Hydrogen Peroxide

294 Reviews

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May 3, 2010


- Cleans out pores quickly, removes redness, stops pimples (which are just starting)


Stings a while, dries out the skin

Gently pop the pimple and apply a small amount of the peroxide. You can actually see it bubbling on the surface the pimple. The bubbling is a reaction between the peroxide and something in your blood. Removed / stopped three nasty pimples which were forming on my chin area. It does however leave a small scab which drops off after a couple of days. Don't use this as your primary anti-acne substance. I would suggest this as an infrequent desperate measure liquid.
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May 2, 2010


cleans up acne and brightens your face
can also be used as mouth wash for a whiter smile


makes your hair a little orange so stay away from your hairline

It actually worked. Ive tried neutrogena, proactive, clean and clear and several other products and this is the only one that has actually cleared out my skin without just so much as drying it like other things.
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March 10, 2010


1) Cleans pores nicely
2) Gets rid of zits
3) Easy to apply
4) Available almost anywhere
5) Evens skin tone


1) Hydrogen Peroxide will cause scarring, so don't apply to your skin if you have a LOT of acne.
2) Stings for a few seconds but goes away.
3) Stops working after a few weeks.
4) Bleaches hair

It's dirt cheap, works really good at first. However I only recommend this to blonde people because this will bleach your hair. I have black hair and it bleached my top tiny hairs into an orange color.
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March 10, 2010


Really helps clear up those red marks left from previous pimples. Takes care of pimples and really prevents new ones from coming. My skin has improved so much after using it for about a month.


The only con is that you must be careful about not getting this on your eyebrows. It has the ability to slighty bleach hair if continusly used. Just avoid the eyebrows and you will be absolutley fine.

Buy it. It is a great cheap tool. Just be aware of your eyebrows.
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February 17, 2010


Works within minutes. I put this on an ingrown hair that I picked at and I immediately saw it working to reduce redness. I put this on a developing zit and within minutes I felt it disappearing.


Stings if applied to a cut like after shaving.

Use it at least once a day, specifically before going to bed. My current regimen includes: Morning, night: 10% benzyl peroxide Afternoon: cetaphil cleanser before bed: 3% hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball
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February 12, 2010


Clears scars and cystic pimples fast


If you get it too close to your eyes can cause irritation

Just started using, woke up with a huge pimple on my chin, popped it then put HP on it. . . .let it do its thing, in 5minutes looked in the mirror and was as if the pimple reduced in half the size and was dried out. Usually this process takes me a week, not a day! Its a quick easy way to clean out the bacteria. After a day scars are getting lighter, that usually take a month to dissapear. I also use it as a mouth wash to whitten teeth and its other benificial uses for preventing cavities. It sounds too good to be true but it works if you do it right. and its also still important to do your research on it as to not overuse and cause any permenant skin damage.
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February 8, 2010


Well, it actually clears up acne. :)


None that I know of.

It's crazy, but this seriously works! Unfortunately I found out AFTER I ordered ProActive. Lol. (Btw, that stuff isn't as great as they advertise.) I wash my face in the morning with my ProActive face wash so I don't have to waste it since I just bought it... then I put Hydrogen Peroxide on as a replacement of that other toner that comes with the kit..Since all it did was dry my face horribly! Then after about 5 minutes, I rinse it off. And then I do it again before I go to bed. Just make sure you use moisturizer! You'll be pleasantly suprised, try it.
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February 5, 2010


Refreshes skin after washing, clears acne up fast, closes open sores, evens skin tone and fades scars


Can sting but its manageable

I put this on twice a day with a cotton ball in place of my regular toner after washing. It makes skin feel tight and acne disappears FAST. I've been using this for a week now and my acne has disappeared with no recurrence and my sores are closing up well. I used to have to layer on foundation and after just one week I can dab a light layer over sores and everything is even!
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February 3, 2010


Gets rid of blemishes and redness


Can sting

I forgot to mention also that for hydrogen peroxide to work best, you SHOULD pop the pimples/acne. This allows the hydro-peroxide to get in the blemishes and add oxygen to it. This is what hydro-peroxide does and why it works! So popping actually helps in this case, as long as you immediately put hydro-peroxide on it. It will sting, but it will also work...fast!
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January 24, 2010


It soothes my skin, and it heals the pimples really fast. =)


It stings, but that just tells you it's killing the bacteria on your face. And it smells. Nothing you can do about that. Slightly dry skin, but a moisterizer fixes that in a jiffy.

Try it! I have way bad acne, and it feels great when applied. BE SURE TO USE A DIFFERENT COTTON BALL ON DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE FACE. One for the jaw and chin, another for the cheek, and one for the forehead and nose. It adds a new supply of fresh Hydrogen Peroxide and doesn't spread the bacteria over the face. Put on a good smelling moisterizer afterwards too. :)
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