Green Tea

536 Reviews

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August 10, 2011


Little to no spots, scars fading plus body feels better. Inexpensive and quite yummy to those that don't have a sweet tooth.

Let me just tell you all that I'm a fairy light Asian with sensitive skin so my skin is very difficult to take care of, especially in my environment - NYC and a stressed college student. I have tried a lot of different products over my 7 years of skin trouble but Green Tea has worked the best. I started drinking Green Tea for about a week and I saw great results. Before I started I would get at least 2-3 new pimples a day, etc, but now I would get one to none. Plus, my scars are fading! In the end, I wish I discovered Green Tea earlier.
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August 4, 2011


-its good for our health


-the taste
-it made my skin OILY like hell
-breakouts are there
-it can't help your acne at all

i am 20 and i have PCOS. i felt so bad after using this LIPTON TEA. i started drinking it last Sunday after reading GOOD reviews about green tea. they said that it has fast result and it will help you with your acne. at first it was okay and very refreshing. but an hour after, i noticed that my face is starting to become more oily. but at the back of my mind, i just thought that maybe its normal, so i continue using it. i drank 4 cups the same day, and i even made it as a facial mask and the tea bag as toner. the 2nd day, everything is fine, aside from the feeling that there is like stinging on your face.. the 3rd day, i was so shocked and felt like crying after seeing my face with new breakouts, my acne are so angry, and its painful... my face got even WORST LIKE HELL! so i stopped drinkin it. so now im suffering! :( help :(
August 3, 2011


WORKS! Topically and Internally, reduces acne and scarring.
Glowy skin
More energy
Weight loss
Better immune system


If you don't brew it right it can go bitter, or some may dislike the taste
If I have 3 or 4 cups one after the other I get really hot (even with iced tea) and I get really low blood pressure

for those of you saying it's bitter you don't need to brew it for a long time! what I do is... - Boil some water, about 3.5 mugs full -LEAVE THE WATER to cool down a bit.. just a bit though like 30 secs. if the temperature is too hot, it makes the tea bitter -Put about 4 heaped tsp of green tea leaves in a pitcher -Pour in the still very hot but not boiling water -Leave it for ~2 MINUTES. yes, all the goodness will be in the tea, it's not necessary to brew for longer than that. It'll just make it bitter. -Strain the leaves out -Put a few tbsp of tea into a seperate container for a toner -Pour out the tea from the pitcher into a mug, and drink! (if I'm craving sugar for some reason I add about half a tsp of Agave Nectar. It is very low GI! But I normally don't add the agave) I normally have a mug before breakfast, and a mug after breakfast. Then I have another couple mugs throughout the day (I make more batches, and give it to my parents too). So I have like 4 mugs a day. See "Pros" for results!
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August 1, 2011


Reduces acne
Fresh, glowing skin
Brightens up dark spots
Keeps you feeling energized


None so far

I've been drinking Green Tea for about a month now and this may be the best natural way that helps clearing up my acne. I have light acne but very bad dark spots from the acne. First day drinking Green Tea, it instantly makes my face looks fresh! Ever since then it's improved, from looking so dull (plus the blemishes), my skin glows naturally. I don't use make up at all so I badly needed a cure to perk my face up real nice. Now I still have a few dark spots to deal with and fewer acne problems. A week ago I started using the teabags as toner, and my old dark spots is slowly brightening up. It feels nice and fresh on the face, I dab it on every morning before class. I also like to put on HONEY MASK after toning, I think it goes well. I think it would take some time for the old spots to vanish, but I'm definitely stinking to Green Tea for good. Will be back for further review in another month or two, the important thing is you have to be persistent!
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July 30, 2011


-Makes skin a HEALTHY way.
-clears most acne
-no side effects since it's all natural
-smooths skin


-tastes kinda funky if you drink it plain or with little sugar
-takes a little while to do it's magic

What else can I say other than: WOW. WOWOWOW. I drank my first cup of green tea about a day ago, and JEEEEE WHIZ. I'm already seeing results! I will continue drinking it since school is coming right around the corner, and I dont wanna be seen as the "zit faced loser."!!! :)
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July 27, 2011


Glowing Skin
Light Acne Dispears Over Night
Helps clean up your digestive system


You might get tired of drinking it everyday after the fourth day
takes 2 days to really work

I Love it...Need to buy more bacuse I am going on a vacation.
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July 25, 2011


full of antioxidants
great for body and skin
havn't had a bad break out since drinking this
love that it takes away toxins ,.,which is mostly the main cause of acne =)



completely love it <3 i drink it and even put it on my skin ,.,i always drink it with natural honey which is way better than sugar ,.,who knew the natural way is better ,.,i began researching for better and natural ways to get rid of acne and green tea is one of them ,,.also putting tomato directly on the skin helps so much ,.,.but my most favorite is Potato! i know weird huh ,.,.i peel the skin off the potato then cut it in pieces put it on the blender and it will look like paste ,.,and put it directly on my skin like a facial mask,.,.using this also helped me so much.,. no more annoying acne .,.,p.s. green tea and potatoes are so good to get rid of acne scars =)
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July 21, 2011


Nearly perfect skin


Stains my white sink

7/8 cup water per tea bag, microwave for one minute, then add 1 tsp of honey, 1-2 times a day. I have light acne naturally, but with green tea, its non-existent, except for my persistent blackheads (which are disappearing if I scrub them open then run the used tea bag over them) I use the wet tea bags as a toner and wipe them over my face. It took me forever to find something that actually works, for I am allergic to benzoyl peroxide and have sensitive skin. Clear skin, and loving it.
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July 16, 2011


- Clears skin
- Fades red marks
- Moisturizes skin
- Makes your skin glow
- Cheap


- None

I use green tea as a toner. In the morning and at night I make some green tea with my coffee pot and let it cool while I'm taking a shower. Then I rub the tea bags all over my face and neck, and then I use my Alba Botanica toner then I moisturize my face with Clinique dramatically different GEL. I also drink the green tea that I made after I'm done. I use Kirkland 100% Japanese green tea from Costco. It's 1$2.00 because it's a pack of 100. I hope this works for you!! :)
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July 10, 2011




-Has no immediate effect
-Tastes bad
-Need to drink loads to see any real difference

Green tea seems to improve acne but it's not conclusive.
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