Get Gorgeous : Herb Tea for Clear Skin

38 Reviews

Organic Rooibos (leaf), Orange (peel), Hibiscus (flower), Chamomile (flower), Red Clover (flower), Chaste Berry (fruit), Burdock (root), Natural Pomegranate Flavors.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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May 25, 2016
You guysss.. oh em gee. Im in love with this tea!! I'm half way through my 3rd canister. I have struggled more with picking my face than I have with actual "acne" it's never been SEVERE but it's been a problem for sure. the last 2 years since I reached 20 I have had blackheads under the skin on my cheeks that I can feel when i touch/wash my face, and in the right lighting can actually see! So sometimes when my skin was looking clearish on the surface, i knew semi secretly it wasn't. I learnt how to extract them properly with a needle but they would either come back or manifest somewhere else. After drinking this tea, working out more and not wearing make up during the week. im so happy to say they are all gone and my tone is evening out. (I only use Dr.Bronners Soap on my face!) I drink 2/3 cups a day, first thing in the morning and right before bed. Sometimes iced in the afternoon if I fancy it. For those who complain about bland taste.. honey! duh! i put a 3 second squirt of honey in each cup and it tastes awesome!! in short; Stick with it!! it will work!! and no picking! Good luck loves xo
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June 10, 2015
Amazing Product
I am a huge fan of this tea! I am not a constant drinker of it - rather when I notice my skin acting up/a few spots creeping up do I drink it (1-2 cups a day) and within a few days I definitely notice a difference. It helps with redness, brings "down" any spots that might be forming, and just really helps to improve the overall look. Plus - it actually tastes pretty good!
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December 1, 2014
I love it
Three words for this thing, I LOVE IT! I drink 1 wide glass every night before I sleep. I always woke up feeling skin beautiful each morning. But on mornings I drink Parsley leaf teas using Schefs loose leaf tea infuser. Both teas are amazing!
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July 10, 2014
God given ! works miracles !
Ok my Dad n Grandma told me that i should drink red clover tea because it cleanses ur blood well I went to health food store n got some red clover tea it works miracles !!! After 2 days I woke up looked in the mirror and was in awe at how much healthier my skin look even had a glow !!! Please drink this tea remember u haft to fight acne from the inside also. I mix my red clover tea with green tea n it's amazing it just cleanses u out also takes away belly fat can't go wrong with these 2 !! God Bless You all. :-) Also the brand I got is Alvita organic red clover tea wrks miracles !
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January 24, 2014
Truly amazing.



This stuff is amazing. I've been drinking a cup every night for about 2 weeks now and wow, I've had some very noticeable results. I suffered from severe acne literally the day I turned 18 and searched for 2 years for miracle products before I finally saw a dermatologist. I was on amoxicillin for almost a year and have been clear since I got off it - but I always have blemishes here and there and have horrible pigmentation around my chin. I swear my marks are fading and my face is glowing!!! I've gotten quite a few compliments on how nice my skin looks, and I barely have to wear any foundation!!! I found mine at a local grocery store for $10. I cannot even complain about the price considering how much I've spent in the past on medication. All I can say is give it a try!
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January 3, 2014
Results Seen in 2 Days


No More Acne

I never write reviews, but I had to for this product. I drink 1 cup a day with 2 tea bags in it. It's worked better than any oral medication I've used before. In addition to drinking this tea, I use Retin-A and wash my face daily. It also tastes delicious.
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February 22, 2013


taste, flavor, preparation time, RESULTS


can be pricey

I have cystic acne and it had been pretty bad lately. i tried this tea at a friends house and it didnt taste terrible so i bought some of my own to try. I have been drinking one cup a day and have already noticed improvement! less redness and the pain from my acne is down too. The tea is not the soul of my regimen by any means, i wash my face twice a day and am on an oral medication but I think it is a great additive! I love that it is caffine free and doesn't have any chemicals :) enjoy!
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October 5, 2011


Tastes Great, Easy to Find, Easy to Maintain, Good for you



I had cyctic acne, big underneath the skin, pimples. I am a 30 something mother of 2. I tried all kinds of acne skin treatments with no luck and then I saw this tea and thought why not try it. It worked! I drink a cup or two of this and one cup of the Yogi Skin Detox tea (for variety) plus I'll mix in either a cup of a Red or Green Tea, for a total of at least 3 cups of tea throughout the day. My acne is 100% better. If I break out the pimples are much smaller and go away much faster. This is a treatment I don't mind continuing. I haven't stopped it, so I don't know what will happen if I stop drinking the tea. Highly Reccommend.
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August 30, 2011


works within the week (if drank 3-4 times a day)
tastes perfect with a spoonful of sugar


expensive as hell ($14.95 for 36 bags)
makes my farts smell mad potent
must be consistent

works pretty well for my bumpy face. my acne isnt horrible, mainly just bumps on the side of my face, not visible unless im in direct sunlight and youre looking at my face from a certain angle. But occasionally I'll get some nasty red bumps on my forehead or cheek, or chin. this stuff did a good job of keeping that away. When I stopped drinking it for 2 days, i got oe of those red bumps on my forehead. So the key to using this stuff is consistency.
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May 16, 2011


Delicious, easily integrated into a regimen and makes my skin feel AMAZING. I only need to drink it once a day to get results. FAST results. I saw improvement the next day.



So, I'm going to start off by saying I don't have acne. I get pimples here and there especially when I'm stressed. Well. I recently came off birth control and my skin has been getting more finicky. I was at a point where I would ALWAYS have a blemish or 2 and huge dry patches everywhere else. Seriously after my first day drinking the tea my skin was so hydrated and supple. I didn't even need my night cream to get rid of the dry patches. I'm on my second week of drinking this tea and my skin is radiating. It is so smooth, and I don't need concealer any more. My blemishes and dry patches are both gone. This tea is really doing wonders for me :)
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