Hydrogen Peroxide

294 Reviews

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December 8, 2011


- It dries the pimple!
- Clears my skin within a week!
- Leaves my skin smooth and acne-free!
- Inexpensive!


- Dries the skin a bit, but no big deal!
- Stings a litte, but it only lasts 5 seconds!

I've had a huge breakout on my chin and it has helped me a lot. I just started using hydrogen peroxide and it has changed my life! I feel more confident with my skin. I usually get breakouts, even though I use clean&clear cleansers, I still get a pimple here and there. This is my solution to clear skin! Hopefully this keeps my skin clear & beautiful. I started using this , about 3 days ago & I can already say my skin is looking better than ever! I suggest anyone that has a breakout, even if it's a little tiny pimple. Treat it with this & it'll be gone the next day! Thumbs up for CLEAR SKIN <3
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December 6, 2011


Dries up my pimples
Clears my skin in less than a week
Great for emerging pimples.


Dries the skin, but it's worth it just apply moistrizer!

It's a miracle! I used a lot of acne treatments and I never knew this would work, until I read an article online and my skin is amazing! No break outs! And my skin has been clear for about 3 months now and still going, but I still do apply it regualry just because it works great! :)
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November 15, 2011


-Heals existing blemishes
-Decreases amount of new pimples
-Reduces redness
-Readily available at any drugstore


-Can be painful for a few seconds

I've struggled with acne for two years and over the last three months, it has become severe, covering 80 percent of my face in pustules, painful nodules, whiteheads, smaller pimples, scarring, and discoloration. The physical pain became so bad, it woke me up at night to lay on my face. I've tried so many products--gels, cream washes, spot treatments, masks, foams. Salysylic Acid, Benzoyl Peroxide. Sulfur. Doxycycline oral medication. It became exhausting and frustrating and expensive. My dermatologist prescribed me Acutane as a last resort, but I'm uninsured and can't afford the high price out of pocket. I thought I was stuck forever and that my acne would continue to get worse as it had been over three months time. I started using Hydrogen Peroxide though as I knew how it is used to clean sores on the rest of the body and I noticed a difference within three days (I also combine it with Dial soap and Tea Tree Oil--see below). I had 32 whiteheads on my chin when I began using HP and they were cleared within three days. After 6 days, the larger,pustules and nodules began going down and drying out. The pain in my face went away and I do not get the nodules anymore. My face has improved so much and in a short amount of time. While my face has scars and some smaller blemishes and is not where I want it to be yet (oh to have a smooth face with NO zits at all), it is by far the most effective and fast product compared to the rest I used. My regimine: 1. Wash face with an anti-bacterial soap (i.e. DIAL) 2. Apply HP to a cotton swab and dab lightly to the affected areas (steering clear of eyebrows and hair line as it can dye it) 3. When it dries, I put Tea Tree Oil on a cotton swab and dab the affected area. I don't use a moisturizer because I have oily skin and also live in a tropical/humid climate, so I don't have much over-drying. But I would recommend using a moisturizer for anyone else because the HP and TTO have tendencies to over-
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November 13, 2011


- Great for post zit-popping
- Clears skin


- Smells and tastes bad
- Burns
- Dries skin
- Takes some time to see results
- Can be counterproductive if used too often

I used to use HP twice a day like you would use a toner (apply some to a cotton pad and wipe all over face) but I think it was too much for my skin (note I have sensitive skin) and caused all these little rough bumps and some whiteheads. I think this happened because using it that much irritated my skin. I switched to using it once a day at night (sometimes skipping a day) and it's much better. I've found that it's amazing for popped zits. I used to pop a zit and then the next day it would be back with no improvement. Now, I pop the zit and pour HP on it and the next day it's dried out. Many people say it's better to use a cotton pad/q-tip to apply HP rather than to pour it directly on your face, but for me pouring it on a just-popped zit is much more effective. However, be SUPER careful if you do it this way, you don't want to get it in your eyes, hair or clothes. For that reason, I wouldn't pour it on a zit on my forehead, but I do for pimples on my cheeks/chin/etc. Also, doing this may cause the infected area to turn white. This happened to me tonight, but I put some warm water on a tissue and held it on the white skin for 10 mins and it was much better. Just be careful and educate yourself on the proper usage and precautions of HP!
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November 6, 2011


clears skin


causes peeling of skin

Its an okay product. it definitely worked compared to other expensive products!
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October 25, 2011


-Easy application
-Very effective


-Makes skin red and blotchy when applied
-Can BURN if your skin is dry
-Smells kinda bad

I would recommend hydrogen peroxide. It is very common and something that not very many people try. It works. Like stated in "cons" it really really really BURNS. The burning will go away after about 60-120 seconds. Then your face turns red and blotchy, like after you take a long hot shower. But after that clears you don't get anymore breakouts, and the acne begins to slowly disappear. Beauty is pain ;) If your skin begins to peel, itch, etc stop using for about a week until your skin is supple again. The only way this product could be better was if it didn't hurt. But then again, thats the price you pay for beautiful skin.
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September 9, 2011


cleans out infections


can ruin your life if you drink it

use only for cuts and infections
August 28, 2011


Really does help clear acne.
VERY cheap.
Easy to apply, no mess.


While results start fast, it does take time to get full results.
Can bleach hair/eyebrows if not applied correctly.

I am 27, and have had clear skin most of my life until this year. For some reason, my skin broke out horribly on my forehead and I could not get it to clear. I saw this article about trying hydrogen peroxide and so started a regimine with it. When my acne was really bad, and my face was ultra oily, I washed my face and applied hydrogen peroxide to my forehead (affected areas) with a q-tip three times a day- to not apply to eyebrows and keep from getting too close to hair line. I followed with a nice natural herbal moisturizer.The acne began clearing noticibly within about 1-2 weeks. My husband was even commenting about my clearing complexion. I waivered from my regimine and was so distraut about my face I went to a dermatologist; I was told I have acne, duh, and that I needed some benzyl peroxide and Ziana. I fully intended to fill those prescriptions until I found out it would cost me about $650.00 for both (I am uninsured). To make a long story short, I bought the face wash recommended by the dermatologist: Neutrogena Clear Pore Wash/Mask and did a daily regimine of washing and using peroxide twice a day, and moisturizer before bed. After a few more weeks, the acne was DRASTICALLY diminished (my family was saying how much better my face was looking- they were surprised to know I was using peroxide). Today, my acne is about 95% gone. I have a few little pimples here or there, though I don't know too many people who don't. When they pop up I just rub them real well with some peroxide and it helps. I now longer have that gross oil feild on my forehead, and I still use peroxide, just once a day, or every other day now. My skin looks SO MUCH BETTER! I am going to start trying some lemon topically to see if I can help with some of the scarring now. Hope it helps too!
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August 17, 2011


clears your skin


dries skin

Before I go to bed I wipe my face with rubbing alcohol, rinse my face, then hydrogen peroxide. It clears my skin mostly, leaves some break outs. But for the most part it works better than any other acne treatments I've tried.
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July 22, 2011




stings a bit

just started using it, no full results yet. also using proactiv (week 2 now) and seeing results with that. cheap though only 3% HP. feels drying so buy a non comodegenic moisturiser, im using vaseline dry skin. dont be alarmed if directly applied and skin turns pale, this is temporary. i got scared and thought it bleached my skin so i was hesitant. i begun mxing small amounts in moisturiser and applying it. its less harsh and hydrating at the same time. give it a try, cant hurt and just might work :)
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