Garlic (Caution: Garlic can burn the skin)

218 Reviews

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April 6, 2018
It works
I wish I knew back in my teens what I know now. Raw garlic combined with removing dairy products and excess sugar will dramatically reduce acne. It takes about two weeks to notice a difference however. Firstly avoid all dairy and reduce sugar. (These mess with hormones and cause insulin spikes which also mess with hormones). With the garlic, buy fresh bulbs and consume more to start with. Before meals peel one or two cloves of garlic and chop the peeled clove into small pieces. Gather the pieces in your hand and drink down with water. After a few days reduce the amount. Eventually, after a week or so just peel one clove of garlic, chop into tiny pieces and drink down. It definitely works. You also notice the difference when you stop taking the garlic. Also, wash your face no more than twice a day with a gentle glycerin soap. The skin needs to be lubricated to allow solidified sebum to escape from the pores. Use cold water.
September 7, 2017
Can't live without Garlic!!!
Skin type: oily, sensitive, acne prone skin Acne: moderate Been taking 2 cloves of garlic for about 2 weeks now and I noticed if I do get a pimple, it only lasts up to 2days max and heals so fast! Whereas before I started taking garlic, my acne would swell for 5-7days and would heal so slow... What I do is I mince the garlic then chew it for a few seconds then I swallow it with water Acne free for 3days now.
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March 17, 2016
Works like nothing else for rosacea!
I was extremely hesitant to try this based upon some of the other reviews on this site. However, I've been dealing with chronically red, flaky, bumpy pimples for the past 20 years. I never had acne as a teenager, but as soon as I hit my 20's things got ugly. For the past two weeks, I've been splitting a raw garlic clove in half each night, rubbing it on my face after first splashing it with water, and then washing it off with facial cleanser about 10-15 minutes later. My pimples and redness disappeared almost instantly, and the flaky, peeling skin is almost gone at this point. The downside is that as soon as you sweat or wash your face again, you smell like raw garlic. I'm more than willing to live with this minor side effect, especially since it smells better than sodium sulfacetamide / sulfur facial wash residue does for days after use (and it works far better without drying the skin). Maybe the reason why this has worked so well for me is because I've got rosacea acne, which is theorized to be caused by demodex mites. Maybe it's toxic to mites? All I know is that for me, it's been pretty great so far.
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August 12, 2017
To get rid of the smell : in the morning after washing your face, mix a bit of rose water, with water( to dilute it a little) then aplly it with a cotton to your face, go one with your breakfast or such, then rinse before applying anything to your face
December 22, 2014
Perfect For acne
shouldn't be applied lonely, so you should mix it up with either water, tomato or honey and leave it only for 10 minute not more than that and it's depend on your skin, apply it at night and wash ur face only with water
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September 8, 2014
It works, I like it :)
Ok, so there's an easy way to apply garlic, and it'll work. I chopped up one clove finely, then crushed it with a spoon, just rolling it back and forth on the garlic. Do this until it is mashed. I suggest adding an egg white or a little water. Only put the garlic on the pimple, and do not rub, dab. I leave on for 10mins or less, as it will make your skin red if you are fair. Then rinse with a warm washcloth. Do it before you go to bed, the redness will fade overnight. It's worked for me well :) icing acne works well too!
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April 10, 2016
apne jha pr ye use kara....apmo uss area mai redness nhi hui kya
July 25, 2014
This works, but you HAVE TO DO IT RIGHT!!
The KEY to this is making sure you get LIVE garlic. In the store, break open a clove, you should find a greenish/yellow sprout in the center. If it's beige or brown, the garlic is dead from irradiation for shipping. THEN, the OTHER key is CRUSHING then waiting 15 minutes for the Allicin to develop. Then you can add it to water or an essential oil like vitamin E oil. 4 cloves in 2 cups of water for face. Half a head in bathtub for entire body soak. Once you make the water/oil, it will last a few days. You will know when it's bad as the "Sting" will be gone when you use it. TRY THIS!
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October 2, 2013
Bye bye acne hole


No more crazy hole
It stings but I find it feels good



You know when there's dried up pimple right on your face and you just feel like picking it out of your skin? Well, it leaves this CRAZY HOLE on your face and you just get scared that you'll have it forever!! What I do is crush or cut a tiny piece of garlic and put the (flesh side up) on top of the CRAZY HOLE and remove it after 15 mins and when I remove it, TADAAAA!!!! The CRAZY HOLE is closed.
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December 2, 2011


Clears acne
Prevents new infection
Dries up existing ance


If you crush raw and drink it... Garlic breath

I started taking garlic because everything I read about it was very good. I started to feel like I was coming down with a really bad head cold and my dad said to eat garlic,so I put a clove in the press and mixed it with V8. I did this 2 times per day for 2 days and my acne went away and my cold never got bad and completely went away also. I did read online tho that garlic from China has almost no health benifits because it is irradiated to kill off idk what.. Spice world brand is a good one.. so Ive been doing this every day now for 2 weeks and washing with Selsun blue mixed with apricot face scrub, then use sensative skin burts bees moisturizer... Try it!
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October 12, 2011


Amazingly effective natural treatment when eaten at least a few times a week.


Garlic odor is the only side effect I've experienced

I am absolutely shocked at how effective eating garlic cloves has been for me. I've been a sufferer of cystic and moderate acne for about 10 years and have tried everything literally. I actually stumbled onto garlic without initially intending to use it as a treatment, and the results have been jaw dropping. I highly recommend everyone try it. It may not work for everyone but it certainly has for me.
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August 25, 2011


Cheap, totally zaps all typed of pimples.within days..cysts, whiteheads...not sure about blackheads scar.


Stink...will burn you if used incorrectly, making things worse!!

Cheap effective way to spot treat, not a preventive measure as no one thing, especially external is a preventive measure. Acne is not a disease but a symptom of a disease that requires lifestyle changes...for real.. Procedure: chop 1 clove of garlic, put in bowl and add a little water. mix. viola spot treat. leave on overnight or just for 10 minutes if you can't stand the smell. I add coconut oil since oil helps penetrate skin better and coconut oil had healing properties n is antifungal. WARNING: do not go overboard and put the fruit of the garlic on your face it will burn a blister into your skin. dilute with water. Garlic is very strong. Its an effective and cheap spot treatment. demolished two cysts ( i have hormonal acne around jawline) in two days. Another one was forming two days ago. HUGE mofo but its nonexistent today. These buggas usually takes weeks to disappear.
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