same on both the old and new bottles but,something is different.i used up the old stuff with great that i am out,i am trying other moisturizers.i am hoping there is a problem that dan can solve,becuase i like the cool calming feel i used to get.i believe they either added something or took something out or got some bad ingredients and it screwed up the last are the numbers of the batches i have that cause the reaction a5c49-1 exp 3/17 and a5a01-2 exp 1/17 my old bottle that expired in 2016 and 2015 were excellent.if you have the same reaction with the moisturizer check the exp date and maybe thats why you may have a bad reaction batch is just terrible you can't use it.
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December 2, 2015
I have the same problem with you. And the exp date of moisturizer is Also the same.
May 11, 2016
so,to update what works for me for the last 7 months is oil of olay's moisturizing lotion/sensitive skin.make sure you get the 120 mls or 4 fl oz in the blue box not the stuff in the pink.the pink has fragrance and the blue does not.the pink was ok but the blue is excellent.they are the same price and you would think that you getting more is better.but wait,don' box!let me know if this works for you.hope you lots of trial and error.
August 29, 2015
Made face red and swollen
Have been using products for about a year with no problem. Then after i ordered a new updated version of this moisturizer my lips and under eye area became extremely swollen and itchy. I never dreamed it was the moisturizer that I had used for over a year. I went to the Dermatoligist then through a series of allergy test since the condition kept repeating. Finally in desperation I eliminated one by one all facial products. When I eliminated this moisturizer no more problems. There are too many reviews such as mine. There is a problem here that needs to be addressed. This was not a minor irrational but eye shutting swelling .
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June 6, 2015
Moisturizer should Replenish the moisture and nutrients of the skin...not to make it dry, red, flaky, and itchy :(
I've been using the regimen for 4 weeks now. For 2 weeks my face is at worst. Red, flaky, and itchy. On the 3rd week i expected that the peeling, redness will be gone but nope...didn't happen :( my acne cleared up a bit though so i know that the regimen is working. I went back to the website to read reviews and see if there is something wrong about the regimen or good advices to do to improve my skin condition. I read reviews about how bad the moisturizer is so for 3 days, I decided not to use the moisturizer and find an alternative moisturizer. My red flaky, itchy skin got better and my acne is getting better. No more new breakouts. My advice... Use the cleanser and the BP and ditch the moisturizer. It's just bad :(
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March 14, 2016
Which moisturizer are you using?
June 3, 2015
Renders The Regimen Unsuccessful and Damages Legitimacy of Dan Kern
So unbelievably bad. I made the mistake in thinking that I was using too much BP at the start, until i realised it was this awful stuff. Firstly, In an attempt to recover my skin I stopped using BP for a couple of days and continued with the moisturiser - thats when i realised this product was problem. My skin was just as dry and flaky as before, especially around my mouth, making it almost impossible to eat without completely tearing the skin on my chin and upper lip area. My cheeks and forehead were crazy flaky/dry too. Now i'm left searching for an alternative to use with The Regimen. It's so upsetting as I thought I had finally found something I could truly stick to and trust, but it's not the case. Plus without sounding too dramatic, I feel as though since this product is still available to be purchased and is still being sold, let alone being sold without a warning - it takes away from the legitimacy and good nature of this whole organisation/website and Dan Kern himself. With so many bad reviews and complaints it would be impossible for Dan to just 'not realise' that for most people this is an awful product and we hate it; meaning he's just turning a blind eye to the whole situation. I just don't see why? To make the most money out of it as you can to recoup research and development costs? Or has Dan finally come to the point where he just doesn't care about helping people anymore? I don't know. Im just upset that he hasn't even addressed this situation and he's pretending everything's okay.
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I don't know. I do realize there are a lot of negative reviews, but for me I don't understand why. I love the product. I was a user of both this and his old moisturizer (the runny white one). I would say the yellow moisturizer is considerably better for me at least. The white moisturizer was too thin in my opinion and sometimes did not absorb that well. It also burned. Time after time of applying the BP and the white moisturizer my skin would be somewhat red and raw feeling. I find the current moisturizer to be a huge improvement on the old one. I also find it to be better then jaguar about anything out there. I like a lite and thin moisturizer for day to day when I am not super dry.
August 29, 2015
I had a similar problem recently. I had been using the routine with the BP for about a year and loved it. My skin was calm, even toned and nearly pimple free. All of a sudden last month I started to get really, really dry. Especially around my mouth. This wasn't unusual because this routine had always made me dry -- but not this dry. This really hurt by mouth and it was red and it ITCHED. I was so confused. I had nothing new to my face routine or diet. I took out BP for about a week. I had no new breakouts, but the dryness didn't dissipate. I was still using the moisturizer. Since two week ago, I ditched [link removed]'s products and started on Retin-A. Retin-A has worked well so far. I am not dry at all. I can even pass with a light layer of moisturizer -- and I have dry skin.