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January 10, 2012
-Can be uncomfortably cold, but you get used to it
-Obviously not a miracle worker
I massage my face with ice cubes when my acne starts flaring up and I don't even want to leave my house. At night I wash my face, rub ice on it, wait for my face to dry and then apply benzoyl peroxide as a spot treatment. In most cases they shrink in size almost immediately, and for me it helps my makeup look more even and natural when I apply it the next morning. I highly recommend using this. It's the equivalent to getting some expensive acne product, minus the cost.
October 23, 2010
Reduces acne marks
clears pimples
refreshes skin
revives skin
none :)
I don't use plain Ice. Here's an amazing recipe, that works SO much better : 1. Make some green tea. Let it cool down for about 5 minutes. (open the tea bag and pour the tea leaves, I made about 2 cups of water and put in 2 bags, only poured in 1 bag of the leaves though) 2. Add about 4-5 vitamin E (prick the pill and pour in the gel) 3. Mix well. Pour in the contents into a ice cubes container (to make ice) I used a cupcake contain & it works better. This lasts in the fridge forever, just don't leave it over a year. There is a video on youtube about this by Michelle Phan, which is explained in detail. Good luck ! :)
March 23, 2016
Absolutely love this
it works well for me! I use it in the morning when I wake up, after washing my skin, and at night before bed.after that i apply moustizer . It leaves my skins feeling refreshed, it reduces the size of my pores, tightens my skin and reduces swelling and redness.try it.
August 14, 2011
Skin feels fresh
Spot size reduced
Shrinks Pores
Cold can make your skin a little red
I think these are really good, but what I found to reduce redness is to wrap the ice cube in tissue first - you still have the coldness but it makes your face less red.
January 6, 2012
Fades scars overnight with continous use
Decreases acne
Wont totally clear acne alone
I've had acne for years but when I use ice for a few nights in a row after i wash my face and before i moistuerize there is a HUGE difference in my skin.
February 24, 2012
-reduces pimple size
-helps releive pain (from those nasty, painfully swollen undergrounders)
-If you do it before a zit comes to a head, it'll be shorter lived and will go away faster
-really cold!
-won't clear acne, just helps deliver relief from those big zits.
I have combination skin, with mild-moderate acne. Probably more like mild... not sure.
Weeell. Whenever I feel a zit coming in, I hold an ice cube wrapped in a napkin (so it isn't TOO cold) onto my face. It really helps reduce swelling and pain in undergrounders (you know, those really big red bumps that sometimes don't come to a head, but hurt soooo bad). This won't get rid of or prevent acne, just help with pain and swelling.
March 18, 2016
Thank goodness I tried this
This morning when I woke up, I discovered that my face had broken out in an angry eruption. This has happened before and I am somewhat of a naturalist, so in the past have taken a passive response to eruptions... figuring they are just my bodies way of signaling that I am not treating my acne well enough from the "inside out." But today, the breakout was so bad and embarrassing, I decided to try some new methods to reduce it's unsightly-ness. The skin was really inflamed on the right cheek of my face, and it dawned on me... doesn't ice reduce inflammation? So I came on here, saw all of the positive reviews and tried it for myself for the first time. Boy am I glad I did... my breakout has dramatically reduced it's swelling / inflamattion and really no longer looks that bad. I am so grateful I gave this method a try. I am now learning in addition to trying to treat my acne from the inside out (eating healthy, staying active, reducing stress, being kind to myself and others) that I also need to be proactive when I see a pimple first forming and I will now try to ice a pimple at it's first sign!
March 14, 2016
Answer please!!
Hello..I have a question after you put ice on your face, is it ok to put cream on it? What is the best time to put daytime or night? Thanks you..
August 24, 2015
Something I'd recommended!
For a whole week I've been rubbing ice on my face and seriously it has helped a lot! Now before I get any hopes up I "suffer" from light but almost moderate acne. So the ice helped with reduced the redness and helped with "shrinking" some pimples. I keep blabbering so just read below to see what I do: After washing my face with my face wash I rub ice on my face in circular motions, concentrating mostly where my acne and scars are. I use two cubes of ice. Now people here say not to rub ice on your face directly because its bad or whatever but by the time I've washed my face, gone to the toilet & brushed my teeth its pretty much melted. So yeah that's pretty much it, I wouldn't have made an account just to review this if it hadn't of worked on me. Just test it out for a month and see if it helps you. good luck x (P.S can someone recommended me a good face wash to use for acne so far I've used Nutrogena, Nivea and a few others I forgot)
May 8, 2016
Ice worked for me
I am a teen boy and I have really really bad acne breakouts and my face really looks messed up. I applied ice on my pimples by wrapping the ice cubes in a cloth at night and the next day morning I observed that almost all my pimples appeared to be less swollen and less reddish.....the pimples almost vanishes after doing this for another 2 days.......but I am unable to stop the breakouts......I can't predict when that will happen.
-Reduces pimple size
-Fades scars over time
-Evens out skin tone
-Quick, easy, and you find it right in your house