Aztec Secret : Indian Healing Clay

128 Reviews

100% Natural Calcium Bentonite Clay.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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July 13, 2011


Brightens skin, clears acne, tightens pores



AMAZING! Miracle worker. I have been suffering from acne since i can remember. I've tried everything but nothing has made my skins so bright and pretty :) I use it twice a week but it is some powerful stuff. I take it off with a warm wash cloth and afterwords I put on joboba oil to moisturize my skin. It is a bit of a process to mix it/apply/and remove. Be sure to use the apple cider vinegar so you can get the most out of this stuff. ALSO I have been taking iron pills. They have helped reduce my oil and I have never been so comfortable in my skin before. Please please do this routine. You will be so happy with your new skin! Mask: Every Sunday/Wed (follow with joboba oil) Iron supplements: Once a day Face wash: Clean and clear poor refiner
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July 1, 2011


inexpensive, completely natural, softens, purifies and clears skin, no prescription needed


tightening sensation may worry or be uncomfortable for some.

bought it at the Vitamin Shoppe; i was at my wits end, i'd tried everything and nothing seemed to help. the tub of powder caught my eye for some reason and i decided i might as well try it. i mix it with water and leave it on my face for about 15 minutes, when it's completely dry i wash it off with warm water. it is an absolutely AMAZING product! i even got my kid brother to try it and he loves it too! a 16 year old boy asking for a clay facial? you know it's gotta be good! i'd recommend it to anyone who has tried everything with no results or someone who doesn't want to spend all that money on prescription medications. it's really not as costly as you'd think once you realize how long it's going to last you.
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June 17, 2011


Removes Blackheads, whiteheads, shrinks pores, draws out incoming pimples faster (thus explaining breakouts after first couple uses), 100% natural and hella cheappp


It becomes tight, uncomfortable, and forms your face weird like my lips starts sticking out a lot more, may feel itchy especially in acne prone areas, it will smell weird if you add Apple Cider Vinegar, dries skin and hard to wash off

I having cystic acne, blackheads all over my face, and bad hyper pigmentation. I went crazy looking for a cure. Till I found this product on amazon. At first, if you are acne prone, you will break out because it will draw out impurities frm the skin. But after the use of this I could see all the nasty gunk pulled out. Like blackheads that were so hard to squeeze out is suddenly easier than before. I continued using this product 2x a week and had great results :D. Nomore yucky blackheads on my nose and cystic acne suddenly never came back. My face is still healing from the old pimples and occasionally breakout. But overall I love this product!
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June 16, 2011


works wonders! cheap!



really awesome mask, sucks the impurities from my face!
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May 30, 2011


got rid of blackheads on nose and reduced acne on the rest of my face


dries skin out

MUST try!!! i suggest lotion on after (oil free lotion)
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November 21, 2010


softens the skin, purifies, clears acne, clears blackheads/whiteheads, heals skin, can be purchased without a presecription, natural product


tightening sensation when the clay dries may be a little uncomfortable

I found this at the Vitamin Shoppe. Mix this clay with unfiltered apple cider vinegar (aka organic or with the "mother" in it) this type of vinegar is in its purest state and has a cloudy appearance. Using regular vinegar does not work. By doing so you activate the ingredients. I loved it. I have adult acne and it has done wonders.
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October 22, 2010


clay masks draw toxins and impurities
tightens pores


hard to get mixing proportions right at first
can be drying if you don't add moisturizing ingredients like honey to it

I cannot live without clay masks at least 2 nights per week. Now that I am in my early 30s and my acne is finally subsiding, I am totally into taking care of my skin and making it look it's best. I had cystic acne breakouts from age 12 to age 31 that left me with large pores and dull looking skin. Now that the worst of my battle with acne is over, I'm looking at ways to improve my skin. I was really bummed out to hear that there is nothing that can be done to shrink large pores, but I still wanted to try to make them better. What I've found is that while it's true that you can't make large pores disappear, you really CAN tone them up. Number one is keeping them clear. I use an extractor tool on my nose once per week to get blackheads and plugs out. This in itself makes those pores less noticeable. Clay masks like this one also help pull impurities from the pores and tighten them up-and while the effect is temporary, when you keep doing it consistently at least a couple times per week, your pores tone up and over time start looking smaller and tighter. Ice is also really important. Every time after I wash my face with warm water, I use a frozen water bottle on my face to close the pores back up. I am convinced that consistent use of clay masks and ice "exercises" the pores and they eventually tone up. My skin looks the best it has since I was a pre-teen. I'd say my pores are %50 percent better than they were before I started this regimen. They are still noticeable, but they aren't huge. I've also been doing dermarolling for collagen induction, and I don't know what part that plays, but I really feel like the clay and ice make the difference.
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July 20, 2010


Purges oil, pus and impurities from pores, Softens skin, Improves all around texture of skin, Alleviates redness, Diminishes pimples


A little messy, A little uncomfortable

I'm going to get to the point. This mask is excellent! It is so powerful, it literally sucks all of the impurities out of your skin. I mix about two heaping tablespoons of the clay with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and smooth over my skin. In about five minutes, you feel the mask tightening your skin, and your skin actually pulsates! I leave it on for about fifteen minutes and wash off with warm water. If you leave this mask on too long, you may start to look like an elf from the forest, because the mask tightens the skin very powerfully. That aside, this is one of the best masks I've used to combat oil, redness and pimples. Use it about twice a week, and you will see a difference in the clarity of your skin.
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June 30, 2010


Clears blackheads
Makes pores appear smaller
Reduces oil



I can't believe there aren't hundreds of reviews on this product; people just must not know about it! I have never written a review, but this product is so awesome that I feel I need to 'pay it forward' by telling you guys about it! After just one use I could see a reduction in the blackheads on my nose. I don't have any active acne right now, so I don't know how it would work on an inflamed area. It is definitely useful for an oily T-zone and blackheads though!
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February 16, 2010


Love it! Clears up problem areas well, you can really feel it working, makes your skin pulse! Works SO much better than your standard masks that are also filled with all kinds of weird chemicals. All natural and it's EXACTLY what is used in high end spas! DIrt cheap too!


may be too harsh for some skin

I use this once a week mixed with apple cider vinegar (I found it doesn't work as well with water). It makes your skin pulse/red, but it feels good and it works!! I imagine this might be too harsh for some really sensitive skin (although mine is pretty sensitive). I always follow this up with a tea tree oil wipe to soothe the skin a little bit and use coconut oil for a moisturizer.
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