Lemon Juice (applied topically)

1226 Reviews

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October 27, 2011


+ makes my skin look more fresh and appears to be glowing more
+ smells good
+ reduced my acne scars


- burns a little

I actually began using lemon juice for my acne scars. I put a dime size amount of lemon juice on a cotton ball and apply it to my entire face. I leave it on for about twenty minutes then rinse it off with warm water. It has visibly reduced my acne scars, some of which were quite deep and noticeable I might add. It has also made my face look more radiant. I do make sure to use moisturizer with it however because it does dry out areas of my face, but other than that, this method has helped a great deal in reducing the appearance of my acne scars =)
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October 24, 2011


Lightens reddness
Brightens complextion
Smells amazing
Tastes good if it gets in your mouth
Reduces appearance of scars


Not as effective for those with sensitive skin

I had a pimple that resisted EVERY treatment known to man. It stayed on my face right between my eyes for a good 2 weeks, every morning it looked just as red as the day before. It wasn't extremely huge, but still very annoying. The skin around it was slightly wrinkly so it was difficult to conceal with makeup. Out of desperation I applied a drop of lemon juice. It was 100% pure lemon juice from the little bottles in the grocery store. I kid you not, 15 minutes later the red turned pink. I applied it once a day for the next 2 days- it's GONE. Lemon juice is amazing. I use it as a toner everyday after my skincare routine. Be sure to moiisturize as well. Good luck <3
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October 24, 2011


Prevents acne, lightens scars, reduces oil on face and kills off bacteria.


A little weird putting lemon juice on your face?

Since I was about 13 I started getting acne, it was horrible. I it got to the point where I wouldn't turn on the lights in the bathroom so I didn't have to look at myself. I had suicidal thoughts all the time and was afraid of people looking at my face. At the start of this year, 2011, I was looking on the Internet for cures and stuff. I came across this site and thought it may work. It's now mid October of this year and I'm so happy, most of the time I have clear skin though I do break out sometimes, it's only one or two pimples that the lemon juice kills anyway. It doesn't seem real.. Though it is and I'm so glad I saw this site. I thank god for lemons haha. This is what I do ; Wake up in the morning and splash my face with warm water about twice then once with cold. I go to school and enjoy my day now then arrive home at about 4 when I wash my face again. I only use water, it's enough to unblock my pores from the oil without drying it. Then on a cold I would splash my face every 3 and a half hours. On a hot day every 3 hours. It's not good to keep to oil just sitting there clogging. Around 10.30 I Have a shower then straight away apply lemon juice with a cotton ball to my whole face. It can sting at times but it's nothing to worry about. This is the weird bit, I don't wake up with new pimples at all it's so weird. There's hardly any oil on my face and it's so good! I repeat the process for almost a year now and it's amazing. Of you're reading this right now and feel hopeless, try it out.. It may work for you but an attempt is worth it. I'm writting this with no regrets in life except for not doing this sooner.
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October 20, 2011


smells good


Stings really bad for 5min or less if u cant take pain dont do it

OMG amazing I tired it for the first time last night after washing my face i squeezed a quarter of lemon in a bowl and took a cotton ball and lightly swiped it across my face and left it on over night.woke up and notice a difference in my skin put it on again this morning after washing my face left it on for 5-10min rised it off and put lotion on and i can start to see more a difference love it going to do it again tonight :)
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October 14, 2011


none that i have found..yet?


made face red

I decided to try this natural method in hopes that I would achieve the same positive results as others have, unfortunately I fall under the category of unsuccessful. Last night was the first night..and possibly the last...that I applied lemon juice to my acne scars. This morning I woke up to find my face redder and more oily than ever. I am still weighing out the possibility of trying it again, except altering my method.
October 8, 2011


Smells delish ;)
Lick your lips and it's sour! I like it
Helps with acne
Reduces red marks
Doesn't sting my face at all


Can make your skin peel, but it's nothing too serious. Just put some lotion on and you should be set.

I use 100% pure lemon juice that I bought from my local grocery store. It's super cheap and works wonderfully so far! My red marks are fading quite quickly, which is awesome! & it keeps my face soft, and smooth.
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October 7, 2011


Smells fantastic
Easy to make/use
Results the very next day/morning
Great for cleansing AND exfoliating


May sting a little(didn't for me)

So basically, this is it for me. Every cleanser(non-natural) that I have used had screwed my skin up in some way, wether it be drying it out or making my skin raw. I have very sensitive skin so it was difficult for me to find a drugstore product/"high-end" product that was gentle. I'm never going back! This is what I've used and in order: 1. Freshly squeezed lemon wedge onto a round cotton pad 2. Dampened face with lukewarm water 3. Applied some raw organic sugar to my face(a tablespoon spread all over) 4. Scrub everywhere especially around hairline and around nostrils to kill bacteria 5. Rinse with water, wait 10 mins 6. Apply organic honey to my face(easiest when done in the shower but I just tie a bag around my neck HAHA) 7. Leave honey on for about 30 mins I moisturized with a light moisturizer after the honey masque and before I went to bed, applied my crushed aspirin mush. Honey, 1 small aspirin and a tiny bit of water. Just as a spot treatment. I also put another thin layer of honey on before I go to bed and rinse in the morning. This can get messy so if you roll around alot this probably wont be a good idea. Unless you can make a consious effort to sleep on your back like I do. I guess you could put a garbage bag on your pillow... The results are amazing, the redness goes down so fast and the honey is bringing all my underlying pimples out so flippin' quickly!! Give it a shot, it's cheap and it won't damage your skin long term. Hope this helps you like it did me.
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October 7, 2011


-very soft skin
-brightening effect
-tastes/smells good
-seemed to get rid of flakiness


-Made me break, especially on my forehead
-Kind of a pain to buy fresh lemons and squeeze them everyday

I'm so sad that this made me break out because the part of my skin that wasn't covered in small bumps and pimples looked beautiful - soft, smooth and glowing. Based on my experience I wouldn't recommend it, which is why I put "no" but still it's worth a try because it's cheap and it seems like a lot of people have got good results.
October 4, 2011


clears mild acne
clears scars
dries them out
leaves skin smooth


-stinging (but not such a big problem)
-make sure to apply moisturizer because it WILL dry your face
- try to use real lemons instead of lemon juice

I would definitely recommend this if you want to instantly reduce the appearance of acne. But I wouldn't it recommend it more than twice a week for most people. Definitely not every other day. It will dry out your skin and irritate it since it's very acidic. Make sure to use a moisturizer and try to use real lemons. It's more a trial and error thing because it did irritate some people's skin. If you have very sensitive skin (I have somewhat more than sensitive skin), I wouldn't recommend it. Maybe use it once to test when you know you don't have to be somewhere in the next 3 days to give it time to clear up.
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October 4, 2011


natural, cheap, organic


inital irritation

I have just tried this for the first time, and the inital burning I experienced was so excrutiating I was afraid my face was going to explode in an allergic reaction. Just as I filled the palm of my hand with face wash, the pain subsided. The irritation for me was extreme, maybe because I use very mild products and my skin is not used to the power of the lemon, but I truly believe everyones skin is different. I'm glad I have given this a chance. This is much better than any of those brands neutrogena, clearisil, clean and clear etc. :)
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