Tetralysal : Lymecycline Oral Antibiotic

105 Reviews

Active Ingredient:

Other Ingredients:
Magnesium Stearate and Colloidal Hydrated Silica, Gelatin, titanium dioxide (E171), erythrosine (E127), quinoline yellow (E104) and indigotine (E132).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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December 18, 2013
Didnt work


no side effects that i noticed


acne worsened

After seeing my doctor they said i had minor acne and that tetralysal lymecycline would clear it up in a matter of 2 -3 months. I have now been using it for nearly 6 months without missing any days and not only hasnt it cleared it has started to break out in places i never used to get it . This antibiotic isnt cheap either (well for me) so i feel quite decieved by my gp as iv wasted time and money on a useless product. This might just be for me but if you do try it and dont see any positive results i recommend canceling your prescription. :)
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November 1, 2013
Didn't work for me


None :/


Breakout of humongous painful spots on back and face
Thrush symptoms

I came off Erythromycin as it wasn't working fully and was prescribed lymecycline by my doctor who told me that lymecycline should work above and beyond Erythromycin. Unfortunately 1 week in my skin started to get worse, I had an increase in large painful spots appearing firstly on my back, and then by week 3 on my face. Huge spots on my forehead and chin! I am 23 and have suffered from moderate acne since I was about 13 but I have never had spots so large appearing on my face. I went back to my doctor today after having taken Lymecycline for a full month, he seems baffled as to why Erythromycin was at least partially helpful but the Lymecycline worsened my condition. He has now prescribed me Trimethoprim which is from a different family of antibiotics all together- so I guess I will see how that goes! Overall this antibiotic did not work for me, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work for everyone.
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July 28, 2013
This drug is dangerous STAY AWAY !!!!!!!!!!!!




This drug will kill you eventually
Severe case of colitis which leads to many many other life threatening problems.
Excruciating pain within digestive system, gastroenteritis and many more problems.

I was given this Dangerous drug for a bacterial infection in the UK and after 8 months of use there was absolutely no change. Apart from developing severe colitis and loosing up to a pint of blood daily , excruciating stomach cramps and possible cancer. These drugs that are made in labs are killing people daily and doctors are fully aware of it I have since got my colitis in remission with NO DRUGS AT ALL and no help from any medical "professional". It's all about diet people. Wake up and ignore your doctor for good health.
June 27, 2013
Gives temporary relief


Improves skin
I didn't experience any side effects (although some do)


Only temporary improvement
Pills taste discusting and if you burp after taking them you can still taste them

Improved my skin but being an antibiotic, was obviously only a temporary improvement.
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April 12, 2013


Cleared my skin and prevented new breakouts.
This was good to get my skin back to a reasonable state. I have suffered from mild hormonal acne for years but had a terrible breakout which lasted a few months. My face was a mess and I was continuing to get new acne (small, medium and cystic) on a daily basis.
I was prescribed an 8 week course which was free on the NHS (I live in Wales).


Acne came back within 10 days of finishing course.
It didn't upset my stomach, but it did make my bowels a bit softer than usual and I went every day, which was not my usual pattern, so that was a good thing.
Unfortunately, the acne came back within 10 days - not with a vengeance, but a definite return, nonetheless.

Temporary solution only. I took lymecycline for 8 weeks and enjoyed seeing my face get clearer from almost day one. I didn't even have any blackheads. It worked to get my skin back to a manageable state but didn't fix the problem permanently. Unless I want to stay on antibiotics indefinitely (I don't), I need to find an alternative solution.
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March 29, 2013


I had clear skin in 6 weeks


Acne came back worse after I stopped taking it
Tried it again and I was immune to it, second time round I got stomach cramps while I was taking it

Used in conjunction with something topical it can help with the initial clearing out but you need to continue treatment with something else to keep the acne away
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March 18, 2013


- N/A


- Found myself suffering from severe depression the likes of which I've never encountered before. Upon discontinuing the drug, these effects subsided. Suicidal feelings included.
- The drug exacerbated my previously light acne and I broke out in areas that I previously have not, most notably the jawline and chin area.

Be very cautious when deciding to embark on a course of prescription medication. It's my theory that GPs dish out antibiotics without attempting to address the more underlying issues of acne. In addition, if you do decide to go ahead with a course, be wary of the existence of probiotics. My GP did not inform me that the drugs would annihilate my good bacteria as well and that this would require replenishing in the form of probiotics.
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March 15, 2013


So easy
Works brilliantly


Can take a while but it's better than cream personally as th dry and turn to scabs

How this works for you depends on your skin. I have been using for 2 months and my cysts have really gone down and little bumps and lumps don't grow as much. One thing I mus say is to persist, persist please. I don't think it's possible for these to make your skin worsen, maybe it's stress or hormones. Ask the doctor as it is not on the side effects
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January 2, 2013


It works well, made my skin clear up and There wasn't any side effects like dry skin or anything.


Takes a while to get started, i was only on it for a few months say about 5 months and had to come off because they had stopped working!!

I get mine free from the NHS Like i said worked well for a few months then came off because it stopped working now my face is having a field day. I would recommend because it does work for a short while!
December 5, 2012


It works well, takes a while but get much better results with this rather than using over the till stuff.


Sometimes it makes your tummy feel abit weird.

It is great, especially if you live in the UK because it is free with the NHS, just go to your doctor and they will give you 2 months supply, after 2 months if you still have spots go back to your doctor and he will give you as many 2 months supplys as it takes.
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