Honey Mask

709 Reviews

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October 6, 2009


I am on my third day of this stuff. I can honestly say that it takes down then redness and swelling, lightens scars, and any small pimples in the face.


One con only. After applying the honey mask, with a teaspoon of lemon juice my face starts to get red and burn a little. After the mask is washed off, small areas around some acne become like mosquito bites but leave after an hour.

I started using this product with very little hope as with every other medication or home remedy I have tried (in fact, the only motivation I had for trying the honey was from everyone else's post on here). I have had my insurance company pay surprising amounts for medication like Differin, Retin-a-Micro, and other prescription pills and creams along with benzoyl washes from my dermatologist. I would use the medication for a few months and see minor results while also dealing with the burning, itching, and extreme dryness from the medication and chemicals that have to be applied. I'd consider my acne at this stage to be slightly moderate since it changes from week to week amazingly. I have already stated above that this is only my third day and I can see "wow" results. Although this does seem to be working for me, I am also doing the fresh lemon juice remedy from this site also, applied topically on my face at night before I go to bed and leave it on overnight. Raw Honey is best!
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September 26, 2009


its completely natural, with no fragrance or chemicals. excellent for sensitive skin!


gets very sticky...

it does get messy but it is really good for cheering up dull dry skin and i wont leave you with any redness or greasyness.
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September 23, 2009


idk this is my first night trying it


its really sticky! so i just microwave it for 8-19 seconds to make it thinner

--------idk .__.;
September 21, 2009


it works!!


doesn't actually get rid of blemishes, sticky to get on

will make skin feel smooth
September 10, 2009


cheap, easy, works, makes skin softer, helps wit texture, reduces redness



please try. natural is awesome
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September 7, 2009


100 % natural


Raw honey can be expensive. If possible try to find a local bee keeper instead of shopping at expensive health food stores.

Raw honey is the best, because processed honey loses phytonutrients. Never heat honey!!!!!!!! I use it off and on when needed and see results everytime.
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August 23, 2009


Gets rid of acne scars.

It's good.
August 22, 2009


AMAZING. Makes your skin less oily, great for summer weather. You can do it once a day. Shrinks the size of break outs. Smells amazing.



I used three tablespoons of honey to one tablespoon of cinnamon, mixed well. I wash my face with warm to hot water then apply the mixture after my face has dried. Leave it on for about 30 mins of whenever it starts to drip. Wash with warm to hot water to open those pores. Then I cleanse with pourpose gentle cleanser still with warm to hot water then rise with cold water to close your porse.I did this for about a month and saw big improvement with scares and I had a lot less breakouts. You can also use it as a spot treatment. Istopped for a about a week and a half and my face began to break out again. I recently started it up again and I am loving it. I used it after showering from a work out or before I go to bed. ITS AMAZING YOU HAVE TO TRY IT, PLEASE, FOR ONE MONTH, just stick to it.
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August 19, 2009


it reduces redness, taste and smells good

this is the first time i used it. so far my skin looks a little less red but i dont no if it really works, i will continue using it and udate you :)
August 12, 2009


This is my second time using it so i dont really know if it will work. But it defiantly helps reduce redness. Before i tried this i used retinol, It burned my face and turned it red. The honey totally moisturizes it.


Messy, Drips all over your shirt so wear a bad shirt, Gets all in my hair and it got all over my computer while im typing this.

I take some honey out of a honey container (just the honey that is in a bear container) I put it in a dish and put it in the microwave for 15 seconds to make it a warm liquid and put it on my face and keep it on as long as i can have it on. It has really reduced redness by atleast 90% It is amazing as far as moisturizer works. Better than any facial lotions.
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