Green Tea

536 Reviews

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June 27, 2007


Its the best thing for your acne



Hello everyone i have been suffering from acne for about 4 years since i was in 8th grade , acne is something very embarassing , something you wish you never had, sometimes you wish your face was gone and yes i feel like that some times , i started using green tea and i feel alot better with my face , i noticed huge changes , i would recommend eating very healthy eating fruits , tons of fruits , eat apples aswell it absorbs the toxins from your body thats about it i hope that all of you acne sufferers including me get cleared fast because acne affects out self-steem and thats really bad for us so good luck to everyone.
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April 23, 2007


Elminates redness and swelling. Draws out and heals pimples. Gets rid of excess oil.


A bit drying so have to use an oil free moisturizer during the day.

This is the only thing that works on my acne prone highly allergic irritated skin. I brew up a big pot of it every night with 6 tea bags. After the tea steeps for about 5 minutes I take the bags out and cool them in the fridge. Then I put them all over my over each eye, one over chin, forehead, cheeks. I lay down and leave them on for about 20 minutes while I meditate. When I take them off and look in the mirror there is a HUGE difference. No redness at all! Have been doing this regimen daily for 2 weeks and I went from a red, inflamed pimply face to ZERO pimples or irritation. For the first time in 2 years my natural alabaster complexion with slightly rosy cheeks is visible. The next day I drink all the tea I brewed cold with no sugar. This is quite a bit of tea but I love it!
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April 15, 2007


Its soo cheap and easy to use i LOVE green tea!


the bit of caffeine in it might keep you up if you drink too it too late

helped my skin lots and lots, of course its not a complete cure, what is? but it helps alot and its good for you too, ive tried most things but the creams dry my skin out etc green tea is so simple i drink it about twice a day and you dont see changes instantly but i believe it helps in the long run, ive started putting the used tea bags on my face after drinking green tea and hope this will work tooo try green tea if nothing else seems to work! their are hardly any negatives and it is truly good for you, plus it ownt break the bank
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April 12, 2007


Time consuming but very worth it.

The teas are the best things that worked for me. It has lots of antioxidants and things to make you healthy. But I did research and I found out that theres something BETTER than green tea. Theres some tea called Green White tea or just White tea. White tea has more antioxidants in it and the taste is somewhat better but similar to green tea. Oolong tea is the next best thing to the two teas. So much to choose from huh? like many people say, drink at least 3-4 cups or more a day also drink 8cups of water a day Dab the wet tea bag or soak a cotton ball with the brewed tea on ENTIRE face. This will prevent the break outs. Let it soak into your skin. Results are amazing. SmoothSkin! It also Heals scars and whitens skin. Sometimes I buy the teas already made. The best tasting brand with lots of antioxidants, called "Ito En - Green White tea" you can check it out on [link removed]
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April 10, 2007


so much cheaper than other skin products, it works awesome


can't think of one

I drink about 3 to 6 cups of green tea a day and have been for about two weeks, and it totally cleared up my acne and I had it fairly bad with some scaring. Worrying about your acne WILL make it worse, also I believe your diet plays a much larger role than anything you can apply to your skin. If you have bad acne I would recommend cutting fast food, milk products and sweets out of your diet as much as possible. Also cut down on the red meat and meat altogether for that matter, and try one of those two week detox kits. That's my reciped for clearing up my acne. Remember what acne is, all that gross sh*t you're eating being expelled from your body through your skin. Also I would recommend Neo Strata face wash, moisterizer and toner, but it is expensive, if you can't afford them start off with just the moisterizer, if you're like me you'd like cheat and STEAL (from large corporations) to have better skin, much love peace out
January 12, 2007


it works when you put it on your face.


can stain sink and cloth when the tea bag drips so rinse the sink off immediately

i wash my face and then dry it and then rub my face with the tea bag. i drink the tea while i let the tea (from the tea bag) dry on my face. however, sometimes i can only do this at night because it leaves a greenish tinge on my skin (but i do leave it on in the day as long as i'm not going anywhere).
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October 27, 2006
October 7, 2006
hey does this work if you drink it iced tea but green tea??