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February 18, 2012
*I personally love the taste, but some may have an issue with it
*Takes a little bit of time (15-20ish minutes for preparing, drinking, and washing..mainly washing lol)
*Price for organic veggies is kind of a lot...but its very important to buy organic, but that goes beyond the scope of this review :-)
I try to make juice every day. My base is always carrots (4 or 5), half a cucumber, and 3 sticks of celery, and a tomato, Then I add other stuff, whatever looks good at wholefoods! Good things i've tried are: radishes, spinach, chard, purple cabbage, kale. The more color...the better! I use the Breville juicer, which I highly recommend for the efficacy, price, and cleanup. I also love adding "boosts", like garlic or ginger (careful, a little goes a long way when juicing). You miss out on the fiber when juicing, but the nutrients get absorbed much better (and there are easier/yummier ways to get eating fruit!) The juice tastes really good, and I highly recommend it!
I make about one liter of juice and drink it all at once, then im done!
Note* I would ONLY juice veggies...fruit has too much fructose, and when you drink a lot of fruit juice the fructose is much worse than when eating whole fruits, because there is no fiber to slow the absorption of the sugar in your body...its just as bad as drinking soda sugar wise (minus the nutrients you get from fruit) <--- from my doctor
*Not only good for your skin, but for your entire body!
*Can get in many different veggie types (variety is the key)
*more energy
*Better mood
*Less oily skin
*Much better than any multi vitamin you could take
*TONS of phytonutrients and health promoting enzymes