Lemon Juice (applied topically)

1226 Reviews

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May 22, 2008


It feels refreshing, and it also smells refreshing.
It rids of oiliness in your skin.


It didn't really work for me, there was no immediate sign of acne relief or treatment.

Well the bottom line is, I don't think it will work for everyone, but try it if you will. I used it for a few days, using the lemon juice as a "wash" and left it on overnight. There was no clear sign of improvement (i took pictures), some were gradually going away, but that always happens regardless of treatment. But i still recommend those who have not yet used Lemons for acne treatment yet, as it may work on you!
May 22, 2008


for some reason, the stinging effect feels pretty good for me.
makes my skin feel smoother, lighter, and acne becomes less inflamed


nothing that i can think of

its cheap, easy to to obtain, so try it!!! its worked pretty well for me so far, just squeeze a teaspoon, dip it with a cotton ball and dab lightly onto needed areas.
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May 21, 2008


Cheap, easy, available, all natural, no drugs/harmful side effects.


LOL yes it does sting. but anythings better than having acne right?

...seems like ppl with sensitive skin do not have the same success

Ive been using both lemons and limes, w/e I can find a better deal on. I think limes are a lil less acidic/potent tho. But yea the whole lemon/lime thing worked better than any other acne washes. you MUST give it a try. -I have noticed a drastic decrease in acne. -I had a whole bunch of small blemishes/scars/and other unwanted evidence from previous acne. AND they are gone/shrunk/blended away from the lemon/limes. -which led me to treat other more recent scars and stuff. it works! very slowly, but it works! I just cut a small slice everynight, then squeeze the juice out into a small cup, then use my finger or a qtip to apply where ever. leave it on overnight, then wash in the morning.
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May 21, 2008


The lemon definitely lightens discoloration.


My entire face is irrated by lemon juice and it left me with major rash which I am still suffering from. It has been 5 days since I used the lemon and still reddish bumps all over my face and I didn't have pimples or rash to start from.

If you have sensitive skin like me, you shouldn't use it. It's not worth it. However it does even out tone. I don't think it was worth it for me. I am suffering with rash all over my face!
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May 20, 2008


it is cheap and trust me it works


it stings like hell

ive used it for 3 days so far and ive used it overnight and wash it off 1st thing in the morning ive had pretty bad acne and left me lots of red ugly scars but ive noticed my skin is softer and it looks better its not all there yet but i plan on sticking with it i say that any one should try it
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May 19, 2008
I haven't started using this product yet, but i want to. i'm going to buy some lemons when i go to the grocery store later on. i'm not sure if i should drink it or apply it directly on my face. thanks for the reviews everyone, its' really convinced me :)
May 18, 2008


makes face feel soft


not sure if its helping

I have only used this product for a few days, and i appear to be breaking out more. Is this because the lemon is purging the "bad stuff" in the skin? I will report back in a few weeks
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May 14, 2008


Face feels a little tighter, and skin is smooth.


Slight sting, but nothing that you can't handle.

I just cut a fresh lemon in half, and made circles on face squeezing lemon juiceon face. My skin looks great, and my pores are way smaller. what can i say I'm acne free.
May 11, 2008


myy face is flawless now thanks to this :)


it stings and like is sticky

its a good way to get a clear face or w/e :D
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May 7, 2008


Cheap, easy and natural.


It burns and feels like a lot of tiny needles are poking your face. Leaving it on makes your skin unpleasantly tight and sticky.

To be fair, I've only used this method twice: tonight and last night. Nonetheless the results were just awful. I have sensitive combination skin (dry, patchy and red but still oily) which may have something to do with it. I applied the lemon juice with a cotton swab after washing my face with mild soap. When I woke up and washed it off I noticed that the lemon juice had caused me to break out. I know it was not just coincidence because I actually broke out in places that I never had and the pimples were especially painful. It made my skin really dry which I expected but it also made my face redder in general and did not have any effect on the discoloration/scars left by old acne. I'm especially disappointed because of all of the rave reviews. I really wanted this to work but maybe it's just not for everyone. I'm still debating whether I should try using a different routine like diluting the lemon or leaving it on for shorter... oh well :(
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